BPW Functional Roles

BPW/Raleigh Leadership, Committee and Job Functions
Principal officer of BPW/Raleigh and presides at all
meetings of the local organization, the board of
directors, and the executive committee.
Vickie Adams
Performs the duties of the president in the absence of
the president; becomes president in the event the
president cannot fulfill her term; assists with various
activities and events as assigned by the president. In
team with the President, also works to grow
sponsorship for the organizations events and programs.
1st VP
Carol Stymiest
Performs the duties of the president in the absence of
the president and president-elect; serves as leader of
the program team.
Leads the efforts in choosing speakers and topics for
monthly BPW speaker meetings. This team also
introduces the speaker, presents a wrapped gift to the
speaker, and provides newsletter articles to promote
upcoming events.
Open Position
for a Co-Chair
2nd VP
Susan Cope
Anita Baxter
Records transactions; oversees the budget; prepares
the monthly treasurer's report.
Maria Copp
Takes and records minutes of all meetings of
BPW/Raleigh and the board of directors. She also
preserves all records and important correspondence.
Ensures calendar integrity on the website.
Michelle Evans
Lends experience and historical insight to the new
board members and team leaders.
Function / Title
Marketing &
Chair (MARCOM)
Owner / Chair
Lea-Ann Berst
PR Lead
Performs the duties of the president in the absence of
the president, the president-elect and the first vicepresident; serves as leader of the membership and
hospitality teams.
Plans membership drives and coordinates the new
member mentoring program. Coordinates the
mailing/emailing of BPW literature and invitations to
prospective members.
Informs the media and public about BPW; supports all
Club activities and sees that programs and speakers get
exposure in the media and the community. She also
oversees the digital correspondence of BPW/Raleigh,
including eNewsletter, website updates and social media;
serves in other capacities as assigned by the president.
Informs the media and public about BPW events and
BPW/Raleigh Leadership, Committee and Job Functions
eMarketing Lead
Social Media Lead
Webmaster Lead
Social Events Chair
Young Careerist
Program Chair
Program Chair
Lea-Ann Berst
The e-Newsletter is sent out to members on a monthly
basis. eBlasts are sent out throughout the month. This
includes information about BPW Raleigh, program
announcements, upcoming events and seminars,
member announcements, articles empowering women,
social action issues, and photos.
Lea-Ann Berst Develops social media as a TOOL to help everyone in the
organization to better help members, build the
organization, and develop relationships.
Lea-Ann Berst Keeps BPW/Raleigh website updated at least on a bimonthly basis. Website updates include chapter
programs, local and state BPW news, announcements
and calendar events, and links to information resources
that are of interest to members.
Theresa Carter Organizes social activities for members and their guests.
A great way to get to know each other in a fun and
eventful setting.
Michelle Davis Coordinates all activities for this program. This event
provides an opportunity to highlight the
accomplishments of business women ages 20 to 35 in our
community. They have an opportunity to improve their
interviewing, resumes and speaking skills and compete
for the State Young Careerist title.
Committee Member: Domenica Santoro
Open Position This team offers programs for individual development to
build business and industry skills. For example: technical
know-how, the ability to communicate, work on a team,
resolve conflicts, confront ethical dilemmas and manage
one's time.
Solicits applications for a grant available for women in
need of funds to pay for education.
Open Position
Hospitality Chair
Open Position
Chairs Form
Mary Kim
Carol Wolford
relationships with people
and organizations in the
community who share
The mission of the Member-to-Member Mentoring
Program is to provide learning experiences of benefit to
both partners. Its goal is to establish a cooperative and
nurturing relationship between a more experienced
business person and a less experienced business person
who wants to learn about a particular business and gain
valuable insight into the unspoken subtleties of doing
successful business. The program offers one-on-one
customized learning from a trusted, experienced,
respected individual.
Welcomes guests and new members to monthly
meetings. A great way to get to know members.
Reality Store Project; helping elementary children
experience real life situations.
Committee Members: Katherine Sliva, Helga Gutmann
BPW/Raleigh Leadership, Committee and Job Functions
BPW's mission to
promote full
participation, equity and
economic self-sufficiency
for working women.
Logistics and
Registration Chair
Anita Baxter
Career Woman
of the Year
Social Action Chair
Linda Karolak
Open Position
Facilitates the monthly meeting check-in process with the
treasurer. A great way to get to know people.
Coordinates reservations from members and guests
throughout the month. Deliver the reservations total to
the meeting location by the deadline.
Solicits nominations for the award, establishes selection
criteria, reviews and interviews applicants, and organizes
the award program.
Communicates national and local information about
issues that impact professional women. The team also
initiates various actions that impact our community
toward reaching our BPW mission.
NOTE: The Social Action chair will not use the Guest Speaker
dinner meeting to communicate details but can announce
social action events during the Announcement section of the