People who help us

Reception: Term 2
Prime area: Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Speak confidently to others about what they know.
Talk about people who help us at home and community.
Understand how actions affect others.
Understand the need for boundaries.
Respond appropriately to changes in routines.
React to challenge from peers appropriately.
Know how to behave in different situations.
Take turns in conversations.
Explain ideas and ask questions.
Phase 2 Letters & Sounds begins alongside Phase 1.
Reading scheme introduced and children begin to learn to
Look at books about ‘People who help us.’
Continue practising writing names and also other letter
Begin to read and write simple words using growing phonic
Label pictures of ‘People who help us’
Specific area: Understanding the world.
Show an interest in the work of the visiting policeman.
Talk about different people who help us e.g. Doctor, Nurse etc.
Name and describe special times or events.
Ask questions about the world in which they live.
Talk about why things happen and how things work.
Show an interest in technology e.g – police radio.
Show increasing skill in making things work.
Main focus: Prime areas
Growing focus: Specific areas
Prime area: Physical development.
Specific area: Literacy.
Prime area: Communication and Language.
• Listen carefully and follow more complicated directions.
• Concentrate and resist distractions
• Listen to visiting Policeman and respond appropriately.
• Respond to instructions to complete a sequence of actions.
• Extend vocabulary about people who help us.
• Link statements to explain ideas.
• Use talk to clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
• Use language imaginatively in play situations.
• Introduce a storyline into play activities.
• Communicate clearly using sentences.
Move in different ways and on different levels.
Negotiate space with increasing skill.
Change speed and direction effectively.
Increase control over small equipment.
Be able to say what foods are healthy and which are not.
Attend to own personal hygiene needs and understand why
doing this properly is important.
Manage undressing and dressing for PE.
Be able to show how to use things safely.
Specific area: Mathematics.
‘People who help us’
plus continuous provision both
indoors and outside
Recognise numerals 1-10 and be able to put them in order.
Count objects or actions accurately.
Know how many there are after 1 more has been added or
taken away.
Identify most 2d & 3d shapes.
Talk about position, size and other measures.
Make more complex patterns and sequence several events.
Specific area: Expressive arts and design.
Enjoy joining in with rhythmic activities.
Construct by joining objects together and describe how they work.
Use a variety of construction materials to build models.
Begin to express oneself in different ways and respond to music.
Enjoy role play and build stories around toys and experiences.
Use available resources as props to support role play.
Create simple representations of events, people and objects with increasing detail.