emergency plan. - Saluda Elementary`s 2014

Saluda Elementary School
400 West Butler Avenue, Saluda SC 29138
Phone: 864-445-2564
Principal: Marcie Enlow
July 2014
Emergency Contact Information………………………………….....……….……Page 4
School Personnel……………………………………………………………..Page 4
District Office………………………………………………………….……….Page 4
Emergency Numbers (local, regional/state)……………………..………Page 5
Media Contacts………………………………………………………………...Page 6
Campus Design……….………………………………………..……………………...Page 7
Safety Measures in Place……………………………………………………….Page 7 - 10
Emergency Postings………………….…….………….……………………………Page 10
Accident, Serious Injury, Illness, Communicable Diseases………………….Page 11
Bomb Threat………………………………………………………………….……….Page 13
Chemicals/Hazardous Materials……………………………….………………..…Page 15
Earthquake……………………………………………………………………………..Page 16
Explosion……………………………………………………………..………………..Page 17
Fire…………………………………………………………………….………..……….Page 18
Hostage …………………………………………………………………………….…..Page 19
Inclement Weather…………………………………………..………..………..……..Page 20
Off Campus Emergency - Bus Wreck……………….………………..…………...Page 21
Off Campus Emergency - Field Trips - Non-Athletics.....................................Page 22
Off Campus Emergency - Trips - Athletics.......................................................Page 22
Student Disturbance………………………………………………………………….Page 23
Student Runaway or Abduction…………………………………………………….Page 23
Student Walk Out……………………………………………………………………...Page 24
Utility Emergency……………………………………………………………………..Page 24
Lockdown - Intruder, Medical Emergencies, Weapons, and Any Other
Situation Deemed Necessary by Administration……………………............Page 25
Modified Lockdown - Drug Searches, Medical Emergencies, and Any Other
Situation Deemed Necessary by Administration………..……………………Page 26
Lockdown Staff Assignments………………………………………………………Page 26
Evacuation On-Campus……………………………………………….……………..Page 27
The Crisis Management Team by Location………..……………….…………….Page 28
School Command Post………………………………………………………………Page 29
Triage Area……………………………………………………………………………..Page 29
Reunite Area, Hospital, Shelter……………………………………………………..Page 30
Evacuation Off-Campus by Bus……………………………………………………Page 31
Bomb Threat/Recording Information/Form ………………………………..…….Page 32
Campus/Building Layout………………………...………………………..…………Page 32
Emergency Drill Requirements and Reporting Procedures…………………..Page 32
Media Plan………………………………………………………………….……..……Page 3
Shelter in Place/MOA………………………………………………………..………..Page 35
Support After the Crisis……………………………………………………………...Page 36
Bomb Threat Recording Form………………………………………………………Page 37
Emergency Drill Reporting Form…………………………………………………..Page 40
Letter and MOA Form………………………………………………………………...Page 41
Facilities’ Layouts…………………………………………………………………….Page 44
School Personnel
Principal-Marcie Enlow
District Office
864-445-8441 – phone
Cell 864-980-7510
864-445-9598 - fax
Staff Member
Superintendent – Dr. David Mathis
Dir. of Finance/Operations – Jon Carpenter
Dir. of Student Services – Brian Chatman
Dir. of Human Resources – Janet Sample
Dir. of Instruction – Dr. Shawn Clark
Dir. Of Food Service - Aileen Connelly
Dir. of Maintenance – Thomas Shaw
Dir. of Transportation – James Guy Sample
School Nurse Contact – Donna Dumont
Athletic Director – Jeanette Wilder
Emergency Phone Numbers (local and regional)
 Riley Family Practice Associates, PA
Dr. Ralph Riley
595 Newberry Highway
Saluda, South Carolina 29138
Saluda Family Medicine, PA
Dr. William Sawyer
102 R. L. Sawyer Drive
Saluda, South Carolina 29138
864-445-2174/7619 (after hours – 864-445-2146)
Saluda Family Practice
Dr. Deborah Grate
219 Greenwood Highway
Saluda, South Carolina 29138
 Self Regional Healthcare
1325 Spring Street
Greenwood, SC 29646
Lexington County Hospital
3225 Sunset Blvd.
West Columbia, SC 29169
Palmetto Health – Richland Memorial Hospital
5 Richland Medical Park Drive
Columbia, SC 29203
Providence Hospital
2749 Laurel Street
Columbia, SC 29204
Palmetto-Baptist Hospital
Taylor at Marion Street
Columbia, SC 29220
Newberry County Hospital
2605 Kinard Street
Newberry, SC 29108 803-405-7484
Georgia Regents Health System
(formerly: Medical College of Georgia Hospital)
937 15th Street
Augusta, GA 30901
University Hospital
1350 Walton Way
Augusta, GA 30901
Additional emergency contact information and addresses:
Saluda County Sheriff’s Office
Saluda Town Police Office
Saluda County Ambulance Service
Saluda Health Department
Saluda Department of Social Services
Highway Department (Maintenance/Traffic)
Saluda Water and Sewer Authority
Scurry Mechanical (Electrical)
Mid-Carolina Co-op Power & Lights (Outage)
South Carolina Electric and Gas
Rescue I
Rescue Squad
Bus Shop (Johnston)
FBI ($1.00 charge for call)
Poison Control Center – Columbia, SC
National Weather Service – Columbia, SC
National Response Center Toxic Spills
South Carolina Department of Health
and Environmental Control
Media Contacts
Saluda Sentinel
Greenwood Index-Journal
Newberry Radio WKDK
Johnston/Edgefield/Saluda Radio
WIS TV – Columbia, SC
WRDW TV – Augusta, GA
803-276-2957 (after hours: 803-924-7921)
NOTE: All media inquiries are to be referred to the superintendent
School Design
The campus consists of 2 main buildings, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium. The 2 buildings houses
approximately 300 students in grades 3-5. The buildings have approximately 37 staff members.
Classroom First Aid Kits
Each classroom is equipped with an emergency kit that includes basic first aid supplies.
Crisis Response Kits
All crisis response team members assigned to the triage area keep a crisis response backpack in
close proximity at all times that includes triage forms, temporary identification badges, clipboard, legal
pads, neon vests, disposable blankets, disposable ponchos, permanent markers and pens. The kit
also includes a trauma kit that contains gauze, surgical pads, burn sheets, tape, trauma dressings,
bandages, trauma sheers, CPR masks, gloves, facemasks and eye shields. A copy of the school’s
emergency plan that includes where the Crisis Response Kits is located in the front office and the
media center.
Emergency Evacuation Kits (schools need two kits – in two locations)
The school has two emergency evacuation kits that includes a bullhorn, student lists, emergency
phone numbers, family information, school safety plans, neon colored vests, markers, pencils and
pens, triplicate triage information forms, temporary identification badges, flashlight and thermal
blankets. The emergency evacuation kits are kept in the main office and with the school nurse.
The school has the following signage:
 visitor signs posted on perimeter doors;
 emergency evacuation procedures posted in all classrooms;
 consent to search signs posted on some perimeter doors;
 traffic control signs located on the streets around the school;
 an identification sign posted in front of the school; and
 Exit signs located over all perimeter doors.
 ALL classrooms must exhibit the room number in black ink on a white 5” x 7” paper, posted in
the bottom right corner of the last window in the room.
Perimeter doors: Perimeter doors are kept locked during the day except for main entrance doors.
Classroom doors: All classroom doors can be locked and must be locked at all times (even when
the classroom is vacant).
Monitoring the Campus
Any person in the building without a visitor's pass will be challenged by the first school employee to
notice the person without proper identification. Staff members who have duty in outside areas in the
mornings and afternoon are to be alert for strange or unusual people or occurrences and report them
to the principal immediately.
If an unwanted intruder is identified and located, the principal and/or assistant principal will take the
appropriate action depending on the situation.
Designated Student Arrival/Departure
Parents have been instructed not to bring their children to school before 7:15 A.M. and they must pick
them up by 3:00 P.M. Supervision cannot be provided before 7:15 A.M. and after 4:00 P.M.
Supervision of Students
Teachers must supervise student behavior in the classrooms, hallways and at dismissal time.
Teachers are required to stand at their classroom doorways during class change to monitor student
behavior in the hallways. Students must remain quiet and orderly as they change classes.
Substitute Teachers
All substitute teachers should be aware of the procedures in the Crisis Manual before subbing.
Visitor Pass System
The school has a visitor pass system in place that requires visitors to sign in and out at the main
office. They are issued a visitor’s badge that includes name, date, time and destination.
Handicapped Parking
Parking signs are posted designating areas for visitors and those who need handicapped parking
Visitor Parking
Designated visitor is located in the parking lot in front of the office. Staff parking areas are located on
the side of the school.
The school has procedures for buses and automobiles during arrival and dismissal times. Buses and
automobiles have separate drop-off and pick-up areas.
Early Dismissal
The school has early dismissal procedures in place. The individual checking the student out must
report to the front office. The individual checking the student out must be a custodial parent or a
person authorized by the parent. The office secretary calls the student to the office to be checked
out. If the individual checking the student out is not the custodial parent, the secretary will ask for
identification, check “red flag” status of student and call parent/guardian for authorization to release
Staff IDs
Staff are issued identification badges. Staff members are required to wear ID badges.
Dress Code
The school does require a dress code for students. The student dress code is printed in the
parent/student handbook.
Fire Alarm System:
The school has a fire alarm system in place that is audible throughout the building. Simplex monitors
the fire alarm system and notifies Saluda County 911 when the alarm goes off. The security
company and the district maintenance staff check the system annually.
Intercom System:
The school has a two-way intercom system in the office for all of the classrooms. Each classroom
has call button for use and emergencies.
Smoke Alarm System:
Smoke alarms cover all areas of the building.
Fire Extinguishers:
The school has fire extinguishers located in appropriate places. The fire extinguishers are kept
charged and inspected through a contracted service.
The school has 2 telephone lines. Telephones are located in all offices and classrooms.
Administrative staff, custodial staff, and key personnel use 7 walkie-talkies for communication.
Cellular Phones:
Personal cell phones are provided for the principal. Cellular phones are used on field trips for
emergency situations.
Each school has 1 bullhorn located in the main office.
Caller ID:
The school has Caller ID capacity.
Fax Machine:
The building has a fax machine located in the principal’s office.
The school provides internet access to students and staff. The school has a written policy in place
that requires parents, teachers and students to sign the policy agreement form before use. The
school has filtering software for the use of the internet monitored by the district.
Field Trips
The field trip procedures are outlined in the teacher handbook. School and district administrators
must approve all field trips. Parents must sign permission slips before students are allowed to attend.
Student lists and student emergency information/medicines must be taken on all field trips. Students
are to wear tags with the school name and an assigned number. The numbers correspond to the
Demographic Sheets printed from PowerSchool, compiled in a notebook, and carried on the trip.
CPR and First Aid
Certified trainers annually certify some staff in CPR and First Aid procedures. A list of CPR and First
Aid trained staff and procedures are located in the nurse’s office and the administrative office.
(NOTE to PRINCIPALS: if not posted indicate who has access to it – more than one person needs to
have the info. accessible – one of which is the principal – further, please complete the information on
the chart requested from your school on who is certified and date certification expires and send to S.
McMullen – have received info. from two schools, as of July 14. A list of CPR and First Aid trained
staff is located in the nurse’s office and the principal’s.
Medication Dispensing
The school has medication dispensing procedures in place. The policy requires written permission
from parents to dispense the medication. The medication must be presented in the original bottle with
the student’s name, the physician’s name, and directions posted on the bottle. The nurse is in charge
of dispensing medicine at the school. Office personnel are also authorized to dispense medication. A
log must be kept of the student’s name, the medication dispensed, date/time dispensed, and the
signature of the person dispensing the medication. If the medication is dispensed by someone other
than the RN or LPN, a witness is required to initial the log.
Key Control System
The school has a centralized key control system in place that includes recording the assignment of
keys to staff, prohibition on key copying and reporting lost keys. Teachers are issued keys to their
classroom doors. Key personnel are issued master keys. All employees who work less than 240
days and/or who are not returning the upcoming school year must turn in keys prior to departure.
The following signs must be posted prominently in each classroom.
Fire Evacuation Plan
Tornado Evacuation Plan
CPR and First Aid Procedure Plan
List of CPR and First Aid Trained People
Accident / Serious Injury / Illness
In the event of an accident, serious injury, or illness, the immediate concern is to aid the
Signals: Use public address system, if necessary.
Teacher should contact the school office and stay with the injured/sick person.
The principal and staff members who are qualified in first aid will determine if the
victim requires treatment at the hospital.
The principal or his/her designee will notify the parent/guardian of the accident,
injury, or illness.
The CPR respondents are:
Janet Rowe
Marcie Enlow
Ashley Keisler
Holly Shaw
Tomeka Love
Karen Stoudemayer
Sarah Deloach
Meredith Miller-Rikard
Debra Gantt
The principal or his/her designee will call EMS at 911, or have the parent/guardian
transport the victim to the hospital, if this is determined to be necessary.
 If student is transported to hospital by someone other than the parent, fax or send
medical emergency information to hospital with victim.
 The principal will notify the superintendent of the injury and the status of the situation
as deemed necessary.
 Complete an accident report in accordance with district policy. Make any notes
immediately pertaining to accident.
 The SRO and building manager will assist traffic control of emergency vehicles and
maintain security and safety of the surroundings.
 Make sure that any students who have come in contact with any body fluids are
immediately reported.
 Limit the scene to personnel only and keep students away from the scene.
 A letter will be prepared if deemed necessary for students to take home.
Note: Use universal precautions when handling body fluids.
Communicable Diseases
If you receive information about or suspect a student, employee, or anyone who has
been in your facility as being exposed to or contagious with a communicable disease,
contact your immediate supervisor who will report information to the superintendent
immediately. A plan of action will be developed, in accordance with district policy, based
on the particular circumstance.
Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids in Schools
Does contact with body fluids present a risk?
The body fluids of all persons should be considered to contain potentially infectious
agents (germs). The term body fluids includes: blood, semen, drainage from scrapes
and cuts, feces, urine, vomitus, respiratory secretions (e.g., nasal discharge) and saliva.
Contact with body fluids presents a risk of infection with a variety of germs. In general,
however, the risk is very low and dependent on a variety of factors including the type of
fluid with which contact is made and the type of contact made with it.
What should be done to avoid contact with body fluids?
When possible, direct skin contact with body fluids should be avoided. Disposable
gloves should be available for custodians, nurses, and others who come in contact with
body fluids. Gloves are recommended when direct hand contact with body fluids is
anticipated. Hands should be washed after gloves are removed and gloves discarded
in a plastic bag.
What should be done if direct skin contact occurs?
Hands and other and other affected skin areas should be washed with soap and water.
Clothing non-disposable items that are soaked with body fluids should be placed in
plastic bags. Disposable items should be handled with disposable gloves.
How should spilled body fluids be removed from the environment?
Schools should stock absorbent agents specifically intended for cleaning body fluid
spills. Disposable gloves should be worn when using these agents. The dry material is
applied to the area, left for a few minutes to absorb the fluid, and then vacuumed or
swept up. The vacuum bag or sweeping should be disposed of in a plastic bag. Broom
and dust pan should be rinsed in a disinfectant.
Hand washing procedures
Proper hand washing requires the use of soap and water and vigorous washing under
a stream of running water from ten seconds to a minute. Use paper towels to
thoroughly dry hands. An intermediate level detergent, disinfectant solution should be
used to clean surfaces contaminated with body fluids.
Disinfection of hard surfaces and care of equipment
After removing the soil, a disinfectant is applied. Mops should be soaked in the
disinfectant after use and rinsed thoroughly or washed in a hot water cycle before rinse.
Non-disposable cleaning equipment should be thoroughly rinsed in the disinfectant. The
disinfectant solution should be disposed down a drain pipe
Disinfection of rugs and carpet
Apply sanitary absorbent agent, let dry, and vacuum. If necessary, remove with dust
pan and broom, then apply rug shampoo (a germicidal detergent) with a brush and
re-vacuum. Rinse dust pan and broom in disinfectant.
In the Event of a Bomb Threat
The person receiving the threat should try to obtain as much information as possible
about the bomb and its location. A copy of the form for collecting the information is in
the Resources Section of this guide.
Use “Bomb Threat Checklist” (See Appendix). Try to ascertain the exact location of the
bomb, the time for detonation, what it looks like, the type of explosive, why it was placed
and other information possible.
DO NOT use any radio or cell phone communications.
If the threat is made by telephone:
 The exact time should be noted.
 DO NOT HANG UP THE PHONE, even if the caller has hung up, the phone
company may be able to trace the call.
 Immediately inform the school principal.
 The principal and SRO will immediately call the sheriff’s office (911) and inform them
of the bomb threat and all details.
 The police (sheriff’s office) will notify the fire department and the bomb squad.
The principal will decide if evacuation of the building is necessary, and to what
extent the building should be evacuated and how to evacuate, using one of two options:
1. Standard fire drill evacuation
If the building is to be evacuated, an announcement will be made, “This is an
evacuation. Turn off electronic devices. Take your book bags with you but do not
take time to pack any items in them.”
After an announcement is made, activate the fire alarm.
2. Use runners to notify personnel to evacuate
Runners will go door to door informing teachers, “We are exiting the building.”
Teachers are to say to students, “Pick up your book bag and coat and line up
immediately. Do not waste time packing your bag.”
 Evacuate the building in a manner that makes certain no one goes near the
suspicious object. Do not evacuate to the parking lot.
 Everyone must be at least 300 feet from the building.
 Staff members should make visual checks of their classrooms and report anything
 Teachers are responsible for the students under their supervision and should take
attendance at the evacuation holding site to account for each student.
 Students who are unaccounted for are to be reported to the assistant principal
 School personnel are NOT to conduct a search or disturb anything (teacher should
be allowed to look around the room to detect anything unusual.). Wait for law
enforcement personnel to arrive. After a thorough search by the law enforcement
and fire authorities has been conducted and nothing found, the principal, upon the
recommendation of the police and/or superintendent, will permit re-entry into the
 If an explosion occurs prior to or during evacuation, teachers should be prepared to
move in a darkened, smoke filled and disruptive environment. Teachers should lead
the way and students should physically grasp the student in front of them.
 Upon reaching the assembly area, teachers should immediately account for all
students and report any missing to staff and / or emergency personnel.
 Students and teachers should stay in a safe designated area until the principal
indicates it is safe to return to the building. Students should be faced away from the
building and be prepared to drop to the ground in the event of an explosion.
Teachers should check the assembly area for the possibility of secondary devices.
 Decisions regarding school dismissal or other further actions are the prerogative of
the superintendent.
*The school has determined evacuation sites with input from SRO and fire department
personnel. The school has identified alternate evacuation routes. All personnel know
where the assembly places are located.
BOMB – Actual Explosion
 Determine location and extent of explosion.
 Call 911 and provide important details regarding possible breaks in gas and
electrical lines or other special hazards.
Evacuate building using normal evacuation procedures. Special conditions may
warrant special instructions to use alternative exits.
Custodian will shut off gas.
Assist with anyone who is injured.
Notify superintendent at 864-445-8441.
Secure the area until authorities arrive.
Send one person to meet emergency first responder to explain the situation. This
person should carry master keys, floor plan, and walkie-talkie.
* All persons should be alert to the potential for secondary explosion.
Note: See Appendix for form for recording bomb threats
These emergencies include, but are not limited to, chemical spills, chemical attacks,
hazardous materials, or in-building chemical hazards.
Signal: Announce to students/staff what is occurring and why.
 Identify threat to school.
 Go to lock down and secure all doors and windows, if needed.
 If interior rooms are available, move to them.
 Air handling systems should be shut down on site or remotely by district office.
 Contact 911 Emergency Services to notify them about the incident.
 Stand by for directions from the district office and civil emergency authorities.
There are variables in these types of attacks and it will be best to shelter in place
until we have better information.
 Parents should be advised, via Alert Now, not to come to the school to pick up
their students until an all clear is given.
Standard Incident Objectives
 Remove people from harm’s way.
 Assess situation.
 Be cognizant of secondary devices.
 Secure the perimeter, set up operation areas, and establish a cold zone (area of
positive no contamination).
 Consider decontamination, triage, treat, and transport victims (assisted by
professional response teams).
 Alert professional responders to the potentially dangerous conditions and notify the
district office.
 Avoid additional contamination.
 Secure evidence and treat as a crime scene.
Chemical Threat Response
 Evacuate persons from the potential at-risk areas to minimize potential exposure.
If outdoors, note plume direction (vapor/cloud movement) and move upwind.
Number of victims.
Types of injuries and symptoms presented.
Information from witnesses (what they saw and heard).
Exact location of incident.
Isolate area and deny entry.
Characteristics of Chemical Agents:
 Requires a dispersion device typically for aerosol generation.
 Requires weaponization.
 Can be found as a solid, liquid or gas.
 The less volatile the agent the more persistent.
 Clinical effects vary from immediate to hours.
Effects of chemical threat agents are affected by:
 Temperature
 Humidity
 Precipitation
 Wind speed
 Nature of terrain and buildings
The fire alarm will sound. It will go off for about 20 seconds. Direct your students to get
under their desks or a nearby counter (only 1 per desk). When that alarm stops, the
students should stay under their desks until told otherwise.
Keep them there until you are told to evacuate. At the evacuation order, leave the
building as you would for a fire drill. Take your class student roll with you. Stay outside
until told to return.
Know how to shut off electricity and gas.
Place large or heavy objects on lower shelves.
Locate the safe places in your area.
Stay away from windows, bookcases and other tall furniture.
Keep calm and stay in designated area. Most injuries occur when people decide
to enter or exit buildings.
If indoors, go to predetermined area and remain. If outside, move away from
trees, buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.
Don't ever go inside a building during an earthquake.
If in vehicle, stop as quickly as safety permits - stay in the vehicle. Avoid
stopping near buildings, trees, overpasses, or utility wires.
Be prepared for aftershocks. These occur one minute to one year after initial
Use flashlights or battery powered lanterns. DO NOT use candles, matches, or
open fire. There may be gas leakage in buildings after earthquake.
Check for injuries. Do not attempt to move seriously injured person unless
person is in immediate danger and when authorities say it is safe.
If directed to evacuate the building, you should move to an area on the school
campus that is not located near gas or electrical lines that could pose a hazard if
Call 911 if emergency services are needed.
1. Shut off valves.
2. Leave building.
3. Report leak.
4. Look for main switch and shut off electrical power.
In the event of an explosion:
 If students are in locations where there is debris or flying material, every effort
should be made to seek protection under desks with eyes closed.
 If time permits, students should cover their faces with arms, books, coats, jackets
or any other available protective covering.
 Students should remain in this position until the building tremors and flying debris
cease and await instructions.
 Notify the principal immediately. He or She will notify the fire department,
EMS, and Saluda County Disaster Preparedness Agency at 911.
 After determining the location of the explosion, the principal will decide if
evacuation of the building is necessary and, if so, to what extent the building
should be evacuated.
 Custodian will shut off gas.
 Assist with anyone who is injured.
The evacuation will be accomplished by a standard fire drill and include the following:
 Everyone must be a least 300 feet from the buildings.
Teachers are responsible for their students, and should take attendance at the
evacuation holding site to account for each student.
Students who are unaccounted for are to be reported to the assistant principal
Secure the area until authorities arrive.
Send one person to meet emergency first responder to explain the situation. This
person should carry master keys, floor plan, and walkie-talkie.
The principal or his/her designee will also notify the superintendent.
Decisions regarding school dismissal or other further actions are the prerogative of the
Note: All persons should be alert to the potential for secondary explosion.
Monthly fire drills will be practiced. Fire drills will be initiated by sounding the fire alarm.
In the event of a fire within the school building:
Sound the fire alarm immediately.
 Simplex will automatically call 911.
 Administration will call 911 and give as much information as possible.
 Notify the utility company (Mid-Carolina Co-op Power & Lights or South
Carolina Electric and Gas) of a break or suspected break in gas or
electrical lines which would present an additional hazard.
Evacuate the building according to the following procedures:
 Students will walk out of the designated exit single file in a quiet, orderly manner.
 The classroom door should be closed by the last person to leave the room.
 Teachers will take their class roll of students as they exit the classroom and are
responsible for the students under their supervision and should take attendance,
accounting for each child.
 Students must go to the designated area and must not stand in any driveway or
other hard surfaced area. Evacuation may require students to leave school
 Students not in the classroom when the alarm sounds should report to their
teacher’s designated area outside of the building. No one should enter the
building when the alarm sounds.
Students and all unaccounted staff and faculty are to be reported to the principal
Office personnel should notify the district superintendent (864-445-8441) as soon
as possible.
The principal will be designated to meet the first responder. The designated person will
provide a master key or keys to the first responder. Staff person will carry a portable
radio, school floor plan, and will stay with the first responder.
Access roads will be kept open for emergency vehicles. Custodial staff has been
designated to insure that all access roads are open.
The fire drill plan for evacuation is posted in each classroom throughout the year. It is
the teacher’s responsibility to be thoroughly familiar with the plan and also be prepared
to use an alternate route in the event the normal route is blocked.
Students and staff members will be allowed to return to the building at the direction of
the principal only upon the recommendation of the fire department.
Decisions regarding school dismissal or other further actions are the prerogative of the
*The school has determined evacuation sites with the fire department personnel.
The school has identified an alternate evacuation site.
If a situation should arise where one or more persons hold students or staff hostage
on the campus, the following precautions and procedures should be considered:
 Call 911, SRO, and superintendent at 864-445-8441.
 Move all people away from the hostage situation as rapidly and quietly as
possible. Check any common areas to be sure they have been evacuated.
 Gather all facts regarding the situation for the police. Keep notes on times, any
communications from the person holding the hostage, and other witness
 Designated first responder should meet law enforcement and emergency
personnel as they arrive on campus.
 Work with the district office and law enforcement to determine next steps. Law
enforcement has total control of hostage scene.
 Evaluate the situation and determine whether to lock down or evacuate.
 Refer all media calls to the superintendent.
* Notes:
No one, other than law enforcement, should initiate communication with
the subject.
If communication is initiated by the subject, only one person should
communicate with the subject.
Ice/Snow Storm
 Decisions regarding delays, early dismissal or other school closings will be made
by the superintendent.
 The superintendent will activate the Alert Now calling system with a message.
 In addition, information will be communicated to TV stations for broadcast.
Students and employees should watch the television stations and not call the
school and/or District Office.
School procedures for early dismissal due to weather conditions include the following:
Students will remain in their classrooms under the direct supervision of the
teachers until given further instructions.
The Saluda Emergency Preparedness Agency warnings will be monitored
Tornado/Severe Thunderstorm/Hurricane
In the event of a Tornado WATCH, normal activities are to continue but with the
following precautions:
 The weather monitor will be closely monitored for further updates of the weather
 School personnel will be assigned as lookouts behind the school and outside in
front of the main office area.
 The principal in cooperation with the Saluda Emergency Preparedness Agency
and the superintendent will determine if school dismissal should be delayed
depending on the situation.
In the event of a Tornado WARNING/Severe Thunderstorm/Hurricane the following
procedures are to be followed:
Notice will be given over the public address system. If the electricity should be
off, teachers will be notified by the principal or custodial staff.
Upon notification of a violent storm or tornado warning, a spotter should be
posted. Teachers and office personnel should close all windows and blinds.
All students and personnel in the building will assemble in the halls to
predetermined locations away from glass/windows. Students will sit facing the
wall and cover their heads and faces with book, arm, jackets, or other available
If a tornado should actually strike the school:
 The principal will determine when and if the building should be evacuated
and to what extent it should be evacuated.
 Notify the fire department, EMS, and Saluda Emergency Preparedness
Agency as needed at 911.
 The Crisis Management Team and other staff members will act according
to their assigned roles and evaluate injuries, administer first aid, and take
other appropriate action.
Note: All portable buildings will be evacuated to a permanent structure.
Tornado Evacuation Route
Students are to move into hallways away from glass.
School Bus Wreck - Regular Daily Transportation
Rosters of regular passengers riding school buses will be on file at the school.
Upon notification of a bus accident the following will be determined by the person
receiving the call:
Where is the bus accident?
Was another vehicle involved?
Are students injured on the bus requiring EMS?
Are passengers in the other vehicle injured requiring EMS?
Notify EMS, highway patrol, sheriff's department, and the superintendent.
Upon notification of a bus wreck, James Guy Sample, Director of Transportation, will
immediately proceed to the scene of the accident and:
 Establish communications back to the school via radio to coordinate
procedures necessary to deal with the situation.
 The office staff will monitor the radio and phones throughout the
emergency to help coordinate emergency efforts from the accident scene
back to the school.
 Will supervise and direct the off-site communications and summon the
crisis management team to the scene as needed to deal with injuries,
notification, media, etc.
Effective communications and availability of needed information are critical during any
emergency and especially during an off campus emergency such as a bus wreck.
The following steps will be taken to prepare for a possible off campus emergency:
Rosters of students and chaperones going on field trips with copies at school
(main office) as well as on each bus.
Copies of students and chaperones information sheets including permission
forms and medical permission forms as well as emergency numbers and names
of persons to be contacted in the event of an emergency. Copies must be on file
at school and on each bus.
When going on a field trip or leaving the campus teachers must complete the following
and leave on file with the principal:
1. student and chaperone list;
2. student and chaperone information sheets including names to contact,
with telephone numbers, in the event of an emergency;
3. students’ permission forms;
4. medical emergency permission forms; and
5. bus identification-including bus numbers.
NOTE: THIS SECTION, Off Campus Trips – Athletics, APPLIES TO
Notify the following: Marcie Enlow, James Guy Sample, Dr. Mathis, and Jeanette
Athletic teams must fill out forms including the above information on all team members
and file with Jeanette Wilder at the beginning of each season for each sport. Copies of
this information should be maintained in a folder and should accompany the team each
time the group leaves the school campus.
 If the misbehavior is not serious, attempt to have students return to their
normal school routine.
 Call for SRO or local law enforcement department, if the disruption continues
or if injury occurs.
 If the behavior could result in injury or further disruption, try to get disruptive
students or their leaders isolated from general student body.
 Determine what disciplinary action to take, if any.
 Notify parents at an appropriate time.
 Contact the superintendent at 864-445-8441.
 School administrative staff members will discern the basis of the problem and
take action to address those concerns.
 All media inquiries should be referred to the superintendent.
Definition: Student runs away from the school building during school hours, or
student is abducted by a stranger or family member.
 The teacher or staff member should notify the school office and provide a
description of the student(s) and abductor(s) and as much information as
possible about the incident.
 The school office personnel should call 911 and provide a description of the
persons involved in the abduction or of the runaway and as much information as
possible about the incident. Contact SRO.
 For a runaway, follow student if appropriate.
 School office personnel should contact the parent or guardian.
 Have a description of student’s clothing worn that day and a picture of the
student available for law enforcement personnel. Check with teachers to obtain
clothing description and surveillance systems. Pictures may be available from
files or yearbooks.
 Notify superintendent at 864-445-8441.
NOTE: A picture of every student must be available in school files. If a picture is not
on file, the parents should be asked if they can provide one.
 Assign administrative security.
 Notify SRO and superintendent at 864-445-8441.
 Advise local law enforcement.
 Activate the school administrative staff to discuss the problem and take action to
address the situation.
Electrical power failure:
 The principal will call Thomas Shaw and the District office.
 The teachers will keep their students in the classroom until they are dismissed or
the electricity is restored.
 Flashlights will be available in the main office.
 The school has emergency lights in the halls.
Gas Line Break:
The principal will determine if evacuation of the building is necessary and, if so, to what
extent the building should be evacuated. The evacuation will be accomplished by a
standard fire drill and include the following:
Everyone should be at least 300 feet from the building.
Teachers are responsible for the students under their supervision and should
take attendance at the evacuation site to account for each child.
Students who are unaccounted for are to be reported to the closest evacuation
area or the administrator.
Call SCE&E or Mid-Carolina Electric and the fire department, as needed.
Decisions regarding school dismissal or other further actions are the prerogative
of the superintendent.
Water Main Break or Sewer Break – during school hours
1.The principal will call Thomas Shaw, who in turn will contact the provider and give
details of the type of break.
2.Clear the immediate area of obvious hazards (evacuate the building, if necessary).
For after hours facility emergency that requires school district personnel to be
involved, call the local provider(s) and district contact listed below:
The principal or his/her designee should contact Thomas Shaw for problems with
water supply, sewer, gas, or electricity.
To include: Intruder, Medical Emergencies, Weapons, and Any Other Situation
Deemed Necessary by Administration
 Announce over speakers “We are now in a lockdown. This is not a drill. This
is a lockdown.”
 Teachers should lock their doors and get students away from doors and
windows. Account for all students.
 Do not attempt to round up students who are not in class. Try to ensure the
safety of the students who are present.
 Place your GREEN CARD in the window of your classroom if all students are
well and accounted for.
 Place your RED CARD in the window of your classroom if there is a problem or
you need assistance. An Administrator, or SRO will come to your door, or the
office will call the classroom to determine the problem.
 Remain in classroom until notified by Administration. Door should be opened
only for administrator or a police. (Do not open the door for anyone else including
students.) During this lockdown, students ARE NOT allowed to leave the
To include: Drug Searches, Medical Emergencies, and Any Other Situation
Deemed Necessary by Administration
 Announce over speakers “We are in a Modified Lockdown. Resume normal
classroom activities. Do not leave your classroom.”
 Teachers should lock their doors and account for all students.
 Do not attempt to round up students who are not in class. Try to ensure the
safety of the students who are present.
 Place your GREEN CARD in the window of your classroom if all students are
well and accounted for.
 Place your RED CARD in the window of your classroom if there is a problem or
you need assistance. An administrator, or SRO will come to your door, or the
office will call the classroom to determine the problem.
 Remain in classroom until notified by administration.
Teachers may open the door to admit students. Teachers should note students’
names and times of arrival when they were allowed into the classroom. During
this lockdown, students ARE NOT allowed to leave the classroom.
When an announcement on the PA is “We are now in a Lockdown. This is not a drill.
This is a Lockdown,” this signals a lockdown of the school.
 Teachers must lock their doors and keep students away from windows and
doors. An all clear will be given when normal activities may resume.
 Administration will contact by phone or radio, any classes where the PA may not
be heard. This would include PE and band classes.
 If we have a lockdown situation during lunch we will lock the cafeteria doors and
take students to the back of the cafeteria, into the food serving and preparation
 Teachers need to read their e-mail when the announcement is made.
Administration will try to keep you informed as to what is going on. Place the
appropriate card in the window of your classroom door.
At this time the following people should assemble at their respective main office, if
Person and Backup Person
Marcie Enlow,
Karen Stoudemayer
Marcie Enlow,
Karen Stoudemayer
Report to the Main Office and handle Evacuation
Accountability – Coordinate with emergency personnel and
law enforcement
Report to the School Main Office
Confirm Main Building is secure and assist with
building/locker check
Report to the Main Office – Utility Control – Provide building
information to emergency personnel
Lockdown Staff Assignments - Drills
Math Hall
ELA Hall
Office Hall
Person and Backup Person
Holly Shaw,
Sarah Deloach
Sherry Jones,
Connie Sample
Dianne Shuler,
Tomeka Love
Karen Stoudemayer,
Marcie Enlow
Tomeka Love,
Dianne Shuler
Ed Chariker,
Betsy Painter
Beverly Funderburk,
Mary Matthews
Evacuation Team Leader and Backup:
Crisis Team Member
Name/Position and Backup
Marcie Enlow
Marcie Enlow, Principal
General supervision of all crisis response areas.
Tomeka Love
Confirm Main Building is secure – Assist with building/locker
In Charge of the Parent/Family Re-unification Area.
All support staff
Runner for School Command Post.
Ed Chariker
School Emergency Liaisons – Stay with the Emergency
responder(s) until assigned to the Incident Command Post.
Block off Butler Avenue with the assistance of the Saluda
Sheriff’s Office.
Takes the emergency evacuation kit outside and sets up the
School Command Post. (Emergency Evacuation kits are located
in the main office).
In charge of records in the School Command Post to account for
all personnel, also will take sign-in sign out book from front
In charge of the Triage Area
Assist in the Triage Area.
Serve as a liaison with the school
Serve as a representative at the hospital
Record names and transport information in the Triage Area.
Take portable PA system to evacuation area.
In charge of evacuation and shelter area. Teachers should
report to Karen Stoudemayer and tell her if everyone is
accounted for and who is missing.
In office to answer phones if it is safe and practical.
Peaches, James, Armando
Karen Stoudemayer
Holly Shaw
Karen Stoudemayer
Holly Shaw
Janet Rowe
Betsy Painter
Dianne Shuler
Viridiana Martinez
Janet Rowe, Betsy Painter
Tomeka Love
Karen Stoudemayer
Dianne Shuler
Report to the Main Office – Check Evacuation Site – Contact
Sheriff’s Department – Assist with building/locker checks.
FAMILY RE-UNIFICATION: District Office Parking Lot
TRIAGE AREA: Evacuation field to the left, closest to Butler Ave. and the gate for
emergency vehicles
OFF CAMPUS SHELTER: Administration has this information.
Duties of the team at the school command post
Ensure all necessary items are taken outside of the building in order to set up the school
command post. Necessary items include student, staff and visitor documentation and the
“Crisis Response Kits.”
Establish and maintain contact with school personnel in the evacuation areas and triage
area to account for all persons on campus.
Provide accountability information to the SCP.
Provide triage area with staff/student medical records.
Maintain communications with the central/district office.
Provide parents and families of those injured with hospital information.
Maintain communication with the alternative shelters and hospitals.
Primary Objective: The command post is essentially going to want to know as much
as possible about who was in the school at the time of the incident and where
everyone is now.
Consequently, the command post will depend on the school crisis response team to
provide an accurate accounting of everyone on the school campus at the time of the
Runners from the School Command Post will take lists of missing and injured
compiled by the school crisis response team to the incident command post.
The purpose of triage is to determine who is in the most need of medical attention.
The three main duties of the team in the triage area are:
Assist injured until EMS arrives
Identify injured
Record names and location of where they were transported
When information is collected:
A runner in the triage area takes the list of injured to the SCP.
Team members at the SCP retrieve medical records that are housed in the office of those
persons on the list and the runner takes the medical records back to the triage area.
Triage team members place medical records with the injured persons.
Once EMS decides where the injured will be transported, the runner takes this information
to the SCP.
The SCP then sends this information to the parents in the parent area.
The SCP also sends this information to the superintendent’s office.
Parent/Family Re-unification Area
The duties of the team members in the parent/family re-unification area are:
Comfort parents by staying calm.
Assist and identify parents with a nametag.
Record names of parents and their children involved in the incident.
Educate parents by providing them with information as it is communicated by the school
command post.
How is information provided to parents and other family members?
 Once the SCP has received information regarding who was injured and where they
have been transported, a runner from the SCP will take the information to the parent
 The runner and a team member in the parent area will match the “student injured list”
with the list of parent and student names.
 The team member in the parent area will call the parents to the side and provide them
with information about their child’s location.
Hospitals (A list of area hospitals is in the Emergency Contact Information on page 5.)
The main duties of the team at the hospital are:
 Comfort injured.
 Identify injured.
 Provide information to parents.
 Serve as a liaison between the hospital and school.
 Maintain communication with superintendent’s office.
Student Shelter and Evacuation Area
A copy of the MOA with the shelter(s) will be forwarded to the superintendent’s office
prior to the opening of school each school year. The letter and form are included in the
Additional Information section.
The principal and the school’s emergency team must be familiar with the facility layout
and how the space would be utilized.
Plans to secure emergency items that include water, non-perishable food, sanitation
supplies, basic first-aid, etc. need to be in place.
The function of the shelter and evacuation area:
Teachers are to remain with their classes and manage students.
The shelter is a pre-determined alternative place for students and staff to be
evacuated to in the event of an emergency.
The shelter can also serve as an alternative meeting point for parents to pick up
their children in the event of a school crisis.
Evacuation Advance Party Leader and Backup:
Karen Stoudemayer
Tomeka Love
Person Assigned & Backup
Marcie Enlow
Holly Shaw
-in charge of evacuation site She will use
cafeteria and custodian personnel to get site ready
for students.
Janet Rowe
Dianne Shuler
-will take any medications that students need, in
case returning to school will be impossible.
Loading Order:
 Gym
 Math Hall
 ELA Hall
 Office Hall
The Advance Party will carry Orange Cones to signal where buses should unload
when they reach the evacuation site. The custodians will greet students and take
them to the designated area. Teachers and staff should assume the same
responsibilities as if it were an on-campus evacuation (bring emergency kits, set
up command post, etc.)
Bomb threat/recording information:
Information can be printed on a card or sheet of paper. It needs to be placed by
all primary phones in the school. (See Appendix for form)
Campus/building layout
Include a facilities layout that includes all buildings with all rooms numbered, main
entrances, gas/water/electrical cut offs and location of emergency kits. (See Appendix)
Emergency Drill Requirements
Authority to call drills: The principal or principal’s designee shall have the authority to
implement an emergency drill.
During the first week of each school year, every student should be briefed on the
emergency procedures for each type of drill. This briefing should be both verbal and
Emergency drills are conducted to familiarize the occupants of a building with the
signals and procedures so that, in case of emergency, there shall
be no hesitation or confusion in directed student action.
These drills are for the safety of all persons involved, and each person must
realize that the success of the drill is dependent upon his/her actions and
cooperation. Therefore:
All persons in the building must take part in the drill.
Every alarm should be considered as a warning of an actual
1. Frequency of Drills
Fire Drills - SC Code of Laws Sec 59-63-910 requires that each
school conduct a fire drill at least once each month. Specific dates
and times of fire drills are at the discretion of the principal, but
should be at random intervals. Any false alarm may be counted as
a fire drill.
Lockdown Drills -There shall be a minimum of two (2) drills per
school year. The first drill shall be conducted within fifteen (15)
days of the first day of school. The second drill shall be conducted
at the principal’s discretion.
Severe Weather Drills – There shall be a minimum of one severe
weather drill each year. This drill should be held in the spring of
each year and may, at the principal’s discretion, be scheduled to
coincide with the statewide tornado drill, the date of which is set
annually by the National Weather Service.
Earthquake Drills - There shall be a minimum of one earthquake
drill each year. This drill should be held in the spring of each year
and may, at the principal’s discretion, be scheduled to coincide with
the statewide earthquake drill, the date of which is set annually by
the National Weather Service.
4. Warning Signal
The warning signal for emergency drills shall be as listed below. There should
also be a plan for signaling in the event of power failure.
Fire Drills – Sound the fire alarm.
Lockdown Drills – Announcement over intercom or PA System
using any of the following wording:
“THIS IS A DRILL. Go to Lockdown. Intruder on campus.”
“THIS IS A DRILL. Go to Modified Lockdown.”
Severe Weather Drills – Verbal announcement over intercom or
PA system announcing “THIS IS A DRILL” followed by
the type of weather emergency and the protective action to take.
Earthquake Drills - Intercom or PA system announcement “THIS
5. Emergency Drill Requirements and Reporting Procedures
Principals shall:
 Be responsible for all matters pertaining to organizing and
conducting drills on the campus and also for the efficiency of the
drill and corrective actions taken for violation of the rules and
problems identified during the drill.
 Secure the signed MOA for their school prior to the beginning of
each school year.
 Ensure that the alarm system is placed on test by notifying Simplex
at least 30 minutes before any drill in which the fire alarm system
will be used.
 Appoint a staff person to supervise particular areas of need and
instruct him/her in the general plan for emergency drills and details
of his/her specific duties, such as instruction regarding:
How to contact SRO for assistance;
The importance of quick action in sending an alarm;
How to secure all building exits;
Which building location shall be the command center when a
lock down is in progress;
5. What method of communication shall be used if an intruder is in
the building before lock down can be established;
6. Be prepared to direct first responders to incident location and
give them any necessary information; and
7. Ensure that teachers and students perform all activities
assigned to them during the event;
Designate an administrator or staff person to coordinate with
law enforcement at their command post and make sure a site map
and keys are available for the command post.
Be prepared to deal with parents and media who respond to the
6. Responsibilities of Teachers
Teachers shall:
 Be in charge of their respective classes;
 Issue all commands relative to participation in the drill;
 Ensure proper procedures are followed;
 Keep students in a safe area until advised, personally, by
administration or law enforcement to move or that
the “all clear” has been given;
 Be prepared to lead their class to designated secure areas.
1. Students shall walk briskly (do not run) without talking
or breaking from the line.
2. Teachers shall check roll when the assigned area
is reached.
3. Teachers shall notify the principal immediately of any
missing student.
4. Teachers shall not leave the students unless
they are relieved by an administrator.
7. During Emergency Drills
Building staff shall follow the directions laid out in each individual building’s
emergency plan.
8. After an Emergency Drill
Principal will complete the appropriate “Emergency Drill Reporting Form”
after each drill and submit electronically.
 Fire: at least once each month
 Lockdown: minimum of two per school year – first one within 15
days of the school year – second one at principal’s discretion
 Severe weather: minimum of one each school year – should be
held in spring at principal’s discretion – should coincide with
statewide tornado drill
 Earthquake: minimum of one drill each year – should be in the
spring – coincide with statewide earthquake drill
Principal and staff shall meet to evaluate effectiveness of the drill and make any
necessary changes.
(See Appendix for reporting form for emergency drills)
Media Contacts
The district will maintain a list of all local newspapers, radio stations, and television
stations. The district provides access to all public information through cooperative
efforts among representatives of the media and district personnel while considering
the responsibilities of both parties. The primary objective is to inform the public of all
relevant information during a district/ school emergency.
Contact Information - Regulations
A. The superintendent is the designated person to work with the media. All media
requests will be directed through him/her.
B. The superintendent in collaboration with law enforcement, if necessary, will assign a
location for the media which is convenient for them and which will meet the
requirements of both the media and school personnel.
C. The superintendent will provide the media guidelines established by the school
D. The superintendent will prepare written statements for the press.
E. At no time will students be interviewed without written parental approval.
When requests for student interviews are granted, the interview will be completed
with minimum loss of instructional time, minimum interruption in the learning
environment, and approval from the superintendent’s office.
F. School personnel will refer all media questions to the superintendent.
Internal Communication Network
The superintendent or his/her designee will update district employees frequently.
The superintendent’s office will maintain a list of all local newspapers, radio
stations, and television stations. This list will contain the names of contact
persons, telephone numbers, and (where available) FAX numbers. When an
emergency occurs, these contacts will be notified and plans will begin to
accommodate their need to gather information about the emergency.
Media Emergency Kit
– to include:
A. copy of the school “Safety Information and Emergency Plans;”
B. lists of all media contacts;
C. name tags for media personnel;
D. copy of Freedom of Information regulations;
E. portable computer; and
F. local phone book.
Shelter in Place – MOA
MOAs need to be executed prior to the opening of school and renewed annually. A
sample is included. The original is retained at the school; and, a copy is forwarded to
the superintendent. (See Appendix for letter and agreement)
Support after the crisis
If any crisis situation does or has the potential to overwhelm the capabilities of the
school, contact the director of student services at 864-445-8441. Services may include
crisis management and additional counseling services via community resources. When
in doubt, call to discuss.
 Area agencies or school districts that provide on-campus counseling
Saluda Behavioral Health, Dan Neel, Director -- 864-445-3827
T H R E A T – Recording Form
(source: Palmetto Tactical Advantage)
Questions to ask:
1. When is the bomb going to explode?
2. Where is it right now?
3. What does it look like?
4. What kind of bomb is it?
5. What will cause it to explode?
6. Did you place the bomb?
7. Why?
8. What is your address?
9. What is your name?
Exact Wording of the Threat:
Length of Call__________
Ethnicity __________
Number at which call was received:_________________
Page 1 of 2 of form
Caller’s Voice:
____Clearing Throat
____Deep Breathing
____Cracking Voice
If voice is familiar, who did it sound like? ___________________________
Background Sounds:
____Street Sounds
____PA System
____House Noises
____Office Machinery
____Factory Machines
____Animal Noises
____Long Distance
____Well Spoken
____Message read by threat maker
REMARKS: _________________________________________________
REPORT CALL IMMEDIATELY TO: _____________________________________________
Phone #:_________________________________________________
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of person filing the information report:___________________________________
Phone Number:___________________
Date: ____/_____/_______
Page 2 or 2 of form
Emergency Drill Reporting Form
School Year:__________________
Begin/End Time
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
Emergency Drill Reporting Form
School Year:_______________
Begin/End Time
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
__Fire (monthly)
__Lockdown (2 – 1st w/in
15 days of 1st day of sch.)
__Weather (1 spring)
__ Earthquake
MOA and Introduction Letter
Saluda District One
July 1, 2014
404 North Wise Rd
Saluda, SC 29138
Dear __________________:
Re: Memorandum of Agreement – Facility Use for Emergencies
Saluda County Schools is requesting permission to use your facility as an emergency shelter if an
emergency occurs that would require us to evacuate our schools. Principals are making contact
with people associated with facilities close to their schools to explain the purpose and request
In order to ensure we are prepared to move students to a safe place, if needed, we have
developed a Memorandum of Agreement that provides more information and lists the contact
people for the facility and for the school making the request. Please review the agreement and
determine if you can assist us in this way. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at
We appreciate your assistance in ensuring safety for our students if an emergency occurs.
David M. Mathis, Ed.D.
Saluda County School District
Memorandum of Agreement With
Terms & Conditions
The ________________ agrees to allow the Saluda County School District (“District”) to
relocate students to its facilities located at __________________________ [address] in
the event an emergency occurs during school hours, which necessitates the evacuation of
students from District property, as determined in good faith by the superintendent or
his/her designee and/or the District’s School Resource Officer. Specifically, the
______________________ agrees to allow the District to transport students to and house
students at its facilities during the time of emergency or evacuation, or until such time as
the District can either return the students to District property, transport the students to
their homes, or otherwise arrange for students to be dismissed into the custody of their
parents, guardians, or other appropriate individuals.
Bomb threats and natural disasters, including fire, tornadoes, and flooding, are
specifically contemplated by the District as events which may necessitate the evacuation
of students from District property. This list is not, however, all-inclusive.
The District will notify the __________ as soon as possible when it appears likely that
students may need to be evacuated from District property. It is the sole responsibility
of the District to coordinate and transport students to and from the evacuation site, as
well as to provide supervision for students while they are on _________ property. It is
also the sole responsibility of the District to provide food and other provisions to
students while they are on ________ property, and to make any necessary parental
The term of this agreement shall be from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving written notice at least
90 days prior to the effective date of such termination.
The ______________ agrees to permit the District to utilize its premises during times of
emergency, as discussed above, at no cost.
Modification or Amendment
No amendment, change, or modification of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing
signed by the parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed this agreement on the ___ day of
___________, 2013.
Saluda County School District
Information for contacts to access shelter:
Phone Number:_______________
Phone Number:_______________
Information to contact school:
School Office:_________________
Alternate Contact:__________________________
Phone Number:_______________
Original – retain at school
Copy – to Superintendent
Facilities’ Layouts
(to include: all buildings on site with ALL rooms accounted for [including closets] and
numbered, gas/water cut offs, electrical breaker boxes, and location of Crisis Emergency Kits)
I _____________________________ have read the Saluda Elementary 2014 - 2015
Safety Information and Emergency Plan. I understand the information included and my
role in the event of an emergency situation.