Sexuality (Refusal Skills)
7th Grade
What is Sexual Harassment?
Unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that
makes you feel uncomfortable, fearful, or
Can happen to anyone, male or female.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
Sexual comments about your body
Sexual advances/propositions/suggestions
Sexual touching or gestures
“Dirty” jokes
Spreading rumors about other’s sexual
Ways to Say “NO!”
Avoid the offer
Do not enter a situation
where you may be
Escape the Offer…
Walk Away
Give an Excuse
Cold Shoulder
Refuse the Offer…
Simple Rejection (No, No thanks, etc..)
Self-Statements (I do not want to have sex, I have
too much going for me to do that, etc..)
Consequences (Having sex can cause pregnancy)
Broken Record (No thanks, No thanks, No thanks)
Refuse the Offer (cont..)
Strength in Numbers (Look for others, stay with
Reversing the Pressure (No thanks, I thought you
were my friend)
Activism (I don’t want to have sex until I find the right
person, and you should do the same)
Saying “NO” may not always be easy but there are
many ways to refuse anything you do not want to do.
Make decisions based on your morals, values, and a
positive outcome