Psychology Syllabus - Higley Unified School District

Instructor: Ms. Campbell
Contact Info: Room 504, 279-7300
Psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the
human mind and behavior. Research in psychology seeks to
understand and explain thought, emotion, and behavior.
Applications of psychology include mental health treatment,
performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and many other
areas affecting health and daily life.
Course Description:
This is a one semester course that will be an overview or introduction to Psychology. We will
use a variety of resources to study and explore the basic components of Psychology,
Psychological theory and Psychological disorders. These resources will include primary and
secondary resources, discussion, problem-based learning exercises, videos and writing.
Textbook: Kasschau, Richard A., et al. Understanding Psychology. Glencoe:
New York, 2001.
Evaluation Procedures: All grading will be based on a total point system.
90% - 100%
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
0% - 59%
 Clean—Keep your area and the classroom clean.
 Participation—Be involved; Pay Attention
 Honesty—Be truthful and do your own work.
 Preparedness—Class on time, Homework Ready, Paper/Pencil—Always!
 Order—Follow Directions.
 Language—Use Appropriate Language
 Respect—Give Respect to Get Respect
 Fun—Have Fun While Learning
 Attendance—Be On Time!
 You are responsible for your own behavior!
Students are expected to adhere to all rules spelled out in the student handbook! Please
familiarize yourself with these rules.
Attendance/Tardiness: Students need to attend every class and arrive on time prepared
to learn. I will follow the policies of the Higley Unified School District in terms of
attendance. Please refer the student handbook for the guidelines. In short, in
accordance with Arizona State Law, any student who misses more than nine classes in a
course may lose credit. Again, please refer to the student handbook. Tardiness will be
handled on a case to case basis.
Classroom Guidelines:
1. Treat each person at Higley High School with respect and dignity.
2. Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bell work when he
tardy bell rings or announcements begin.
3. Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the HHS and HUSD
 Dress Code
 No Gum
 No electronic devices (cell phones, IPODs, etc.)
4. No food or drinks allowed in the classroom. Water is permitted in clear
5. Pick up and/or turn in assignments prior to planned absences (field trips,
sports, STUCO, etc.)
If you work for success?
If you choose to work against success?
A friendly reminder.
Verbal praise
Teacher/student conversation.
Positive phone/ e-mail home.
Fill out behavior plan/phone home.
Special activities
Referral and / or removed from class.
Severity of the violation may require discipline to be accelerated from above schedule
Respect and Behavior:
In this class, we will spend a fair amount of time discussing ideas and theories. At all times, please
respect each other’s opinions and thoughts.
Absolutely no derogatory remarks, racial or ethnic slurs, prejudicial statements, people bashing or “put
downs” will be acceptable in my class. We don’t have to agree with everybody, but we will not
humiliate anyone.
Discussions, movies, documentaries and articles will be presented and discussed that deal with
sensitive material and mature issues. This is an upper level course and I expect maturity and
responsibility on the part of my students. If you are unable to participate in discussions related to
mental disorders, suicide, sexuality and other like issues in one specific area, then pre-arrange that
with me and I can assign an alternate assignment. If you are unable to regularly engage in any or
many of these discussions, then perhaps this elective course isn’t for you.
Please detach this page from the syllabus and return this page to Ms. Kuisle as your first
homework assignment grade. Parent/Guardian and student each needs to sign. Also, please fill
out the following contact information below.
“I have received, read and understand the rules, expectations, procedures and
policies of the Psychology classroom outlined in this syllabus. Furthermore, I
understand that due to the nature of the subject, this class will discuss mature issues.
________________________ ________
_______________________ _______
Student Signature and Date
Parent Signature and Date
Student Last Name (printed): _______________
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Name(s): ______________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________