Task 1 Hope 30-year-old mother of three sons, the youngest of

Task 1
Hope 30-year-old mother of three sons, the youngest of whom is 4 years. Recent labor is very hard.
Neither she nor her husband did not want to have any more children. To prevent pregnancy Hope began
receiving injections of Depo-Provera about a year ago. Has not yet come the next injection, and she came
to the reception to the antenatal clinic, complaining of lack of menstruation in the past few months.
1. What can you tell her about the cause of amenorrhea in this case
2. That recommend a woman if she calmed down and wants to continue to use this method of
3. If Hope insists on abolishing the Depo-Provera, which method of contraception you ask her
1. A woman should not worry because, amenorrhea against Depo-Provera is an expected effect
2. Continue injection Depo-Provera as usual by one injection of 1 every 3 months until not want to get
3. COC, IUD, Surgical sterilization, barrier methods of contraception.
Task 2
Lyuba, 25-year-old mother of two, has been receiving injections of Depo-Provera 6 weeks after the birth
of her last child, who is now 2.5 years. She said that because of the use of Depo-Provera she had
problems with breastfeeding. But Luba continued injection, because the fear of pregnancy overpowering
anxiety about breastfeeding. For the past few months it has become very tired, and it costs a lot of effort
to carry out their daily duties. Luba believes that the reason lies in the fact that it is already a very long
time uses this method of contraception.
In her opinion, it is necessary to take a break in injections.
1. What can you tell her about the impact of Depo-Provera on breast feeding2. What would you give her
advice on the use of DMPA and a sense of fatigue
3. Is there a need for a break in the use of DMPA
1. Depo-Provera does not affect the amount of breast milk, or even increases it.
2. Feeling tired is probably due to anemization women, not using DMPA.
3. There is no need to suspend the injection. DMPA can be extended to as long as the woman does not
want to get pregnant