Lesson 3: Climate in the United States

Exploring the United States
Lesson 3: Climate in the United States
 Vocabulary
 temperature– how hot or cold the air is
 precipitation – water that falls to the Earth’s surface in the form of rain, snow or
 climate – kind of weather a place has over a long time
 humidity – moisture in the air
 The Big Picture
 What is Climate?
o patterns in the weather over many years
o main factors making up weather are temperature, wind and precipitation
 Effects of Weather and Climate
o plays an important role in daily life
o what clothes to wear
o where to live
o how people earn a living
o what to do for fun
 A Variety of Climates
 weather and climate vary from place to place in the U.S. due to many different
 How far from the Equator?
o distance from the equator affects climate
o closer the place is to the equator the warmer the climate will be
o Hawaii is the closest state to the equator, while Alaska is the furthest
 What is the Elevation?
o temperatures become cooler has you go higher above sea level
 How Far from the Ocean?
o oceans warm the land near the coast in the winter
o oceans cool the land near the coast in the summer
o oceans also add humidity to the air; humid places get more rain
 What Landforms are Nearby?
o landforms near a place can affect climate
o example: mountains can act like walls blocking moist air; causing a
difference in rainfall