Be Clear on Cancer `Breast Cancer in Women over 70` Campaign

OCCG Weekly Bulletin
Wednesday 24 June 2015
Included in this bulletin:
Important Information - Invoices
containing Personally Identifiable
Be Clear on Cancer ‘ Breast Cancer
in women over 70 Campaign’
End of Life Placement
Survey from Royal College of
General Practitioners/Marie Curie
National End of Life Clinical
Changes to the Practice of the SubSpeciality Urogynaecology
Prime Ministers Challenge Fund Oxfordshire
Physicians Associates – An
Opportunity to Find Out More
Clinical Policies & Procedures
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Invoices Containing Personally Identifiable Data:
Invoices for healthcare containing ‘Personally Identifiable Data’ (PID) should not be sent through CCG’s
payment processing systems.
NHS England now requires Oxfordshire CCG to report any breach where we receive an invoice through the
payment system that contains any information or data which can identify the client.
Please can you ensure that any invoices you send to Oxfordshire CCG for payment do not show patient
information but instead include the appropriate NHS number or a telephone number to call for further
information or validation?
If the CCG receive invoices showing PID they are now required to send them to a nominated member of
staff in the CSU and this could delay payment.
If you have any questions please contact; Julia Boyce, Assistant Chief Finance Officer –
Be Clear on Cancer ‘Breast Cancer in Women over 70’ Campaign:
The Be Clear on Cancer ‘Breast Cancer in women over 70’ campaign will run from 13 July to 6 September
2015. The campaign will inform women over 70 that if they see any changes to their breasts they should
see their doctor straight away. A second message promoted via other campaign materials, will be: ‘A lump
is not the only sign of breast cancer’ and that women over 70 should tell their doctor if they notice a
change in their breasts.
It is likely that GP practices and screening services will see an increase in the number of patients presenting
with the key symptoms of the campaign, but this should be manageable. OUHT have planned increased
capacity to anticipate an increase in demand.
End of Life Placement Opportunities:
In 2011, Oxfordshire PCT in collaboration with Oxfordshire Palliative Care Education Group (OPEG) set up a
number of GP End of Life Care placement opportunities. At the time, these placements were taken up by
four GPs across four localities. In 2013, two further GPs were appointed by OCCG. Two people stepped
down recently so we now have two further placements available and applications are invited from GPs
working in South West and North East Oxfordshire, this will ensure coverage across all six localities.
We also have one further placement available for a GP who will act as the link with Out-of-Hours medical
services and applications are invited for this post.
To find out full details about the posts please click here
Survey from Royal College of General Practitioners/Marie Curie National End of
Life Clinical Champion:
Royal College of General Practitioners and the Marie Curie National End of Life Care Clinical Champion, Dr
Catherine Millington-Sanders has developed a survey to gather experiences of caring for patients at the
end of their life. She would like to ask for your help as she is looking to get as many responses as possible.
She would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the survey and share it with your fellow GPs and
networks. Please take a few moments to complete this short survey, and help shape work in this sensitive
and important area, in the best interests of our patients.
Changes to the Practice of the Sub-Speciality Urogynaecology:
Please see the letter from Miles Scott, Chief Executive of St. Georges University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust in regard to changes to the practice of sub-speciality Urogynaecology. The letter explains
that the Trust has taken priority action to suspend the practice in order to ensure that they have suitable
governance arrangements for the sub-speciality. No new referrals are being accepted until there has been
a full review of the options.
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Learning and Development
Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund – Oxfordshire
The first edition of a Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund Newsletter for Oxfordshire is out this week. It is the
first in a series of updates for the public, patients and stakeholders about the Prime Minister’s Challenge
Fund pilot schemes in Oxfordshire. These are projects testing different ways to enhance access to primary
care services. To read the June newsletter please click here
Physicians Associates – An Opportunity to Find Out More:
Practices are invited to send a representative to attend a briefing session on Physicians Associates and
opportunities for trainee placements in Oxfordshire. Simone Magee, Director of the Physicians Associates
Course at Reading University, has offered to attend a meeting at CMS, Garsington Road, Oxford on
Thursday 16 July between 12-13.30pm to talk about the training programme. This will be starting in
September 2015 and there will be opportunities for practices to offer trainee placements.
If you are interested in attending please email Catherine Foot at If
you are unable to attend but would like to be kept informed of developments please email Catherine Foot;
and you will be added to an email list.
To give us your feedback please email:
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