Classroom Management Plan

Mrs. Tom’s Classroom Rules & Expectations
Beginning the Day:
The beginning of the day/class period sets the tone for the class. Arriving prepared is the best way to
start any class.
 Students must come to class with working pen & pencil, ELA notebook, DEAR book, and any
assignments due. Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of every class period. If assignments
are not completed when entering class, they are late, and will receive a late grade and
disciplinary action.
 Students are to be SEATED in their ASSIGNED seat when the bell rings, if not, they are
considered tardy, and will be disciplined in accordance to the school handbook.
 Upon entering the room, students should check the board for any announcements and record
their homework assignment in their agenda.
 A weekly syllabus is available on the teacher page of the school website.
Conducting Class: (ELA)
English/Language Arts encompasses reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and everything
else necessary to master the English language in preparation for college or career. With so much to
cover it is imperative to that we stay focused and on task.
 Respect must be shown for others by waiting for a turn to speak, unless directed otherwise.
 If a student needs to leave the room, permission must be asked, unless it is a health emergency.
Trips to lockers to obtain materials for class will be considered tardy, and will be reflected as
disciplinary action in accordance to the school handbook.
 The restroom is to be used during passing periods, not class time. Specified times will be
reserved for small student groups to use the restroom on days we do not break between periods.
 I will use Class Dojo as a way to monitor student behavior every day. A separate letter will go
home later this week with details on how you can access your child’s account and monitor their
progress. Students will also receive a login to access and monitor their progress.
Submitting / Collecting Work:
Students will have regular homework assignments directly relating to the subjects we cover in class and
will reflect their understanding of the material. Homework is a tool to measure student learning and is
important for guiding the class towards mastery of the English language.
 Homework is due at the beginning of the hour, and is collected by placing it in the student folder.
 If you are absent, you have as many class periods you were gone to complete your homework. It
is the students’ responsibility to retrieve any missing work from either my teacher webpage, or
the classroom homework archive.
 Homework turned in without the proper header will be considered late, and the same
consequences will apply to that of late work.
 In additional to regular coursework, we also watch a series of videos (PG & PG-13) to enhance
our learning.
Personal Electronic devices:
Electronic devices (cell phone, Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPod, personal computer, etc.) ARE permitted in
class. However, this is a privilege, not a right. With this privilege comes GREAT responsibility.
Students are expected to use these as tools to aid in their education. The use of Personal Electronic
Devices is NOT required.
 You may NEVER use your personal device to text, make phone calls, take photographs, or
post items to social media.
 You may NEVER use your device during direct instruction.
 Yes, you MAY use your device to access the internet or a class-approved App that is directly
related to class work when instructed by Mrs. Tom. Please understand that cell phones
require data usage that will directly affect YOUR phone bills. School Wi-Fi will not be
 Using your personal device for purposes unrelated to actual class work is unacceptable and
may result in loss of privileges for the remainder of the year and disciplinary action in
accordance to the student handbook.
***Please refer to Chapter 10 of the Student Handbook for acceptable School Computer
Technology for Education:
Technology is an important tool for aiding today’s student. This year we will use the following tools to
enhance our learning. I encourage you to explore each of these websites, apps, and social media outlets
outside of the classroom. I expect all students to conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times
when using technology in and outside the classroom.
 Skyward – Used to track attendance and grades
 Class Dojo – Classroom Management tool used to track positive and negative behaviors
 – Online dedicated classroom community
 – Student friendly & safe student blogs
 – All vocabulary definitions will come from this website.
 Skype – Used occasionally, to provide assistance and communication after school hours for
parents and students. Designated times only.
 Twitter – You are welcome to follow me on Twitter (@MrsJTomNBJH) for timely
information and fun facts.
***Many of the above websites are also available FREE for iPad, iPhone and Android
Mrs. Tom
Classroom Rules & Expectations
Closing the Period:
The final minutes of the day prepare us for the following day. It is important to be organized and
 Students will end each class with a brief journal writing assignment that reflects on the day’s
objective and their progress towards achieving said objective.
 Students must double-check for assignments and write them in planner.
 If needed, the instructor will check for assignments/papers to go home.
Misconduct Rules and Consequences:
A classroom needs to be organized and safe in order for students to learn. Any misconduct in the
classroom will lead to a disciplinary report and a plan for action.
 All school rules apply in the classroom.
 Any foul language will be referred to disciplinary action.
 Any disrespect for a teacher, or any other student will be assigned a referral.
Items necessary for this class:
 2 spiral notebooks with perforated pages
 300 sheets loose leaf paper
 1-1/2” 3-ring binder
 100 4x6 lined index cards
 10 #2 pencils
 2 blue or black ink pens
 Colored pencils
 Highlighter
 Paperback dictionary (recommended, not required)
Girls: Dry Erase Markers & Post-It Notes
Boys: Tissues & Hand sanitizer
Advisory: Paper Towel & Sanitizing Wipes
Contact Information
Parents and students are always welcome and encouraged to contact me if they have questions,
comments, or concerns.
Jennifer Tom
Phone: 217-488-6012
Twitter: @MrsJTomNBJH
Mrs. Tom
Classroom Rules & Expectations
I will use Remind101 as a MAIN source of communication this year. Remind101 is a service that
provides a safe way for teachers to text message students and parents. Using Remind101, I can engage
my students and parents more effectively without needing to know your phone number and without
having to share my phone number. Remind101 is a free service but standard messaging rates apply. For
more information, please visit
I STRONGLY encourage each parent, guardian, and student to subscribe to the appropriate class.
Grab your phone and follow these steps to sign up!
 7th Grade ELA, text @26a3 to (224) 803-3098 (You can opt-out of messages at anytime
by replying, 'unsubscribe @26a3'.)
 PUBLISHING, text @pretz to (224) 803-3098 (You can opt-out of messages at anytime
by replying, 'unsubscribe @pretz'.)
 Advisory, text @advisory7t to (224) 803-3098 (You can opt-out of messages at anytime
by replying, 'unsubscribe @advisory7t'.)
Students are responsible for understanding the information in this handout and their student
handbooks. There will be a short quiz over the rules and handbook on Friday, August 24, 2013.
Please sign this portion of the page to show you have read and agree to the classroom terms. Return to
Mrs. Tom by Friday, August 24, 2013.
Parent/ Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Mrs. Tom
Classroom Rules & Expectations