Sounding of Alarm. (A continuous sound that simulates an earthquake)
1. Teacher tells the students to STOP whatever they are doing and do the DROP,
COVER and HOLD position. While on the floor, move away from glass windows,
cabinets and other things that might fall, break or collapse.
After the alarm.
2. Everyone stands up and the teacher instructs students to use the BUDDY
SYSTEM by forming two (2) lines before moving out to the pre-designated
evacuation area. The teacher leads the way while the class president or student
leader (as designated by the teacher) stays at the end of the line.
3. Do not use the elevators. Instead, take the stairs, fire exit stairwells and other
pre-determined exit routes (KEEP RIGHT). Use alternate routes if there is an
obstruction or if the pathway is unsafe to use. Students should cover their heads
with their schoolbags and/or books.
4. If an aftershock occurs while exiting, do the DROP, COVER and HOLD position
until shaking stops and move to safer grounds (e.g. open areas away from trees
and electric posts).
5. Stay together and evacuate safely and quietly. DON’T TALK, DON’T PUSH,
DON’T RUN, and DON’T TURN BACK! Extra effort in assistance should be given
to young children, elderly faculty/staff and PWDs (persons with disabilities) as they
are the most vulnerable during earthquakes.
6. Upon arrival at the evacuation area, teachers should account for their students
by checking the attendance. Should there be somebody missing – please inform
the designated Safety Officer or point person. Teachers should keep their class
quiet at all times so that instructions or announcements can be heard.
7. After everyone is accounted for, the all-clear signal is sounded as an indication
that everyone is to return to their respective classrooms and offices.