
Interpretive Guide
is the ability and willingness to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of diverse
situations, and with diverse individuals or groups. Flexibility entails understanding and appreciating different
and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one’s approach as situations change and accepting changes
within one’s own job or organization.
Behavioural Level
1. Values Need for Flexibility:
- Accepts that other people’s points
Interpretive Guide
v i e w a r e r e a s o n a b l e o r va l i d .
Acknowledges that people are entitled to
their opinions, and accepts that they are
Steps into co-workers’ tasks when
needed or required.
2. Demonstrates Flexibility:
- Works creatively within standard
procedures to fit a specific situation.
Understands policies and can work
within them to meet branch, work group,
team or individual g oals.
3. Adapts Approach:
- Changes one’s approach
as required to
achieve intended outcomes.
Prioritizes actions effectively in order
to respond to numerous, diverse
c h a l l e n g e s a n d d e ma n d s .
4. Adapts Strategy:
- Changes the overall
s e r vi c e p l a n a n d
i mp l e m e n t s n e w p r a c t i c e s w h e n o r i g i n a l
a p p r o a c h a n d a s s u mp t i o n s a r e n o l o n g e r
Able to shift strategic focus and
a c t i vi t i e s q u i c k l y i n r e s p o n s e t o
changing organizational priorities.
Brought to you by the
BC Public Service Agency
Did the candidate express willingness to adapt the way
they approached an issue without actually adapting
their tactics? Did the candidate consider alternative
approaches or the other person’s point of view? To
score at this level, the candidate does not have to alter
his or her own opinion, he/she merely has to recognize
and acknowledge that other people’s views are
Did the candidate provide examples of where he or she
changed the way in which he or she accomplished a task
including bending the rules or altering standard
procedure? To score at this level, the candidate
deviates slightly from the normal process, and offers a
reasoned explanation of why it was necessary or
appropriate to deviate from standard practice.
Did the candidate re-assess tactics based on changes or
shifting priorities? Did the candidate reprioritize, yet
keep the end goal in mind? To score at this level, the
candidate achieves the end goal or objective by
substantially altering the originally planned approach.
The need for change comes about through
circumstances beyond the candidate’s control.
Was the candidate able to change priorities and plans
quickly and appropriately when more urgent matters
required attention? Was she/he able to exercise
appropriate judgement in determining timing and
priority of strategy shifts? To score at this level, the
candidate thinks about others and the impact any issues
and changes would have on them in the long run.