Zoology Writing Prompts

Every year, millions of people visit zoos around the world. But some
people believe that zoos are inhumane and that animals should not be kept
in captivity. Do you agree? Why or why not?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others often perform
experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on
animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals
do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State
your position and explain your reasons.
Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much
debate over whether or not human beings should be cloned.
Many people feel this is a violation of the natural order of
things and that all research in the area of human cloning
should be banned. Others feel that this is a natural progression
of science and human evolution and that research in the area
of human cloning should be a priority. How do you feel about
this issue? Use specific reasons
and examples to support your position.
Explain why some people may be afraid of sharks.
Compare and contrast whales and sharks.
It is often said that animals are humans’ best friends. Describe a
time in your life when this saying proved to be true.
Animals can sometimes seem remarkably human. Describe an experience
with an animal that acted in a very human way.
Many people spend a great deal of time with animals. Write about the relationships that people
have with animals.
Sample 6 Score
Since they were first domesticated, people have had relationships with animals that have
enhanced their lives. Probably animals that were trained to hunt and to retrieve prey were
among the first to become valuable to their owners. Useful animals include those used for
transportation, for hauling loads, and, in recent times, to assist handicapped people. The latter
are usually dogs trained to guide the blind and to care for paraplegics. Although these animals
have specific functions, it is probable that a special bond inevitably arises between them and the
humans they serve and this goes far beyond the dependency each has for the other.
Can a relationship with an animal improve a person’s health? Many recent reports seem to
suggest this possibility. Pets give us abundant and unconditional love. Always happy to see us,
our pets allow us to be ourselves, to talk to them, and even to believe that they understand us.
When we come home, we might feel reluctant to “talk to ourselves,” but it is perfectly all right to
greet, chat, and interact with our dog, cat, bird, and even our fish. Some mental health workers
are so insistent upon the beneficial influences of pets that they have an animal present during
therapy sessions, claiming that this causes patients to be more relaxed and responsive. Studies
have proven that relationships with animals reduce stress and actually can measurably lower
blood pressure.
For people who are depressed or living alone, having a pet is not only therapeutic; it is a
means of encouraging a healthier lifestyle. A pet owner must live according to a regular
timetable so that the pet can be fed and cared for appropriately. For dog owners, there is an
additional social benefit that accrues from having to go outdoors for a walk. Encountering other
dog walkers often leads to further social interaction and, perhaps, friendship. For cat owners,
there is the admiration for the cat’s characteristic independence, which makes any affection
from the cat so much more meaningful. Keeping the bird feeders filled gives a sense of
satisfying the needs of creatures that, in turn, delight us with their beauty and their antics.
Other beneficial effects of relationships with animals continue to be discovered. A recent
article suggests that kindness to people and animals may be interconnected. Role-playing that
increases children’s empathy for animals helps them not only psychologically, but also
physically and socially. Another discovery shows that riding horses, for reasons not completely
understood, has been shown to benefit autistic children. Pet owners can now volunteer to take
their pets to hospitals and nursing homes where residents seem to welcome them.
It is probable that continued research will shed additional light on what happens when
people and animals form a bond. For the present, it is certain that almost anyone can benefit
from the resulting security, understanding, fun, laughter, and love that come from having a pet.
Sample 4 Score
I enjoy my pets. I have a cat and a bird and I like to spend time with them. When no one
is home I play with my cat, or I may try to hold my bird. When I have a pet I feel good and
happy. Some people have horses for pets. They get to ride them and take care of them. Even if
you have a cat and don’t have to take it for a walk you have to feed it.
One of the good things about pets is it teaches you things. I learned that I have to take
care of my pets. They need me to feed them every day. I think they look at me funny if I forget
or if I am late. I no that little babies like to pet animals and that they like them. So there are
relationship with animals for all ages. Old people like animals to. If they live alone they can have
someone to talk to. Pets are like friends.
I no a blind man and he has a seeing dog and he goes all over with it. So he has a
relationship with his dog. The dog helps him and he helps the dog
by loving and taking care of it.
Relationships with animals are good for both people and animals.
Sample 1 Score
What are animals that have a relationship they are pets. I have a dog I hate to feed it and it
shed but it wags its tale its kut. Wen I got the dog it was little and kut and now it isnt so kut
because its to big. But I love it and he loves me not like my boyfreind who I don’t have a
relationship with. So I have a relationship with my pet it ushuly feel good.