Strengths and Weaknesses Test ACADEMIC TEAM

Strengths and Weaknesses Test/Summer Lists Test (KEY)
1. This amendment gives all powers not given to the federal government to the states to decide.
2. This Russian Tsar ruled from 1551 to 1605. He began his career as a boyar in Ivan the Terrible’s
oprichnina, and eventually became tsar himself. He is best known as the subject of a Pushkin
play and a Mussorgsky opera.
Boris Godunov
3. This is the oldest high-level language. Designed by john Backus for IBM during the late 1950, it
was on virtually every computer and is still used today for engineering and scientific applications
because of the quality of its compilers and numerical libraries.
4. This structure was created in 1473 by Giovanni Del Dolci. Its patron was Pope Sixtus IV.
_________________Sistine Chapel.
5. This opera was first performed in 1904. It was written by Giacomo Puccini. It features characters
such as Bonze, Dolore, Kate Pinkerton, and Prince Yamadori. _________________Madame
6. This novel was written in 1847 by Charlotte Bronte. It features characters such as Edward
Rochester and Bertha Mason. ______________Jane Eyre
7. This novel was written by William Makepeace Thackeray in 1848. It features characters such as
Becky Sharp, Amelia Sedley, and Rawdon Crawly. _______________ Vanity Fair
8. This Chinese dynasty established feudalism in China, introduced coined money, developed iron
tools, and justified overthrowing Shang with Mandate of Heaven. ___________________Zhou
9. This member of the Romanov dynasty faced an assassination on his coronation day by the
Decembrists. He was very oppressive and focused on Russian identity. _____________Nicholas I
10. This anthropologist did fieldwork with the Nambikwara people of Brazil in the 1930s. This
formed that basis for his thesis on “The Elementary Structures of Kinship.” He held the chair in
social anthropology at the College de France from 1959 to 1982. He wrote The Savage Mind and
The Raw and the Cooked. ____________________Claude Levi-Strauss.
11. This mathematician is known for his independent invention of calculus and the ensuing priority
dispute Isaac Newton. Most modern calculus notation, including the integral sign and the use of
d to indicate differentia, originated with him. He also invented binary numbers and did
fundamental work in establishing Boolean algebra and symbolic logic. _______________Leibniz
12. This psychologist was the first prominent exponent of behaviorism. He codified its tenets in
Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology. His most famous experiment involved
conditioning an eleven-month-old boy to be apprehensive of all furry objects by striking a loud
bell whenever a furry object was placed in his lap. ______________John B. Watson
13. This battle on the Hellespont ended the Peloponnesian War and the Athenian Empire. It was a
complete victory for Sparta. Following the battle, the Spartans besieged Athens and forced its
surrender. ________________Aegospotami
14. This moon is one seventh the mass of Phobos and further away from the Martian surface. It was
found by Asaph Hall at the US Naval Observatory. Its largest and only named craters are swift
and Voltaire. _____________Deimos
15. This British Prime Minister was a member of the Conservative Party. He was Prime Minister
from 1955 to 1957 and Prime Minister during the Suez Crisis. _______________Anthony Eden
16. This British Monarch was a member of the House of Hanover. Britain’s economic empire
expanded during his reign. He suffered from porphyria. He was king from 1738-1820.
____________George III
17. This British Monarch was a member of the House of Plantagenet. He is the son of Geoffrey of
Anjou and Matilda. He married Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1132, and invaded England in the
following year, forcing Stephen of Blois to acknowledge him as his heir. While king he developed
the common law and due process, but fought with Thomas Becket over submission to the Pope.
________________Henry II
18. This Democrat was the eighth president and served from 1837-1841. He was president during
the Aroostook War.
19. This eighteenth president served during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad and the
Battle of Little Big Horn. He was a Republican and his termed lasted from 1869-1877.
_________________Ulysses S. Grant
20. This thirty-eighth president was a Republican and served from 1974-1977. During his presidency
the final troops were pulled out of Vietnam. ______________Gerald Ford
Strengths and Weaknesses Test/Summer Lists Test
1. This amendment gives all powers not given to the federal government to the states to decide.
2. This Russian Tsar ruled from 1551 to 1605. He began his career as a boyar in Ivan the Terrible’s
oprichnina, and eventually became tsar himself. He is best known as the subject of a Pushkin
play and a Mussorgsky opera. ____________________
3. This is the oldest high-level language. Designed by john Backus for IBM during the late 1950, it
was on virtually every computer and is still used today for engineering and scientific applications
because of the quality of its compilers and numerical libraries. _________________
4. This structure was created in 1473 by Giovanni Del Dolci. Its patron was Pope Sixtus IV.
5. This opera was first performed in 1904. It was written by Giacomo Puccini. It features characters
such as Bonze, Dolore, Kate Pinkerton, and Prince Yamadori. _________________
6. This novel was written in 1847 by Charlotte Bronte. It features characters such as Edward
Rochester and Bertha Mason. ________________
7. This novel was written by William Makepeace Thackeray in 1848. It features characters such as
Becky Sharp, Amelia Sedley, and Rawdon Crawly. _______________
8. This Chinese dynasty established feudalism in China, introduced coined money, developed iron
tools, and justified overthrowing Shang with Mandate of Heaven. ___________________
9. This member of the Romanov dynasty faced an assassination on his coronation day by the
Decembrists. He was very oppressive and focused on Russian identity. ________________
10. This anthropologist did fieldwork with the Nambikwara people of Brazil in the 1930s. This
formed that basis for his thesis on “The Elementary Structures of Kinship.” He held the chair in
social anthropology at the College de France from 1959 to 1982. He wrote The Savage Mind and
The Raw and the Cooked. ____________________
11. This mathematician is known for his independent invention of calculus and the ensuing priority
dispute Isaac Newton. Most modern calculus notation, including the integral sign and the use of
d to indicate differentia, originated with him. He also invented binary numbers and did
fundamental work in establishing Boolean algebra and symbolic logic. _________________
12. This psychologist was the first prominent exponent of behaviorism. He codified its tenets in
Behavior: An Introduction to Comparative Psychology. His most famous experiment involved
conditioning an eleven-month-old boy to be apprehensive of all furry objects by striking a loud
bell whenever a furry object was placed in his lap. ___________________
13. This battle on the Hellespont ended the Peloponnesian War and the Athenian Empire. It was a
complete victory for Sparta. Following the battle, the Spartans besieged Athens and forced its
surrender. ___________________
14. This moon is one seventh the mass of Phobos and further away from the Martian surface. It was
found by Asaph Hall at the US Naval Observatory. Its largest and only named craters are swift
and Voltaire. _________________
15. This British Prime Minister was a member of the Conservative Party. He was Prime Minister
from 1955 to 1957 and Prime Minister during the Suez Crisis. _________________
16. This British Monarch was a member of the House of Hanover. Britain’s economic empire
expanded during his reign. He suffered from porphyria. He was king from 1738-1820.
17. This British Monarch was a member of the House of Plantagenet. He is the son of Geoffrey of
Anjou and Matilda. He married Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1132, and invaded England in the
following year, forcing Stephen of Blois to acknowledge him as his heir. While king he developed
the common law and due process, but fought with Thomas Becket over submission to the Pope.
18. This Democrat was the eighth president and served from 1837-1841. He was president during
the Aroostook War.
19. This eighteenth president served during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad and the
Battle of Little Big Horn. He was a Republican and his termed lasted from 1869-1877.
20. This thirty-eighth president was a Republican and served from 1974-1977. During his presidency
the final troops were pulled out of Vietnam. _________________