Sociology 100E assignment 4

Sociology 100E - Fall 2015
Emily McMillan
Dr. Andriko Lozowy
November 9, 2015
50 Multiple Choice - Some of your questions have made it in.
15 - Word Matching
30 Marks - for 3 Short/Writing/Essay Questions on a) Finding Dawn, Remember
AfricVille and Transforming Gender.
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1. Within the social-conflict theory, which approach challenges the dominance of
heterosexuality in modern Western society?
a) heterosexism
b) queer theory
c) asexuality
d) homophobia
Right answer: B
- Queer Theory refers to “a growing body of research that challenges the heterosexual
bias in Western society. It begins with the claim that our society is categorized by the
view that labels anyone who is not heterosexual as ‘queer’.”
- p. 200 (Chapter 8)
2. Provide examples of why ‘The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Movement’
as shown in Finding Dawn is a prevalent issue in Canada that continues to be ignored:
- The Indigenous peoples of Canada are often thought of as ‘second class citizens’.
Aboriginal people are at a greater risk of poverty, due to many reasons including
racism and lack of access to services. This mindset perpetuates the idea that
Aboriginal lives are not as important as “whites” who have gone missing or been
(p. 271)
- Canada today remains a patriarchal society, valuing males and providing them
with more opportunities for success. The occurrence of institutional sexism means
that the legal system may excuse/ignore/justify violence against women, as is seen
in the many unsolved or uninvestigated MMIW cases.
(p. 312)
- Prostitution prevails where patriarchy is strong. As shown in the video, some
victims have been identified as sex workers and/or streetwalkers. This population
is susceptible to abuse and violence, yet prostitution is commonly referred to as ‘a
victimless crime’. This ideology is harmful as it ignores the abuse that many are
subjected to, while also promoting the notion that these women are not equally
valuable members of society. When individuals belonging to this demographic do
go missing, police have proved to be too apathetic to become involved.
Sociology 100E – Fall 2015
Sociology 4th Paper
Ayan Abdirahman
Dr. Andriko Lozowy
Date: 9 November 2015
Multiple Choice Page 281
In 2009, ____ percent of Canada’s population was classified as poor or
falling below the low income cut-off.
A) 0.01%
B) 3%
C) 9.3% Correct Answer
D) 50%
Short Answer Page 237
Define Social Stratification, and list the four basic principles
Social Stratification is a system by which a society ranks categories of
people in a hierarchy; some people have more money, power, and
prestige than others. The four basic principles of social stratification are:
1. Social Stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of
individuals differences
2. Social stratification carries over from generation to generation
3. Social stratification is universal but variable.
4. Social stratification involves not just inequality but belief as well.
Multiple-choice question (Chapter 13 pg. 334)
1) The term __________ refers to a form of social organization in which
males dominate females
a) Matriarchy
b) Gender
c) Sexism
d) Patriarchy (answer: D)
2 a) Define the term Sexual Orientation.
Answer: Sexual orientation is a person’s romantic and emotional
attraction to another person
2 b) List and define the 4 sexual orientations. (Chapter 8 pg. 191)
Heterosexuality: romantic and emotional attraction to the other sex
Homosexuality: romantic and emotional attraction to the same sex
Bisexuality: romantic and emotional attraction to people of both sexes
Asexuality: no sexual attraction to people of either sex
Chantelle Hothi : Written Assignment #4
1. MC- Chapter 8: Pg. 198
Which theory of sexuality emphasizes on the organization of society as
being the most important factor of sexuality?
a) symbolic-interaction approach
b) structural-functional approach
c) social-conflict approach
d) theoretical approach
Correct Answer: B) Structural-Functional Approach
2. Short Answer- Chapter 8: Pg. 187
What three main factors caused the Sexual Revolution? Explain each.
 Three factors which lead to the Sexual Revolution are youth culture,
the baby boom generation, and technology. In the late 1960's, youth
language was portrayed through expressions such as, "sex, drugs,
and rock n roll". This culture was now being influenced and sexual
attitude was no longer restricted.
 Secondly, the baby boom generation viewed sex as a new way of life;
increasing the number of pregnancies, regardless of marital status.
 Lastly, technology plays a role in the Sexual Revolution because birth
control was no longer banned and was available to women at any
time, which made sex more beneficial and accommodating.
Multiple choice
1) _______ is the earliest stage that we assign/”do” Gender?
A) Infancy
B) Pre-Birth (Fetal Stage)
C) Birth
D) Conception Answer; B
Fetal Stage, Although conception could be argued for if we had covered
gender specific conception.
Short Answer
2) Define polyamory and
describe a polyamourous relationship demographic.
Answer:(from Greek poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the
practice, desire, or acceptance of intimate relationships that are not
exclusive with respect to other sexual or intimate relationships, with
knowledge and consent of everyone involved.
And the demographic of a polyamourous relationship is any number of
people, male or female, in a relationship collectively that is more than the
heteronormative two people to a relationship.
Multiple Choice Question
1. The term intersex refers to people who have___________________.
A. gone through sex reassignment surgery
Answer: B. both female and male characteristics, including genitals
C. disregard conventional gender roles
D. feelings that they are one sex even though they are biologically
Chapter 8, page 183
Short Answer Question
2. Feminism advocates for social equality between men and woman. In
feminism there tends to be five general principles, name all five. Pick
one principle and argue either for or against it, support your answer. (10
Answer: 1. Working to increase equality
2. Expanding human choice
3. Eliminating gender stratification
4. Ending sexual violence
5. Promoting sexual freedom
Argue for or against one
Multiple Choice Question
Affricville is an example of ________.
a) Assimilation
b) Segregation
c) Discrimination
d) Both b and c
Answer: d)
Short Answer Question
Affricville is described in a brochure as beautiful a place to live. Do the
people of Africville feel this way? Why?
Answer could look like the following:
The people of Affricville felt that is was a beautiful place to live because
after their move to the City of Halifax, they experienced the vicious
circle (cycle) of Prejudice and Discrimination. “Producing social
inferiority/pushing minorities into segregated housing” (pg. 345)
Q: What is the reasoning behind people “blaming the poor” for their
A: Those who subscribe to this view believe that people who are living
in poverty are personally responsible for creating the unfortunate
situation themselves. They believe strongly in the myth of equal
opportunity, arguing that society is abundant in its rewards as long as a
person makes the choice to work to obtain them. Those who are unable
to achieve higher positions or wealth in society are therefore seen as
undeserving of such things, and factors such as addictions, low skills and
education, and less motivation are all consequences of personal
shortcomings. (Page 274)
Q: In what year was Nunavut separated from the Northwest Territories
and officially proclaimed a territory?
a ) 1996
b ) 1999
c ) 2000
d ) 2005
What is the name of the act that made same-sex marriage legal throughout
A) civil marriage act
B) sexual equality act
C) same-sex act
D) equal marriage act
Answer is A
Short answer: in your opinion do you still think sexism is still a problem in
2015? Please explain your answer
Which of the following is not a basic feminist idea?
a) Working to increase equality
b) Changing traditional societal roles
c) Eliminating gender stratification
d) Promoting sexual freedom
Correct answer is b. Question specifies from page 328 in textbook.
What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
Race is a socially constructed category of people who share biologically
transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.
Ethnicity is a shared cultural heritage.