
The (Grammar Translation Method) is a cross lingual technique. It is used in
language learning. Grammar is given more importance in this method. Learners
the grammar rules better. The exercises in this method put the learner into an active
problem-solving situation. In the schools, the teachers often follow the traditional method
translation technique. It is an easy way to explain things. Great Indian leaders is the past
had attained remarkable progress in this method. Reading and writing are the major
Vocabulary selection is based solely on the text used. The words are introduced through
bilingual word lists dictionary and memorization. The grammar rules are presented. A list
vocabulary items is presented with their translation meanings. Translation exercises are
prescribed. Grammar is taught inductively. Mother tongue is the medium of instruction.
Steps involved in Grammar Translation Method
1. The teacher asks the students to read few lines from the text. He asks them to
translate into L1 and he helps them with new words.
2. The teacher answers all their questions in L1
3. The students write the answers for the questions
4. The answers are checked by them. Mistakes are corrected by the teacher. He
speaks in L1
5. The students are asked to translate the words listed into their L1. The teacher helps
them in synonyms, Antonyms and Meanings for these words.
6. The teacher works the grammar exercises and he presents grammar rules. The
students do the exercises and translate the sentences into L1.
7. The students translate the lines from the text into L1. They memorize the read out
listed words and frame sentences for the vocabulary items.
8. Students write a composition based on the passage.
This GTM was in use for 100 years from 1840 to 1940. It had its own drawnbacks.
1. It failed to produce oral fluency in English. 4. The use of L1 is more predominantin the
2. Students found the method boring as they had to memorize words and rules.
3. It does not develop confidence among the learners.
4. No link between the text words and real life situations.
5. The learner was unable to use English in day to day Communication.
6. This method focused only in reading and writing. Little attention is paid to speaking.