McCallums Hill Public School Minutes of P&C Meeting 26 February

McCallums Hill Public School
Minutes of P&C Meeting
26 February 2014
Melissa, Julie, Ange, Kelly, Ms Glover, Tracey, Gabby, Bassima, Meaghan
and Khalida.
Minutes from the Previous Meeting:
Angela moved and Bassima seconded and the meeting carried the motion:
“That the minutes of the meeting 28 November 2013 be received.”
Business Arising from the Previous Meeting:
Letter regarding Police liaison talks Ms Glover to follow up. Still cannot get in touch
with them. Will continue to try and get in touch with them.
Meaghan spoke to Maria regarding MS to do a fundraiser. The fundraiser can only be
approved if one of the students attending the school suffers from MS. Ms Glover
confirmed that nobody at the school suffers from MS
Ms Glover informed us that a new CLUBS grant has come out. It is not just for schools.
The school will consider it. Grants for people with a disability will be considered.
Meaghan asked the question whether the special needs classroom have bathrooms.
Ms Glover advised that one of the classrooms has one.
Artwork for the brick walls – Kelly has two artists that painted the school canteen and
Kelly is happy to recommend. She said that she got the paint through Brinlay Paints on
Canterbury Rd. She said they were very good and gave her a good price. A suggestion
was put forward to put it to the kids to let us know what they would like on the walls. A
flyer for this will be done and sent out.
School banking – the rewards system is now up and running. Rewards for term 1 are
handball or scented pencils. Only one deposit per child per week. Ms Glover to remind
the teachers to ask their students on a Monday morning to make sure they take their
bank books out of their bags and hand them to the teacher.
Quotes for shade cover areas and covered walkways were received by Ms Glover last
Movie night – Quotes to follow thinking about getting sponsors to pay for the screen as
were thinking of making it a family night with the kids and there families. Cost for the
screen is around $2000. Looking at holding the event in term 4 as it is warmer as it will
be an outdoor event. If it rains, you can book an alternate date without losing your
money. Angela to look into this further.
Angela is chasing up quotes for the replacement of the curtains in the school hall.
New forms and bags for the 5c coin collection to go out next week.
Correspondence IN:
Correspondence OUT:
Principal’s Report: see attached
Treasurer’s Report:
Total money in the bank is $630.31
Mr Batalis banked his $100 cheque from the School Disco last year.
We also paid $100 invoice to St Johns Ambulance from the Fete last year.
The 5c coin count of $24.35 was also banked for February.
With regards to the 5c coin collection, we have set up a running monthly total to allow
us to see how much is being raised month on month.
As of December 2013 we introduced a Petty Cash float of $200. This will be used to
reimburse small purchases, rather than issuing cheques. A new Petty Cash Report will
be submitted each month along with the Treasurers Report detailing any activity.
At the end of December 2013 after the expenses were paid for the Christmas BBQ &
Candy Canes, the amount in the Petty Cash was $93.70
The Petty Cash was reimbursed by $106.30 in February to bring the balance back up
to $200.
5c coin collection – February count was $24.35
Walk-a-thon – Being held on Monday 10th March. Mr Hijazi is our teacher contact for
the event. Melissa to meet with him to finalise time and running of the day. All kids will
receive an ice block at the end of the event. All money raised is going towards paying
for the three additional air conditioners that have been installed this year.
Easter Hat Parade – Friday 11th April. We are going to do a lunch combo. Sausage
sizzle and a drink. We are also doing a cake stall. Ms Glover advised that Ms
Thambayah is our teacher contact for the event. I will get in touch with her regarding
the time the parade will be run and discuss feeding the kids, etc. It was asked of Ms
Glover as to why the Easter Hat Parade was being held on the last day of Term 1, as
there was concern about kids not being at school. Ms Glover did advise that it was a
school day and that all children are expected to be at school.
General Business:
 Suggested by Gabby that for Mothers Day instead of products we should look into
selling Fresh Roses. It would have to be on a preorder basis. It has been done at a
couple of other schools successfully. Gabby to organise the lady to come to the next
meeting so we can discuss prices etc.
 Secretary position still to be filled. Ms Glover has placed this in this week’s newsletter
to advise everyone that the position is open. Meghan was suggested to take up the
position, but she declined.
 It was suggested by Angela that we hold another morning tea, maybe a Mothers Day
morning tea. At the morning tea the parents and carers can be approached for their
email addresses. These could then be used to send a group email prior to meetings to
try and get some new people to the monthly meetings.
 The Healthy Foods Association has explained the two red days per term should
include all school related events which include food eg P&C and Year 6 fundraisers.
Ms Glover to speak to Mrs Witts to find out what fundraising plans they have for this
year. Kelly advised that a lot of the food levels are worked out on portion size. Melissa
to go to the Healthy Kids website and look under the buyers guide section. Kelly also
mentioned that the website has lots of suggestions on fundraising, etc. The Chocolate
Drive fundraiser is also classed as a red day, however Ms Glover is happy to let it run
this year as it is already organized. Will need to look into alternatives for 2015.
 Melissa contacted Bunnings at Greenacre to ask about our application that was put in
last year to hold a fundraiser. They cannot locate our paperwork so therefore we will
need to resubmit forms. Melissa has temporarily booked 26th July (after the school
holidays). Once our paperwork is resubmitted then they will confirm the date. Melissa
to do this next week.
 Bassima raised a point with regards to the cut off date for payment for the swimming
carnival. There was much discussion about this and Ms Glover advised that the
deadlines have to be put there and held to as buses had to be booked, etc. Bassima
asked if text messages could be sent out to parents to remind them of “Pay by” dates.
 Tracey said that her son’s school is using a system whereby all alerts, newsletters, etc
are sent to your phone via text. Ms Glover is aware of this system in high schools. In
the new LMBR we may have a way to do this. 229 schools are currently implementing
and trialling LMBR. There have been problems. All schools were to go onto it this year.
Due to the problems being experienced it may not go into all other schools until next
Council has closed Clemton Park, therefore we have had to pull out of PSSA for now
as the price would be $10 per child per week as bus travel would be needed. This
makes it too expensive for the families.
Mrs Witts has been looking into the possibility of including golf and tennis at
Canterbury Golf Course and the tennis courts on Moorefields Rd as an alternative.
Angela to double-check that the zone swimming caps have been paid for by P&C. The
zone swimming carnival is next week.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday 26th March 2014 at 7pm in the staffroom
Meeting Closed: