Publicaciones RJ Lara

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Publicaciones R. J. Lara
In scientific journals
1. Lara, R.J., Pucci, A.E. 1983. Distribución espacio-temporal de nutrientes en la Bahía
Blanca. Acta Oceanog. Arg. 3: 113-134.
2. Orozco, M., Lara, R.J., Pucci, A.E. 1984. Tidal variations of some physico-chemical
parameters in Blanca Bay, Argentina. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 19: 458-491.
3. Lara, R.J., Gómez, E., Pucci, A.E. 1985. Organic matter, sediment particle size and
nutrient distributions in a sewage polluted shallow channel. Mar. Poll. Bull. 16: 360-364.
4. Marcovecchio, J., Lara, R.J., Gómez, E. 1986. Total mercury in marine sediments near a
sewage outfall. Relation with organic matter. Environ. Technol. Lett. 7: 501-507.
5. Pucci, A.E., Asteasuain, R.O., Villa, N., Lara, R.J., Rusansky, C.N., García, O.,
Marcovecchio, J., Asteasuain A., Cejas, J. 1986. Nutrientes, factores químicos
relacionados y perfiles STD en aguas de la plataforma continental argentina. Contr.
Cient. Inst. Arg. Oceanogr. No. 110.
6. Lara, R.J., Ernst, W. 1989. Interaction between polychlorinated biphenyls and marine
humic substances. Determination of association coefficients. Chemosphere 19: 16551664.
7. Lara, R.J., Pucci, A.E. 1989. Nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto y contenido proteico en
fracciones de material particulado en suspensión. Geoacta 16: 87-96.
8. Lara, R.J., Wiencke, C., Ernst, W. 1989. Association between exudates of brown algae
and polychlorinated biphenyls. J. App. Phycol. 1: 267-270.
9. Sabljic, A., Lara, R.J. and Ernst, W. 1989. Modelling association of highly chlorinated
biphenyls with marine humic substances. Chemosphere 19: 1665-1676.
10. Lara, R.J., Ernst, W. 1990a. Sorption of polychlorinated biphenyls on marine sediments.
I. The role of the organic carbon content. Environ. Technol. 11: 83-92.
11. Lara, R.J., Ernst, W. 1990b. Sorption of polychlorinated biphenyls on marine sediments.
II. Effect of the removal of sediment organic matter. Environ. Technol. 11: 93-97.
12. Lara R.J., Kattner G. 1992. Nutrient distribution in the NEW Greenland Polynya. Rep.
Polar Res. 113: 13-25.
13. Lara R.J., Hubberten, U., Kattner G. 1992. Dissolved nitrogen and humic substances in
the NEW Greenland Polynya. Rep. Polar Res. 113: 26-34.
14. Lara, R.J., Hubberten, U. and Kattner, G. 1993. Contribution of humic substances to the
dissolved nitrogen pool in the Greenland Sea. Mar. Chem. 41: 327-336.
15. Hubberten, U., Lara, R.J. Kattner, G. 1994. Amino acid composition of seawater and
dissolved humic substances in the Greenland Sea. Mar. Chem. 45: 121-128.
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16. Lara, R.J., Kattner, G., Tillmann, U., Hirche, H.-J. 1994. The North East Water polynya
(Greenland Sea). II. Mechanisms of nutrient supply and influence on phytoplankton
distribution. Polar Biol. 14: 483-490.
17. Lara, R.J., Thomas, D.N. 1994a. XAD-fractionation of "new" dissolved organic matter: is
the hydrophobic fraction seriously underestimated? Mar. Chem. 47: 93-96.
18. Lara, R.J., Thomas, D.N. 1994b. Isolation of marine dissolved organic matter: Evaluation
of sequential combinations of XAD resins 2, 4 and 7. Anal. Chem. 66: 2417-2419.
19. Thomas, D.N., Lara, R.J. 1995a. Photodegradation of algal derived dissolved organic
carbon. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 116: 309-310.
20. Lara, R.J., Thomas, D.N. 1995b. Formation of recalcitrant organic matter: Humification
dynamics of algal derived dissolved organic carbon and its hydrophobic fractions. Mar.
Chem. 51: 193-199.
21. Thomas, D.N., Lara, R.J., Eicken, H., Kattner, G. and Skoog, A. 1995. Dissolved organic
matter in Arctic multiyear ice in winter. Polar Biol. 15: 477-483.
22. Lara, R.J., Asteasuain, A., Rusansky, C., Asteasuain, R. 1995. Distribution of petroleum
hydrocarbons in waters of the Bahía Blanca Bay, Argentina. Mar. Poll. Bull. 30: 281-283.
23. Hubberten, U., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 1995. Refractory organic compounds in polar
waters: Relationship between humic substances and amino acids in the Arctic and
Antarctic. J. Mar. Res. 53: 1-13.
24. Ritzrau, W., Thomsen, L., Lara, R.J., Graf, G. 1997. Enhanced microbial utilization of
dissolved amino acids indicates rapid modification of organic matter in the benthic
boundary layer. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 156: 43-50.
25. Skoog, A., Thomas, D., Lara, R.J., Richter, K.-W. 1997. Methodological investigations on
DOC determinations by the HTCO method. Mar. Chem. 56: 39-44.
26. Lara, R.J., Hubberten, U., Thomas, D.N., Baumann, M.E.M., Kattner, G. 1997. Dissolved
organic matter studies in enclosed systems: Application of hydrophobic fractionation for
the assessment of organic nitrogen dynamics. J. Mar. Syst. 13: 155-161.
27. Lara, R.J., Rachold, V., Kattner, G., Hubberten, H., Guggenberger, G., Skoog, A.,
Thomas, D.N. 1998. Dissolved organic matter and nutrients in the Lena River, Siberian
Arctic: characteristics and distribution. Mar. Chem. 59: 301-309.
28. Berger, U., Glaser, M., Koch, B., Krause, G., Lara, R.J., Saint-Paul, U., Schories, D.,
Wolff, M. 1998. MADAM – Forschungskonzept eines deutsch/brasilianischen
Verbundprojekts im Mangrovengebiet Nordbrasiliens. Mitteil. Deutsche Gesell. Meeresf.
2: 20-25.
29. Kattner, G., Lobbes, J.M., Fitznar, H.P., Engbrodt, R., Lara, R.J. 1999. Tracing dissolved
organic substances and nutrients from the Lena River through Laptev Sea (Arctic). Mar.
Chem. 65: 25-39.
30. Daly, K.L., Wallace, D.W.R., Smith, W.O.Jr., Skoog, A., Lara, R.J., Gosselin, M., Falck,
E., Yager, P.L. 1999. Non-Redfield carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Arctic: Effects of
ecosystem structure and dynamics. J. Geophys. Res. 104 (2): 3185-3199.
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31. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Ramos, da F.J.F., Dittmar T. 1999. Factors influencing the
variability of magnesium, calcium and potassium in waters of a mangrove creek in
Bragança, North Brazil. Mangr. Salt Marsh. 3 9-15.
32. Lara, R.J., Dittmar T. 1999. Nutrient dynamics in a mangrove creek (North Brazil) during
the dry season. Mangr. Salt Marsh. 3: 185-195.
33. Berger, U., Glaser, M., Koch, B., Krause, G., Lara, R.J., Saint-Paul, U., Schories, D.,
Wolff, M. 1999. MADAM – the approach of an integrated project on mangrove dynamics
and management. J. Coastal Conserv. 5: 125-134.
34. Szlafsztein, C., Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L. 2000. Coastal Management: studies on the
past and present of the Bragança region (Pará, Brazil). The MADAM project. Intern. J.
Environ. Creation 2(2): 132-139.
35. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Szlafsztein, C.F., Dittmar. 2000. Digital elevation model as a
GIS tool for the analysis of mangrove coasts. Amazon Region, Brazil. Intern. J. Environ.
Creation 3(1): 31-41.
36. Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 2001. River or mangrove? Tracing Major Organic
Matter Sources in tropical Brazilian Coastal Waters. Mar. Chem. 73: 253-271.
37. Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J. 2001. Studies on Holocene mangrove ecosystem
dynamics of the Bragança peninsula in Northeastern Pará, Brazil. Palaeogeog. –climat. –
ecol. 167: 225-242.
38. Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J. 2001. Do mangroves rather than rivers provide nutrients to coastal
environments south of the Amazon River? Evidence from long-term flux measurements.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 213: 67-77.
39. Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J. 2001. Molecular evidence for lignin degradation in sulfate-reducing
mangrove sediments (Amazônia, Brazil). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Vol. 65, 9:14171428.
40. Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J. 2001. Driving forces behind nutrient and organic matter dynamics
in a mangrove tidal creek in North Brazil. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 52: 249-259.
41. Skoog, A., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 2001. Spring-summer cycling of DOC, DON and
inorganic N in a highly seasonal system encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya,
1993. Deep-Sea Res. 48: 2613-2629.
42. Lara, R.J., Szlafsztein, C.F., Cohen, M.C.L., Berger, U., Glaser, M. 2002. Implications of
mangrove dynamics for private land use in Bragança, North Brazil: a case study. J.
Coastal Conserv. 8(1): 97:102.
43. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J. 2003. Temporal changes of mangroves vegetation boundaries
in Amazonia: application of GIS and remote sensing techniques. Wetlands Ecol. Manag.
11(4): 223-231.
44. Lara, R.J. 2003. Amazonian mangroves – A multidisciplinary case study in Pará State,
North Brazil. Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 11(4): 217-221.
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45. Lara, R.J. 2003. Special edition on Amazonian Mangroves, Guest Editor. Wetl. Ecol.
Manag. 11(4): 217-272.
46. Koch, B.P., Rullkötter, J., Lara, R.J. 2003. Evaluation of triterpenols and sterols as
organic matter biomarkers in a mangrove ecosystem in northern Brazil. Wetl. Ecol.
Manag. 11(4): 257-263.
47. Cohen, M., Lara, R.J., Szlafsztein, C.F., Dittmar, T. 2004. Mangrove inundation and
nutrient dynamics under a GIS perspective. Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 12: 81-86.
48. Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J. 2004 Late Holocene mangrove dynamics of the
Marajó Island, Amazônia, North Brazil. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 13: 73-80.
49. Wolanski, E., Boorman, L.A., Chícharo, L., Langlois-Saliou, E., Lara, R.J., Plater, A.J.
Uncles, R.J., Zalewski, M. 2004. Ecohydrology as a new tool for sustainable
management of estuaries and coastal waters. Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 12(4): 235-276.
50. Koch, B.P., Harder, J., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 2005. Selective microbial degradation of
mangrove derived pentacyclic triterpenols in surface sediments. Org. Geochem. 36: 273285.
51. Skoog, A., Wedborg, A., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 2005. Spring distribution of dissolved
organic matter in a system encompassing the Northeast Water Polynya: Implications for
early-season sources and sinks. Mar. Chem. 94: 175-188.
52. Cohen, M. C. L., Behling, H., Lara, R.J. 2005. Amazonian mangrove dynamics during the
last millennium: The relative sea-level and the Little Ice Age. Rev. of Paleobot. & Palinol.
136: 93-108.
53. Cohen, M.C.L., Souza Filho, P. W., Lara, R.J., Behling, H., Angulo, R.J. 2005. A model of
Holocene mangrove development and relative sea-level changes on the Bragança
Peninsula (North Brazil). Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 13 (4): 433–443.
54. Souza Filho, P. W., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Lessa, G.C. Koch, B., Behling, H. 2006.
Holocene Coastal Evolution and Facies Model of the Bragança Macrotidal Flat on the
Amazon Mangrove Coast, Northern Brazil. J. Coastal Res. Special Issue, 39: 306-310.
55. Vedel, V., Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara R.J. 2006. Holocene mangrove dynamics
and sea-level changes in Taperebal, northeastern Pará State, northern Brazil. Vegetat.
Hist. Archaeobot. 15: 115-123.
56. Dittmar, T., Hertkorn, N. Kattner, G., Lara, R.J. 2006. Mangroves, a major source of
dissolved organic carbon to the oceans. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 20: 1-7. GB 1012.
57. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L. 2006. Sediment porewater salinity, inundation frequency and
mangrove vegetation height in Bragança, North Brazil: an ecohydrology-based empirical
model. Wetl. Ecol. Manag. 14: 349-358.
58. Schwendenmann, L. Riecke, R., Lara, R.J. 2006. Solute dynamics in a North Brazilian
mangrove: the influence of sediment permeability and freshwater input. Wetl. Ecol.
Manag. 14: 463-475.
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59. Szlafsztein, C.F.; Sterr, H. Lara, R.J. 2006. Protection strategies and measures against
natural disasters in the coastal zone of the Amazonian area, Brazil. Terra Livre, 1: 109125.
60. Sunagawa, S., Cortés, J, Jiménez, C., Lara, R.J. 2007. Variation in cell densities and
pigment concentrations of symbiotic dinoflagellates in the coral Pavona clavus in the
eastern Pacific (Costa Rica). Ciencias Marinas, 34(2): 113–123.
61. Oxmann, J.F., Pham, Q.H., Lara, R.J. 2008. Quantification of individual phosphorus
species in sediments: A sequential conversion and extraction method. European J. Soil
Sci. 59: 1177–1190.
62. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Smith, C.B., Angélica, R.S. Dias, B.S., Pequeno T. 2008.
Wetland dynamics of Marajó Island-northern Brazil during the last 1000 years. CATENA
76: 70-77.
63. Cohen, M.C.L., Behling, H., Lara, R.J., Smith, C.B., Matos, R.H., Vedel, V. 2009. Impact
of Sea-Level and Climatic Changes on the Amazon Coastal Wetlands During the Late
Holocene. Veget. Hist. Archaeobot. 18:425–439.
64. Cohen, M.C.L., Guimarães, J.T.F., França, M., Lara, R.J. 2009. Tannin as an indicator of
paleomangrove in sediment cores from Amapá, Northern Brazil. Wetl. Ecol. Manag.
17(2): 145-155.
65. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L. 2009. Palaeolimnological studies confirm secular climate
fluctuations in Amazonia inferred from ancient maps. Climatic Change 94: 399-408.
66. Oxmann, J., Schwendenmann, L., Lara, R. 2009. Interactions among phosphorus, pH
and Eh in reforested mangroves, Vietnam: a three-dimensional spatial analysis.
Biogeochemistry 96: 73-85.
67. Lara, R.J., Neogi, S.B, Islam, S., Mahmud, Z. H., Yamasaki, S., Nair, G.B. 2009.
Influence of estuarine dynamics and catastrophic climatic events on Vibrio distribution in
the Karnaphuli Estuary, Bangladesh. EcoHealth 6: 279–286.
68. Roder, C., Cortés J., Jiménez, C. Lara, R.J. 2009. Riverine input of particulate material
and inorganic nutrients to a coastal reef ecosystem at the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 1922–1952.
69. Oxmann, J.F., Pham, Q.H., Schwendenmann, L., Stellman, J.M., Lara, R.J. 2010.
Mangrove reforestation in Vietnam: The effect of sediment physicochemical properties on
nutrient cycling. Plant and Soil 326:225–241.
70. Lara, R.J., Alder, V. Franzosi, C.A., Kattner, G. 2010. Characteristics of suspended
organic matter in the Southwestern Atlantic: influence of temperature, nutrient and
phytoplankton features on stable isotope signature. J. Mar. Syst. 79: 199-209.
71. Lara, R.J. 2010. A comment on: “Australian saltmarsh ecology” N. Saintilan (ed.).
Wetlands Ecol. Manag. 18:107–110.
72. Neogi, S. B., Chowdhury, N., Asakura, M., Hinenoya, A., Haldar, S., Saidi, S. M., Kogure,
K., Lara, R.J., Yamasaki. S. 2010- A highly sensitive and specific multiplex PCR assay
for simultaneous detection of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio
vulnificus. Lett Appl Microbiol 51(3): 293-300.
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73. Kopprio, G.A., Freije, R.H., Strüssmann, C.A, Kattner, G., Hoffmeyer, M.S., Popovich
C.A., Lara, R.J. 2010. Vulnerability of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis populations to
climate change in pampean lakes of Argentina. J. Fish Biol. 77, 1856-1866.
74. Guimarães, J.T.F., Cohen, M.C.L., França, M.C., Lara, R.J., Behling, H. 2010. Model of
Wetland development of the Amapá coast during the late Holocene. Annals of the
Brazilian Academy of Sciences 82(2): 1-15.
75. Koch, B.P., Souza Filho, P.W.M., Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L., Kattner, G., Rullkötter J.,
Scholz-Böttcher, B., Lara R.J. 2011. Triterpenols in mangrove sediments as a proxy for
organic matter derived from the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle). Organic
Geochemistry 42: 62–73
76. Lara, R.J., Neogi, S.B, Islam, S.M., Mahmud, Z. H., Islam S., Paul D., Demoz B.B.
Yamasaki, S., Nair. G. B., Kattner, G. 2011. Vibrio cholerae in waters of the Sunderban
mangrove: relationship with biogeochemical parameters and chitin in seston size
fractions. Wetl. Ecol. Manage. 19:109–119.
77. Schmitt, B. B., Lara, R.J. The impact of the halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum on
nitrogen dynamics in the surface sediments of a mangrove forest in North Brazil.
CATENA (under review).
78. Neogi, S. B., Lara, R.J., Wolff, M., Islam, M.S., Nair, G.B., Harder, J. Free-living and
plankton-attached Vibrio cholerae along a salinity gradient in an estuarine habitat in
Bangladesh. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (under review).
79. Mendoza, U., Cordeiro, C., Menezes, M., Lara, R.J. Flooding effects on phosphorus
dynamics in an Amazonian mangrove, northern Brazil. Plant Soil (under review).
In Book Chapters
Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 1994. Humic substances in the nitrogen cycle of polar waters. A
comparison between Arctic and Antarctic. In: Humic substances in the global
environment and implications on human health. N. Senesi, and T.M. Miano (eds).
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 799-804.
2. Thomas, D.N., Lara, R.J. 1995b. UV-B radiation as a rate limiting step for removal of
marine dissolved organic carbon. In: Climate Change 1995 - The science of climate
change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. J.T. Houghton, L.G. Meira Filho,
B.A. Callander, N. Harris, A. Kattenberg, and K. Maskell (eds). Cambridge University
Press, pp. 483-516.
Lara, R.J., Hubberten, U., Thomas, D.N., Kattner, G. 1996. Humic substance research
in polar waters. In: Clapp, C.E., M.H.B. Hayes, N. Senesi, S. Griffith (eds). Humic
substances and organic matter in soil and water environments: characterization,
transformations and interactions. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 225-232.
Thomas, D.N., Lara, R.J., Haas, C., Schnack-Schiel, S.B, Nöthig, E.M., Dickmann, G.S.,
Kattner, G., Mizdalski, E. 1998. Biological soup within decaying summer sea ice in the
Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. In: Antarctic Sea Ice: Biological Processes, Interactions and
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Variability. M. Lizzote, K. Arrigo (eds.). American Geophysical Union, Antarctic Research
Series 73: 161-171.
5. Lara, R.J., Berger, U. Cohen, M.C.L. 1999. Mangrove degradation by sand deposition in
Bragança, North Brazil. In: Tidal action, tidal processes and tidal effects on coastal
evolution. J.M.L. Dominguez, L. Martin, V. Testa, E. Koutsoukos (eds). Porto Seguro,
Brazil, pp. 145-153.
6. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Szlafsztein, C.F., Dittmar, T. 2000. Analysis of Mangrove
Inundation by GIS Techniques. In: Sustainable use of Estuaries and Mangroves. H. de
Barros, E. Ezkinazi-Leça, M. Paranaguá, A. Moura (eds.). Recife, Brazil, pp 73-82.
7. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L. 2003. Sensoriamento remoto. In: Os manguezais da costa
norte brasileira. Fernandes, M.E.B. (ed.). Unigraf, São Luis (Ma), Brazil, p. 11-28.
8. Souza Filho, P.W.M., Lessa, G.C., Cohen, M.C.L, Costa, F.R., Lara, R.J. 2008. The
Subsiding Macrotidal Barrier Estuarine System of the Eastern Amazon Coast, Northern
Brazil In: Geology of Brazilian Coastal Barriers. S.F. Dillenburg, P.A. Hesp (eds). New
York: Springer-Verlag. Series: Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences , Vol. 107. 220 p. ISBN:
9. Lara, R.J., Szlafsztein, C.F., Cohen, M.C.L, Oxmann, J. Schmitt, B.B., Souza Filho,
P.W.M. 2009. Geomorphology and sedimentology of mangroves and salt marshes: the
formation of geobotanical units. Chapter 21. In: Coastal Wetlands: An Integrated
Ecosystem Approach. G.M.E. Perillo, E. Wolanski, D. Cahoon, M. Brinson (eds). Elsevier
B.V. Earth Sciences. pp. 593-615.
10. Lara, R.J. 2009. How do wetland vegetation characteristics depend on hydrology,
topography and substrate biogeochemistry? In: Practical experiments guide for
Ecohydrology, Chapter X. L. Chicharo, I. Wagner, M. Chicharo, M. Lapinska, M. Zalewski
(eds). UNESCO, Venice.
11. Lara, R.J., Islam, M.S., Yamasaki, S., Neogi, S.B., Nair, G.B. 2010. Aquatic ecosystems,
human health and ecohydrology. In: Vol. 10 “Ecohydrology and restoration”, L. Chícharo,
M. Zalewski (vol. eds.). Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science, E. Wolanski, D.
McLusky (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam.
12. Behling, H., Cohen M., Lara, R.J., Vedel, V. 2010. Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction .
Chapter 4, pp. 35-43. In: Saint-Paul, U.; Schneider, H. (Eds.). Mangrove Dynamics and
Management in North Brazil. Ecological Studies, Vol. 211, 1st Edition., 2010, XVIII, ISBN:
978-3-642-13456-2. 400 p.
13. Koch, B.P., Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J. 2010. The Biogeochemistry of the Caeté MangroveShelf System. Chapter 5, pp. 45- 64. In: Saint-Paul, U.; Schneider, H. (Eds.). Mangrove
Dynamics and Management in North Brazil. Ecological Studies, Vol. 211, 1st Edition.,
2010, XVIII, ISBN: 978-3-642-13456-2. 400 p.
14. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M., Szlafsztein, C. 2010. Drivers of Temporal Changes in Mangrove
Vegetation Boundaries and Consequences for Land Use. Chapter 8, pp. 127- 140. In:
Saint-Paul, U.; Schneider, H. (Eds.). Mangrove Dynamics and Management in North
Brazil. Ecological Studies, Vol. 211, 1st Edition., 2010, XVIII, ISBN: 978-3-642-13456-2.
400 p.
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15. Lara, R.J. 2010. Mangroves in the Change: The Need of New Synthesis of Climate,
Ecohydrology and Biomedical Research. In: J.M. Metras (Ed.). Mangroves: Ecology,
Biology and Taxonomy. Botanical Research and Practices Series, Environmental
Science, Engineering and Technology. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. ISBN:
In Congresses
1. Dittmar, T., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G. 2001. Major organic matter sources in tropical
Brazilian coastal waters. Joint IAPSP/IABO Assembly: 2001 An Ocean Odyssey, Mar del
Plata, Argentina, Book of Abstracts.
2. Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Behling, H. 2002. O atual aumento do nível relativo do mar e
a pequena idade do gelo: evidências nos depósitos sedimentares do manguezal de
Bragança (Norte do Brasil). VI ECOLAB, Belém-Pa. CD.
3. Szlafsztein, C., Lara, R.J. 2002. Sea level rise and coastal land use in North Brazil: legal
aspects. In: “Low-lying coastal areas: Hydrology and integrated coastal zone
management”, IHP/OHP Berichte, Deutsches IHP/OHP-Nationalkomitee, Sonderheft 13,
Koblenz 2002. International Symposium, Bremerhaven, September 2002. pp. 352-359.
4. Szlafsztein, C., Lara, R.J. 2003. Sea level rise in North Brazil: Impacts and response
measures for coastal protection. In: Coastal Zone 03 Conference, Proceedings.
September 2003, Baltimore.
5. Souza Filho, P. W., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Koch, B., Behling, H. 2003. Quaternary
stratigraphy of a macrotidal coastal plain in Northern Brazil. In: 3º Latinamerican
Congress of Sedimentology, 2003, Abstract Book. Belém, Alves Press, p.105-107.
6. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L., Szlafsztein, C.F. 2003. Synoptic analysis of surface structures
in tropical coastal wetlands: a case study in Amazonia, North Brazil. X Congreso
Latinoamericano De Ciencias Del Mar – COLACMAR. In: Proceedings CD: "Las Ciencias
Del Mar A Favor Del Desarrollo De Las Comunidades", Chapter: Manglares, Del 22 - 26
de setiembre del 2003 - San José, Costa Rica, pp. 1-4.
7. Cordeiro, C., Mendoza, U., Lara, R.J. 2003. Mangrove zonation and phosphorus
distribution in sediment along a inundation gradient X Congreso Latinoamericano De
Ciencias Del Mar – COLACMAR. In: Proceedings CD: "Las Ciencias Del Mar A Favor Del
Desarrollo De Las Comunidades", Chapter: Manglares, 22 - 26 September, San José,
Costa Rica, pp. 4-8.
8. Dittmar, T., Koch, B., Hertkorn, N., Engbrodt, R., Lara, R., Kattner, G. 2004. Mangroves:
a major source of dissolved organic matter to the world oceans? In: Proceedings of the
International Humic Society Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
9. Cohen, M. C. L., Lara, R.J. 2005. Influence of relative sea-level oscillations and the Little
Ice Age on Amazonian mangrove dynamics- PAGES-Symposium, Beijing, China.
10. Lara, R. J. 2005. Halophytes and the future of wetland creation. UNESCO Meeting on
“Evaluation and development of ecohydrologic techniques to control water quality
degradation in estuaries, lagoons and coastal areas” UNESCO IHP/MAB Joint Main Line
of Action in Ecohydrology. Split, Croatia.
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11. Matos, H.R. S., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J. 2005. Análise espaço temporal dos
manguezais da costa norte brasileira através de imagens LandSat. In: II Congressso
Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 2005, Vitória. II Congresso Brasileiro de Oceanografia.
12. Lara, R.J., Schmitt, B., Cohen, M.C.L. 2006. Sedimentary organic matter and past
reactions of Amazonian wetlands to climate oscillations in the Holocene. In: Proceedings
of the International Sedimentological Congress, Fukuoka, Japan. p. 103.
13. Lara, R.J. 2006. Brackish water agriculture: a tool for sustainable development in
estuarine and coastal regions and for the restoration of degraded soils. In: Abstracts of
the 4th Meeting of the UNESCO-BRESCE European Working Group for Estuaries and
Coastal Ecohydrology, Tulcea; Romania, 5-7 October 2006.
14. Oxmann J.F., Lara, R.J. 2006. Phosphorus dynamics in sediments of replanted
mangrove forests as affected by physicochemical properties. 17th International
Sedimentology Congress 2006, Fukuoka, Japan, O-011.
15. Lara, R.J. 2006. Climate change, sea-level rise and the dynamics of South American
coastal wetlands: case studies and the global frame. In: Wissenschatliche
Zusammenarbeit mit Argentinien. Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier. Alexander-vonHumboldt-Stiftung, Bonn, pp. 40-49.
16. Souza-Filho, P W., Lara, R., Silveira, O., Miranda, F.P. 2007. The Amazon Mangrove
Coast: The Role of Geological Factors in its Evolution During the Quaternary. In:
American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt.
Assem. Suppl., Abstracts. Washington D.C. p. OS23D-04-OS23D-04.
17. França, M.C., Cohen, M.C.L., Guimarães, J.T.F., Lara, R.J. 2007. Avaliação quantitativa
de tanino como indicador de paleomanguezais ao longo dos testemunhos de sedimento
em Goiabal, Litoral do Amapá. In: XI Congresso da Associação Brasileira dos Estudos
do Quaternário - XI ABEQUA, CD-ROM, Belém.
18. Lara, R.J., Cohen, M.C.L. 2007. Palaeolimnological studies confirm secular Amazon
discharge oscillations and referred sea-level changes as inferred from ancient maps. 9th
International Conference on Palaeo-Oceanography. 3-7 September, Shanghai, China.
19. Guimarães, J.T.F., Cohen, M.C.L., França, M.C., Lara, R.J. 2007. Estudos da
reflectância espectrofotométrica em perfis sedimentares do litoral do Amapá. In: XII
Congresso Latino-Americano de Ciências do Mar, Florianópolis.
20. Cordeiro, C.C., Neto, S.V. da C., Lara, R.J. 2007. Distribution of mangroves along a
salinity gradient in the Bragança Península, northeast of Pará. XI Congresso Brasileiro
de Geoquímica ,21-26 Outubro, Atibaia – São Paulo, Brasil.
21. Cordeiro, C.C., Lara, R.J., Angélica, R.S. 2007. Influência de argilominerais no padrão
de distribuição da vegetação no manguezal de Bragança, NE do Pará. XI Congresso da
Associação Brasileira do Quaternário (ABEQUA), 04-11 Novembro, Belém, Pará, Brasil.
22. França, M.C., Cohen, M.C L., Guimarães, J.T.Felix, Lara, R.J. 2007. Estudo quantitativo
das concentrações de tanino em sedimentos da costa do Amapá. In: XII Congresso
Latino-Americano de Ciências do Mar, Florianópolis.
CV Lara 10/11
23. Cohen, M.C.L., Behling, H., Lara, R.J. 2007. Impact of drought periods on the Amazon
mangroves during the Late Holocene. In: XVII Inqua Congress, Cairns, Australia. The
Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary. v. 167, p. 74, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
24. França, M.C., Cohen, M.C.L., Guimarães, J.T.F., Lara, R.J. 2007. Aplicabilidade do
método de quantificação das concentrações do fenol-tanino para identificação de
ambientes costeiros. In: XIX Semana Nacional de Oceanografia. CD-ROM dos
Resumos. Rio Grande.
25. Behling, H., Cohen, M.C.L., Lara, R.J., Vedel, V. 2007. Holocene mangrove ecosystem
dynamics and sea-level changes in northern Brazil. In: XVII Inqua Congress, Cairns,
Australia. The Tropics: Heat Engine of the Quaternary. v. 167. p. 30, Elsevier,
26. Guimarães, J.T.F., Cohen, M.C.L., França, M.C., Lara, R.J. 2007. Análise quantitativa e
qualitativa de tanino por espectrofotometria no visível - um novo método para a
identificação de paleomanguezais. In: XI Congresso da Associação Brasileira dos
Estudos do Quaternário - XI ABEQUA, CD-ROM, Belém.
27. Lara, R.J. Estuarine dynamics, management and human health: The case of Cholera. In:
Abstracts of the 5th Meeting of the UNESCO-BRESCE European Working Group for
Estuaries and Coastal Ecohydrology, 15th- 17th September 2008, Kavala, Greece
28. Lara, R.J., Neogi, S.B, Islam, S., Yamasaki, S., Nair, G.B. 2008. Management of
endangered mangrove coasts and human health: a proposed comparison of the
Sundarban and Amazonian regions. In: Abstracts of EMECS 8 (Environmental
Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas). Invited Speaker in Session 2: “Integrated
Coastal Management- Issues on Ecological and Social Risk. Policy modification.”
October 26th-30th, 2008, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. pp. 70-71.
29. Kopprio. G.A., Freije. R.H., Hoffmeyer. M. S., Popovich. C.A., Strussmann. C.A., Lara.
R.J. 2008: Effects of climate change and eutrophication on the natural reserve Laguna
Chasicó, a coastal brackish lake of Argentina. ECSA 44 Science and management of
estuaries and coast: A tale of two hemispheres, October 2008, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
30. Kopprio. G., Freije. R.H., Lara, R.J., Hoffmeyer. M.S., Popovich, C.A., Paggi, S.J. 2008.
Plancton y estado trófico de Laguna Chasico. III Congreso de la Conservación de la
Biodiversidad. August 2008, Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. p. 214.
31. Lara, R.J., Alder, V. 2008. Materia orgánica del seston superficial del Atlántico SW y
sector Atlántico del Océano Austral: Impacto del régimen de nutrientes y del fitoplancton
sobre la composición isotópica. Seminario 10 años de Cooperación MINCYT-BMBF y
MINCYT-DAAD. November, 2008. Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Argentina, pp. 18-19.
32. Lara, R.J., Kopprio, G., Strüssman, C.A., Freije, R.H. 2010. Uncertain future of fish
populations in Argentinean coastal lakes: the impact of severe droughts and floods.
Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting impacts, assessing
ecosystem responses, and evaluating management strategies. Apr. 26-29, Sendai,
Japan. p. 146.
33. Franzosi, C.A., Lara, R.J., Kattner, G., Viviana A. Alder, V.A. 2010. Latitudinal
fluctuations in density and biomass of heterotrophic bacterioplankton from Antarctic
Peninsula to Argentine shelf waters. Book of Abstracts, SCAR XXXI & Open Science
Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
CV Lara 11/11
34. Alder, V.A., Franzosi, C.A., Santoferrara, L.F., Gómez, M.I., Olguín Salinas, H.F.,
Lizarralde, Z., Kattner, G., Lara, R.J. 2010. Macro-scale spatial distribution of microbial
planktonic organisms in SW Atlantic and Antarctic contrasting marine systems. Book of
Abstracts, SCAR XXXI & Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.