Assignment 3 - Science 9 Portfolio

Topic 3 Assignment
Heritable-Able to be inherited
Asexual Reproduction-Without sex or sexuality
Binary Fission-A type of asexual reproduction common among prokaryotes wherein the
cell divides giving rise to two cells, each having the potential to grow to the size of the
original cell
Spore-A minute, typically one-celled, reproductive unit capable of giving rise to a new
individual without sexual fusion
Clones-A group of organisms or cells produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to
which they are genetically identical
Budding-an asexual reproduction process in which a bud forms on an organism, grows,
and eventually breaks away to become a new organism independent of the parent
Sexual Reproduction- reproduction process involving 2 sexes or mating types
Zygospore- a single celled reproductive structure formed in sexual reproduction of some
Bacterial Conjunction- The direct transfer of genetic (DNA) from one bacterial cell to
Zygote- The new cell formed by the process of fertilization
Embryo- An unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.
Gamete- A mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of
the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.
Complete Topic 3 Review Questions p. 36 #1-5
1. Budding is creating a new bunch of cells, Binary fission is one cell splitting to
make two
2. Fungi
3. It transfers genetic material to another organism
4. Pollen contains the male gametes and is found on the stamen. Ovules contain
the female gametes and are found in the pistil.
5. The salmon produces more young then a whale because a whale is a mammal
and salmon lays many eggs.
Reproductive Strategies Quiz
1. an asexual reproductive structure of flowering plants
2. unspecialized cells in the tips of roots and stems
3. reproductive cell found in mould
4. method of asexual reproduction used by bacteria
5. how yeast reproduces
6. identical offspring produced from a single cell or tissue
binary fission
7. female reproductive structure of a flower
8. asexual spores produced by the alga Chlamydomonas
Fill in the Blanks
9. Complete each statement with the correct term
Traits that are passed on from one generation to the next are said to be genes
Bread mold can reproduce sexually by forming structures called spores
Frogs reproduce by external fertilization, and deer reproduce by internal fertilization.
One bacterial cell transfers genetic material to another bacterial cell in a process called
Bacterial Conjunction
An advantage of Sexual reproduction is that the offspring inherit a combination of traits
from two parents.