MSC Chapter 5 Exam Review - Doral Academy Preparatory

Marine Science Honors
Chapter 5 Exam Review: Marine Sediments
1. What is the major force bringing continental sediments to the open ocean?
2. What are the factors affecting grain size in lithogenous sediments?
3. Large calcium carbonate structures produced by cyanobacteria, particularly between 1 and 3
billion years ago, are called:
4. What are the factors that contribute to textural maturity?
5. Name the microscopic contributors for calcareous ooze
6. Name the microscopic contributors for siliceopus ooze
7. When carbonates coat sand grains or shell fragments in concentric layers they form:
8. Sediments derived from preexisting rocks are called:
9. Sediments produced by plants and animals in the sea are called:
10. Sediments produced as a result of chemical reactions in seawater are called:
11. Sediments with an extraterrestrial origin are called:
12. What is another name for lithogenous sediment?
13. Manganese nodules are an example of:
14. What are some examples of hydrogenous sediment?
15. What materials could biogenous sediment be composed of?
16. Calcium carbonate is most likely to dissolve in water with which characteristics?
17. The element found in some sediments which suggests that a meteorite or asteroid impact
occurred nearby is:
18. Where is the most likely place to find abundant manganese nodules?
19. Sediments found on continental margins are called:
20. What is a hard stabilizer?
21. What are some pros and cons to hard stabilizers?