2007 - Jordan University of Science and Technology

JUST Publications in 2007
Ababneh, M. M., M. A. Alnimer, and M. Q. Husein. 2007. Effect of post insemination
progesterone supplement on pregnancy rates of repeat breeder friesian cows. AsianAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences 20, (11): 1670-1676.
Abaza, M., and M. I. Irhid. 2007. An accurate method for measurement of line
frequency using read-only memory. Proceedings of the IASTED International
Conference on Energy and Power Systems: 242-244.
Abdalla, K. M. 2007. K-nut factor of high strength bolts - part II. Journal of Structural
Engineering (Madras) 33, (6): 459-463.
Abdalla, K. M., G. A. R. Abu-Farsakh, and S. A. Barakat. 2007. Experimental
investigation of force-distribution in high-strength bolts in extended end-plate
connections. Steel and Composite Structures 7, (2): 87-103.
Abdel-Hafeez, S., S. M. Harb, and W. R. Eisenstadt. 2007. A low-power CAM using a
12-transistor design cell. 2007 IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale
Integration, VLSI-SoC: 264-269.
———Low-power content addressable memory with read/write and matched mask
Abdel-hafeez, S., A. Sawalmeh, and S. Bataineh. 2007. High performance AES design
using pipelining structure over GF((2 4)2). ICSPC 2007 Proceedings - 2007 IEEE
International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications: 716-719.
Abdel-Hafeez, S. M. 2007. A novel methodology for reducing the power supply
voltage drop at the core of IC'S chips. Journal of Electrical Engineering 58, (3): 177179.
Abdel-Jabbar, N., F. S. Mjalli, H. Qiblawey, and H. Ettouney. 2007. Development of
web based computer package for the simulation of thermal desalination processes.
Chemical Product and Process Modeling 2, (3).
Abdel-Jabbar, N. M., H. M. Qiblawey, F. S. Mjalli, and H. Ettouney. 2007. Simulation
of large capacity MSF brine circulation plants. Desalination 204, (1-3 SPEC. ISS.):
Abdullah, A. Y., and H. S. Musallam. 2007. Effect of different levels of energy on
carcass composition and meat quality of male black goats kids. Livestock Science
107, (1): 70-80.
Abdul-Razzak, K. K., and K. E. Bani-Hani. 2007. Increased prevalence of helicobacter
pylori infection in gastric cardia of patients with reflux esophagitis: A study from
jordan. Journal of digestive diseases 8, (4): 203-206.
Abdul-Razzak, K. K., A. M. Odeh, and K. E. Bani-Hani. 2007. Fast agar-based urease
test for detection of helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach. Saudi medical
journal 28, (3): 379-381.
Abo-Qudais, S. 2007. The effects of damage evaluation techniques on the prediction
of environmental damage in asphalt mixtures. Building and Environment 42, (1):
Abo-Qudais, S., and A. Alhiary. 2007. Statistical models for traffic noise at signalized
intersections. Building and Environment 42, (8): 2939-2948.
Abo-Qudais, S., and H. Al-Shweily. 2007. Effect of aggregate properties on asphalt
mixtures stripping and creep behavior. Construction and Building Materials 21, (9):
———2007. Effect of antistripping additives on environmental damage of bituminous
mixtures. Building and Environment 42, (8): 2929-2938.
Abo-Qudais, S., and I. Shatnawi. 2007. Prediction of bituminous mixture fatigue life
based on accumulated strain. Construction and Building Materials 21, (6): 13701376.
Abts, D., A. Bataineh, S. Scott, G. Faanes, J. Schwarzmeier, E. Lundberg, T. Johnson,
M. Bye, and G. Schwoerer. 2007. The cray BlackWidow: A highly scalable vector
multiprocessor. Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing,
Abu Qdais, H., A. Rabi, and F. Abdulla. 2007. Characteristics of the medical waste
generated at the jordanian hospitals. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 9,
(2): 147-152.
Abu Qdais, H. A. 2007. Techno-economic assessment of municipal solid waste
management in jordan. Waste Management 27, (11): 1666-1672.
AbuAlRub, R. F. 2007. Nursing shortage in jordan: What is the solution? Journal of
Professional Nursing 23, (2): 117-120.
AbuAlRub, R. F., M. F. Khalifa, and M. B. Habbib. 2007. Workplace violence among
iraqi hospital nurses. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 39, (3): 281-288.
Abu-Arabi, M. Status and prospects for solar desalination in the mena region.2007.
Abu-Arabi, M. K., M. A. Allawzi, and A. S. Al-Zoubi. 2007. Adsorption of phenol from
aqueous solutions on jojoba nuts residue. Chemical Engineering and Technology 30,
(4): 493-500.
Abu-Basha, E. A., R. Gehring, and S. J. Albwa'neh. 2007. Pharmacokinetics and
bioavailability of spectinomycin after i.v., i.m., s.c. and oral administration in broiler
chickens. Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics 30, (2): 139-144.
Abu-Basha, E. A., N. M. Idkaidek, and A. F. Al-Shunnaq. 2007. Comparative
pharmacokinetics of gentamicin after intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and
oral administration in broiler chickens. Veterinary research communications 31, (6):
———2007. Pharmacokinetics of tilmicosin (provitil powder and pulmotil liquid AC)
oral formulations in chickens. Veterinary research communications 31, (4): 477-485.
Abu-Ekteish, F. M., H. S. Al-Rimawi, M. K. Al-Ali, and I. M. Shehabi. 2007. Pulmonary
function tests in children with beta-thalassemia major. Chronic Respiratory Disease 4,
(1): 19-22.
Abu-El-Sha'r, W. Y., and A. E. Haddad. 2007. Lead sorption onto thermally treated
soil samples from irbid. Acta Geotechnica 2, (1): 65-69.
Abu-El-Sha'r, W. Y., and J. F. Rihani. 2007. Application of the high performance
computing techniques of parflow simulator to model groundwater flow at azraq basin.
Water Resources Management 21, (2): 409-425.
Abu-Farsakh, G. A., and R. K. Abu-Alrub. 2007. Moment and deflection redistributions
in composite plates subjected to transverse loading. Journal of Structural Engineering
(Madras) 33, (6): 487-498.
Abu-Huwaij, R., S. Assaf, M. Salem, and A. Sallam. 2007. Mucoadhesive dosage form
of lidocaine hydrochloride: I. mucoadhesive and physicochemical characterization.
Drug development and industrial pharmacy 33, (8): 855-864.
———2007. Potential mucoadhesive dosage form of lidocaine hydrochloride: II. in
vitro and in vivo evaluation. Drug development and industrial pharmacy 33, (4): 437448.
Abu-Obeid, N. 2007. The effect of consistency between type and style in church and
non-religious buildings on the semantic responses of jordanians. Architectural Science
Review 50, (1): 65-76.
Abushaikha, L. A. 2007. Methods of coping with labor pain used by jordanian women.
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 18, (1): 35-40.
Abu-Taleb, A. A., A. J. Alawneh, and M. M. Smadi. 2007. Statistical analysis of recent
changes in relative humidity in jordan. American Journal of Environmental Sciences 3,
(2): 75-77.
Abu-Taleb, A. A., M. M. Smadi, and A. J. Alawneh. 2007. Bayes estimation of the
lifetime parameters for the exponential distribution. Journal of Mathematics and
Statistics 3, (3): 106-108.
Abu-Zreig, M., Y. Abe, H. Isoda, and A. Abo-Izreik. 2007. Land drainage with
evaporation drainage method. 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Technical
Papers 4 BOOK, .
Abu-Zreig, M., M. Al-Sharif, and J. Amayreh. 2007. Erosion control of arid land in
jordan with two anionic polyacrylamides. Arid Land Research and Management 21,
(4): 315-328.
Ahmad, A. A., and A. M. Alsaad. 2007. Adhesive B-doped DLC films on biomedical
alloys used for bone fixation. Bulletin of Materials Science 30, (4): 301-308.
Ahmad, A. T., M. A. Jbara, D. Hiyasat, A. Bateiha, and K. M. Ajlouni. 2007. The
standard clinical smell testing protocol of the national center for diabetes,
endocrinology and genetics in amman, jordan: JOR test. American Journal of
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 28, (6): 388-391.
Al Khawaja, U., and K. Al-Khaled. 2007. Error control in adomian's decomposition
method applied to the time-dependent gross-pitaevskii equation. International
Journal of Computer Mathematics 84, (1): 81-87.
Al Qasim, R., and T. Eldos. 2007. Population sizing scheme for genetic algorithm.
2007 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications,
AICCSA 2007: 381-384.
Al-Ababneh, N. 2007. Capacity analysis of a simple integrated planar optical
interconnects system. International Journal of Electronics 94, (9): 845-855.
———2007. On capacity improvement of optical free space chip-to-chip
interconnects. Electrical Engineering 89, (6): 451-456.
Al-Abbadi, M. A., N. M. Almasri, S. Al-Quran, and E. J. Wilkinson. 2007. Cytokeratin
and epithelial membrane antigen expression in angiosarcomas: An
immunohistochemical study of 33 cases. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine 131, (2): 288-292.
Al-Abed, N., F. Abdulla, and R. Zahrawi. 2007. Assessment of suspended solids
dynamics and their effect in the irrigation networks in the northern jordan valley.
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 21, (1): 45-59.
———2007. Evaluation of irrigation water total suspended solids (TSS) on a farm
scale. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 53, (3): 345-353.
Al-Adamat, R., Z. Rawajfih, M. Easter, K. Paustian, K. Coleman, E. Milne, P. Falloon,
D. S. Powlson, and N. H. Batjes. 2007. Predicted soil organic carbon stocks and
changes in jordan between 2000 and 2030 made using the GEFSOC modelling
system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 122, (1): 35-45.
Al-Ajlouni, A. M., T. M. Daiafla, and M. El-Khateeb. 2007. New nitrophenyl-substituted
polyperoxotungstate catalyst: A more active and selective for the oxidation of sulfides
by hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 275, (1-2): 139147.
Alali, F. Q., K. Tawaha, and T. El-Elimat. 2007. Determination of (-)-demecolcine and
(-)-colchicine content in selected jordanian colchicum species. Pharmazie 62, (10):
Alali, F. Q., K. Tawaha, T. El-Elimat, M. Syouf, M. El-Fayad, K. Abulaila, S. J. Nielsen,
W. D. Wheaton, J. O. Falkinham, and N. H. Oberlies. 2007. Antioxidant activity and
total phenolic content of aqueous and methanolic extracts of jordanian plants: An
ICBG project. Natural Product Research 21, (12): 1121-1131.
Al-Ali, M. A. K., B. Khassawneh, and F. Alzoubi. 2007. Utility of fiberoptic
bronchoscopy for retrieval of aspirated headscarf pins. Respiration 74, (3): 309-313.
Al-Ali, M. K. 2007. Reply from the author [4]. Saudi medical journal 28, (2): 307.
Al-Aomar, R. 2007. Prestigious three. Industrial Engineer 39, (12): 39-42.
Al-Aomar, R., B. Alyousef, and B. H. Al-Omari. 2007. Analysis of non-stop traffic at
isolated signalised intersection by means of discrete event simulation. International
Journal of Simulation Modelling 6, (4): 230-241.
Al-Araidah, O., A. Krishnamurthy, and C. J. Malmborg. 2007. A comparative study of
single-phase and two-phase approaches for the layout problem with material
handling costs. International Journal of Production Research 45, (4): 951-970.
Al-Asheh, S., F. Banat, and A. Al-Derham. 2007. Assessment of al-madra clay as an
adsorbent of copper ions from aqueous solutions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and
the Environment 66, (3): 289-294.
Alata, M., and H. Moaqet. 2007. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with second
order sugeno consequents. Neural Network World 17, (3): 171-187.
Alawneh, A. S., O. K. Nusier, and A. A. Sharo'. 2007. Poisson's ratio effect on
compressive and tensile shaft capacity of driven piles in sand: Theoretical
formulation. Computers and Geotechnics 34, (3): 151-163.
Alawneh, M., S. Ajlouni, R. Trawneh, and A. Daoud. 2007. Acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis in children: Characteristics of cases in jordan. Journal of Pediatric
Neurology 5, (2): 127-131.
Al-Azzam, S. I., E. Y. Abu-dahoud, H. A. El-khatib, T. H. Dawoud, and B. A. AlHusein. 2007. Etiologies of chronic renal failure in jordanian population. Journal of
nephrology 20, (3): 336-339.
Al-Azzam, S. I., B. A. Al-Husein, F. Alzoubi, M. M. Masadeh, and M. A. S. Al-Horani.
2007. Self-medication with antibiotics in jordanian population. International journal of
occupational medicine and environmental health 20, (4): 373-380.
Al-Azzam, S. I., R. B. Najjar, and Y. S. Khader. 2007. Awareness of physicians in
jordan about the treatment of high blood pressure according to the seventh report of
the joint national committee (JNC VII). European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 6,
(3): 223-232.
Al-Bakri, I. A., D. Hussey, and W. M. Al-Omari. 2007. The dimensional accuracy of
four impression techniques with the use of addition silicone impression materials.
Journal of Clinical Dentistry 18, (2): 29-33.
Alchalabi, H. A., Z. O. Amarin, L. F. Badria, and F. F. Zayed. 2007. Does the number
of previous caesarean deliveries affect maternal outcome and complication rates?
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 13, (3): 544-550.
Alcorn, J., F. A. Elbarbry, M. Z. Allouh, and P. J. McNamara. 2007. Evaluation of the
assumptions of an ontogeny model of rat hepatic cytochrome P450 activity. Drug
Metabolism and Disposition 35, (12): 2225-2231.
Al-Dwairi, Z. N. 2007. Infection control procedures in commercial dental laboratories
in jordan. Journal of dental education 71, (9): 1223-1227.
Al-Ghzawi, A., S. Zaitoun, and Y. Hageer. 2007. Erratum: Role of honey bee apis
mellifera syriaca in pollination of four muskmelon (cucumis meld) cultivars grown
under semiarid conditions (advances in horticultural science (2007) 1, (41)).
Advances in Horticultural Science 21, (2).
Alhaija, E. S. J. A., and A. M. S. Al-Wahadni. 2007. Shear bond strength of
orthodontic brackets bonded to different ceramic surfaces. European journal of
orthodontics 29, (4): 386-389.
Alhamad, M. N., J. Stuth, and M. Vannucci. 2007. Biophysical modelling and NDVI
time series to project near-term forage supply: Spectral analysis aided by wavelet
denoising and ARIMA modelling. International Journal of Remote Sensing 28, (11):
Al-Hiyasat, A. S., S. Y. Ma'ayeh, M. Y. Hindiyeh, and Y. S. Khader. 2007. The
presence of pseudomonas aeruginosa in the dental unit waterline systems of teaching
clinics. International journal of dental hygiene 5, (1): 36-44.
Al-Hussain Bani Hani, S., M. H. Al-Haidari, and M. M. Saboba. 2007. Neuronal types
in the human anterior ventral thalamic nucleus: A golgi study. Cellular and molecular
neurobiology 27, (6): 745-755.
Al-Hussien, A. -H S., and M. M. Banat. 2007. Probability of error analysis of
predetection generalized selection combining receivers with correlated unbalanced
nakagami branches. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7, (6): 689701.
Al-Ibrahim, M. M., and N. Al-Ababneh. 2007. Optimization of a parallel distributed
detection system using distance measures. AEU - International Journal of Electronics
and Communications 61, (6): 370-376.
Al-Issa, T. A., and N. H. Samarah. 2007. Effect of tillage on wheat production under
semi-arid mediterranean conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 5,
(1): 140-142.
Al-Jalil, H., M. Al-Widyan, and J. Amayreh. 2007. Feasibility of collecting ambient air
moisture by forced condensation. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and
Latin America 38, (1): 51-54.
Al-Jamali, A. F., and Hani, M. T. B. Improving postharvest strawberry fruit quality
with carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide at high ambient temperatures.2007.
Al-Jarrah, O., and F. A. Al-Omari. 2007. Improving gesture recognition in the arabic
sign language using texture analysis. Applied Artificial Intelligence 21, (1): 11-33.
Al-Jarrah, O., and A. Shaout. 2007. Automotive volume control using fuzzy logic.
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 18, (4): 329-343.
Al-Jarrah, O. M., and Y. M. Tashtoush. 2007. Mobile robot navigation using fuzzy
logic. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 13, (2): 211-228.
Alkadhi, K., and K. Alzoubi. 2007. Role of long-term potentiation of sympathetic
ganglia (gLTP) in hypertension. Clinical and experimental hypertension 29, (5): 267286.
Al-Karaki, G. N. O., Y. Othman, and A. Al-Ajmi. 2007. Effects of mycorrhizal fungi
inoculation on landscape turf establishment under arabian gulf region conditions.
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 25, (3): 147-152.
Al-Khaled, K. 2007. Theory and computation in singular boundary value problems.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 33, (2): 678-684.
Al-Khaled, K., and M. N. Anwar. 2007. Numerical comparison of methods for solving
second-order ordinary initial value problems. Applied Mathematical Modelling 31, (2):
Al-Khateeb, G., Gibson, N., and Qi, X. Mechanistic analyses of FHWA's accelerated
loading facility pavements primary response.2007.
Al-Khateeb, H. M., M. K. Alqadi, F. Y. Alzoubi, and N. Y. Ayoub. 2007. Angular
dependence of lateral and levitation forces in asymmetric small
magnet/superconducting systems. Chinese Physics Letters 24, (9): 2700-2703.
Al-Khateeb, H. M., F. Y. Alzoubi, M. K. Alqadi, and N. Y. Ayoub. 2007. Magnetic
levitation of a small magnetic ring above cylindrical superconductor sample in the
meissner state. Turkish Journal of Physics 31, (5): 271-277.
Al-Khateeb, T., and F. M. Abdullah. 2007. Craniomaxillofacial injuries in the united
arab emirates: A retrospective study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65,
(6): 1094-1101.
Al-Khateeb, T., A. Al-Hadi Hamasha, and K. T. Ababneh. 2007. Position of the mental
foramen in a northern regional jordanian population. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
29, (3): 231-237.
Al-Khateeb, T. H., and K. T. Ababneh. 2007. Salivary tumors in north jordanians: A
descriptive study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and
Endodontology 103, (5): e53-e59.
Al-Khateeb, T. H., and F. Al Zoubi. 2007. Congenital neck masses: A descriptive
retrospective study of 252 cases. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65, (11):
Allaboun, H., K. A. Alkhamis, and N. D. Al Jbour. 2007. Effect of surfactant on
dissolution of spherical particles in micellar systems. European Journal of
Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 65, (2): 188-197.
Al-Mahasneh, M. A., and T. M. Rababah. 2007. Effect of moisture content on some
physical properties of green wheat. Journal of Food Engineering 79, (4): 1467-1473.
Al-Mahasneh, M. A., T. M. Rababah, M. A. Al-Shbool, and W. Yang. 2007. Thin-layer
drying kinetics of sesame hulls under forces convection and open sun drying. Journal
of Food Process Engineering 30, (3): 324-337.
Al-Mahasneh, M. A., T. M. Rababah, and W. Yang. 2007. Moisture sorption
thermodynamics of defatted sesame meal (DSM). Journal of Food Engineering 81,
(4): 735-740.
Al-Majali, A. M., M. M. Ababneh, M. Shorman, and A. M. Saeed. 2007. Interaction of
escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) with its putative receptor on the
intestinal tract of newborn kids. FEMS immunology and medical microbiology 49, (1):
Al-Majali, A. M., A. A. Majok, N. M. Amarin, and O. F. Al-Rawashdeh. 2007.
Prevalence of, and risk factors for, brucellosis in awassi sheep in southern jordan.
Small Ruminant Research 73, (1-3): 300-303.
Al-Malah, K., and B. Abu-Jdayil. 2007. Clay-based heat insulator composites: Thermal
and water retention properties. Applied Clay Science 37, (1-2): 90-96.
Al-Momani, F. A., A. M. Massadeh, and Y. A. Hadad. 2007. Uptake of zinc and copper
by halophilic bacteria isolated from the dead sea shore, jordan. Biological trace
element research 115, (3): 291-300.
Al-Momani, W., E. Abu-Basha, S. Janakat, R. A. J. Nicholas, and R. D. Ayling. 2007.
In vitro antimycoplasmal activity of six jordanian medicinal plants against three
mycoplasma species. Tropical animal health and production 39, (7): 515-519.
Al-Muhtaseb, S. A., F. A. A. Al-Rub, and M. Al Zarooni. 2007. Adsorption equilibria of
nitrogen, methane, and ethane on BDH-activated carbon. Journal of Chemical and
Engineering Data 52, (1): 60-65.
Al-Natsheh, H. T., and T. M. Eldos. 2007. Performance optimization of adaptive
resonance neural networks using genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE
Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence, FOCI 2007: 143-148.
Alnimer, M. A., and M. Q. Husein. 2007. The effect of progesterone and oestradiol
benzoate on fertility of artificially inseminated repeat-breeder dairy cows during
summer. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 42, (4): 363-369.
Al-Nimr, M. A., and O. M. Haddad. 2007. Comments on 'forced convection with slipflow in a channel or duct occupied by a hyper-porous medium saturated by a rarefied
gas', transport in porous media, 64, 161-170, 2006 [1]. Transport in Porous Media
67, (1): 165-167.
Al-Noaimi, M., M. El-Khateeb, and H. Görls. 2007. Trans-(2,2′bipyridine)dichlorido[1-(4-methyl-phenyl-imino) -1-(phenyl-hydra-zono)propan-2one]ruthenium(II) dichloro-methane solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section E:
Structure Reports Online 63, (11).
———2007. Trans-(2,2′-bipyridine)dichlorido[methyl 1-(phenyl-hydrazono)-1(phenyl-imino)acetato]ruthenium(II) dichloro-methane solvate. Acta
Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online 63, (11).
Al-Noaimi, M., M. El-Khateeb, and C. Maichle-Mössmer. 2007. Crystal structure of
trans-(dichloro-(2,2′-bipyridine)-(α- acetyl-α-phenylazo-4phenylazomethine)ruthenium(II)) dichloromethane solvate, RuCl2(C10H8N2) [(C
6H5)2N3C(COCH3)] & CH2Cl2. Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal
Structures 222, (1): 67-68.
Al-Noaimi, M. Z., H. Saadeh, S. F. Haddad, M. I. El-Barghouthi, M. El-khateeb, and R.
J. Crutchley. 2007. Syntheses, crystallography and spectroelectrochemical studies of
ruthenium azomethine complexes. Polyhedron 26, (14): 3675-3685.
Alomari, M. A., and M. A. Welsch. 2007. Regional changes in reactive hyperemic
blood flow during exercise training: Time-course adaptations. Dynamic Medicine 6, .
Al-Otoom, A., A. Al-Khlaifa, and A. Shawaqfeh. 2007. Crystallization technology for
reducing water permeability into concrete. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Research 46, (16): 5463-5467.
Al-Otum, H., and M. Al-Dwairi. 2007. Image compression based on color
morphological pyramidal decomposition. 2007 9th International Symposium on Signal
Processing and its Applications, ISSPA 2007, Proceedings.
Alqadi, M. K., H. M. Al-Khateeb, F. Y. Alzoubi, and N. Y. Ayoub. 2007. Effects of
magnet size and geometry on magnetic levitation force. Chinese Physics Letters 24,
(9): 2664-2666.
Al-Qudah, A. A., C. A. Mitchell, P. A. Biagioni, and D. L. Hussey. 2007. Effect of
composite shade, increment thickness and curing light on temperature rise during
photocuring. Journal of dentistry 35, (3): 238-245.
Al-Qudah, M. A., and Y. A. Yassin. 2007. Chronic unilateral nasal obstruction in
children. Saudi medical journal 28, (5): 811-812.
Al-Rawashdeh, A., and W. Shatanawi. 2007. Induced mappings on boolean algebras
of clopen sets and on projections of the C*-algebra C(X). Turkish Journal of
Mathematics 31, (4): 439-451.
Alrefaei, M. H., and M. Almomani. 2007. Subset selection of best simulated systems.
Journal of the Franklin Institute 344, (5): 495-506.
Al-Rimawi, H. S., M. Garaybah, A. G. Al-Alimi, and Z. O. Amarin. 2007. Glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase activity in jordanian female children with acute hemolytic
crises. Jordan Medical Journal 41, (4): 214-220.
Alsaad, A. M., and A. A. Ahmad. 2007. Structural phase transitions and piezoelectric
anomalies in ordered sc 0.5Ga0.5N alloys. Bulletin of Materials Science 30, (4): 407413.
Al-Said, N. H., and S. Klaib. 2007. Synthesis of a C-2 stapled bis-lexitropsin.
Monatshefte fur Chemie 138, (6): 573-577.
Al-Said, S. M. 2007. Crack identification in a stepped beam carrying a rigid disk.
Journal of Sound and Vibration 300, (3-5): 863-876.
Alsheyab, F. 2007. Nuclear proteins associated with hyphen growth in candida
albicans. Journal of Biological Sciences 7, (1): 57-60.
Alsheyab, F., I. B. Hani, and Y. Mosameh. 2007. Chemical composition of urinary
calculi in north jordan. Journal of Biological Sciences 7, (7): 1290-1292.
Alsheyab, F. M., M. T. Ziadeh, and K. E. Bani-Hani. 2007. Expression of p21 and p27
in gallbladder cancer. Saudi medical journal 28, (5): 683-687.
Al-Smadi, M. 2007. New dendrimers with multi arm 1,2,3-thiadiazoles as a nucleus.
Asian Journal of Chemistry 19, (3): 1783-1788.
———2007. Synthesis of new heterocycles containing more than one 1,2,3-thia or
selenadiazole rings. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 44, (4): 915-918.
Al-Towaiq, M. 2007. Clustered gauss-huard algorithm for the solution of ax = b.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 184, (2): 485-495.
Al-Widyan, M. I., S. Amourah, L. Hilles, R. Malkawi, and A. A. -A Ragheb. 2007.
Design and testing of a small-scale solar crop dryer. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization
in Asia, Africa and Latin America 38, (4): 9-12.
Al-Zoabi, A. Y. 2007. A design framework to sustainable cities in the arabian arid
lands. Architektura a Urbanizmus 41, (3-4): 163-177.
Alzoubi, F. Q., W. R. Ollier, R. T. Ramsden, and S. R. Saeed. 2007. No evidence of
linkage between 7q33-36 locus (OTSC2) and otosclerosis in seven british caucasian
pedigrees. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 121, (12): 1140-1147.
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