Airports & Fossil fuel projects deserve a “no” vote

TO: The Oregon Transportation Commission
Testimony for July 17 2014 ConnectOregon hearing
I am requesting that any aviation projects at Oregon airports that would increase the use of 100
Low lead Avgas be denied. Since other members of our coalition will be speaking on this issue
in depth I shall make my comments brief. Most of the airport projects you have put on your list
will support greater pollution by 100 Low lead fuel used by private plains and flight school
trainers. If the very rich were only using their money to play is would be a travesty enough what
with Oregon’s desperately poor working homeless population being denied services but for
them to ask that we support with our tax dollars their pollution of our air, soil and water is
Please reconsider ConectOregon V transportation grant applications for 4A0285, 4A0301,
2A0320, 5A0250, 4A0286, 3A0252, 2A0262, 5A0251, 4A0287, 3A0325, and 5A0289. Many of
these airport expansion grants will be used in part or completely to increase private pilot and
student pilot aviation that uses 100LL Avgas. This does not “connect” Oregon it creates loud
noise in our skies and lead pollution.
I also request that Oregonians not be forced to subsidize dirty coal export projects and crudeby-rail terminals that would endanger the Columbia River and Oregon communities. Please
deny ConnectOregon V transportation grant applications 1M0352, 1M0294, and 1R0350.
Oregonians will not support The Oregon Transportation Commission decision to fund proposals
to spend up to $7 million in public money for transportation improvements that would solely
benefit fossil fuel companies. NO! If these state subsides are granted they would make it easier
for fossil fuel companies to transport massive quantities of dirty coal and very combustible oil
through Oregon. Ambre Energy and Global Partners have big coal and oil export plans for
Oregon. 17% of this year’s ConnectOregon funding must not go to fossil fuel projects.
“Two dock improvement projects at the Port of St. Helens made the final cut and were
recommended to you. The projects would lengthen and strengthen a dock that two controversial
projects rely on. Massachusetts-based Global Partners uses the dock to load crude oil onto
barges in the Columbia River. Ambre Energy of Australia is also planning to use the dock as a
transfer site for coal in its Morrow Pacific coal export project.” The much larger ships that would
be coming up the Columbia would devastate the already endangered eco-system and the
tenuous salmon recovery even if there is no spill but a spill is sure to happen. No amount of
clean up would be able to restore the river. Let us not forget what the Exxon Valdes did to
Alaska. It has never recovered. The BP contamination of the Gulf is killing sea life at an
alarming rate.
Oregonians have spoken clearly. We do not want contamination of our soil and water by
corporate aviation lead fuel and fossil fuel exports in our state. To ask us to pay for the polluting
industries is unacceptable. The tyranny of corporations that force US Citizens to be traitors to
our country’s best interests must not be promoted by our tax dollars! Our water and soil are a
precious gift that must be protected if we expect to sustain life. These companies endanger not
only our health but also negatively impact the global climate on which we all depend.
Respectfully submitted,
Ellen L. Saunders, Board member WC-CAN, Co-Chair NAAVE,
47950 NW Dingheiser Rd, Manning OR 97125
Phone 503-324-9320 or 503-939-1858