River-Bank Primary School Pupil Premium Report 2015

River Bank Primary School: Pupil Premium Funding 2015/ 16
River Bank Primary: ‘Inspire, Empower, Achieve’
The effective use of the pupil premium grant involves all three elements of our mission
statement, inspiring, empowering and supporting our pupils to achieve all that they can.
Personalised learning, treating each child as an individual, also ensures our pupils receive
both challenge and support to meet their needs.
What is pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is funding received from the Government that is in addition to our main
school funding. Pupils eligible to receive this funding are in four groups; those entitled to
free school meals (FSM), those who have been entitled to free school meals during the last
six years (Ever 6), children in care or looked after (LAC) and Services children. The
Government believes that Pupil Premium is the best way to address the underlying
inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers, using the fund to
track disadvantaged and narrow the attainment gap between children from disadvantaged
families and their peers.
It is for the school to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since the school is best
placed to assess what additional premium should be made for the individual pupils.
For 2015-2016 the level of premium is £1320 per pupil, based on 25 pupils being entitled to
funding, River Bank Primary received additional funding of £33,000
At River Bank we have used the funding to raise attainment, attendance and engagement
through a variety of programmes and activities. These have included;
Improving the curriculum by purchasing programmes of work, such as RW Inc,
Numicon and Chris Quigley skills based curriculum; and by ensuring all teaching staff
are fully trained to deliver learning effectively
Additional interventions with teachers/teaching assistants, such as 1- to 1 Tutoring
Programme to allow pupils falling behind significantly to make rapid progress
Appointing a Welfare and Attendance Officer and using the services of the LA Welfare
Team to improve attendance and punctuality
Providing classroom language support, specifically for our Polish and Romanian pupils
Support with purchase of school uniform and trips
Additional after school clubs provision and enrichment activities to develop active,
musical and artistic interests and skills
Use of specialist sports teachers/ coaches and music specialist
Financial Year
2015 - 2016
Number of FSM pupils
eligible for Pupil Premium
Number of FSM after pupils
eligible for pupil premium
Number of services children
eligible for pupil premium
Amount of Pupil Premium Funding
12 £15,600
25 £33,000
12 x £1300 = £15,600
25x £1320 = £33,000
Pupil Premium 2015-2016
Primary: Raise achievement and attainment, narrowing the gap for Pupil premium pupils.
Subsidised Uniform
September 2015
All Year Groups
Subsidised Educational
visits and visitors
September 2015
All Year Groups
Additional support via
the Attendance and
Welfare Officer and the
use of LA Welfare
September 2015
All Year Groups, targeted
Ensuring that children are
taught phonics, reading
and writing in smaller
class group sizes and
that interventions ( 1- 1
Tutoring) is supporting
pupils that need to make
rapid progress
Provide training in maths
programme Numicon
September 2015
Year R, Year 1 and Year 2
Improved self-esteem and
motivation, improved
Improved attendance and
punctuality improved
outcomes for pupils. More
confident parents.
Increased interaction with
P.P families. Improved
attendance and
punctuality and targeted
support to improve
family welfare.
TA support more effective
PP outcomes at the end
of the year are in line with
national indicators in
Reading, Writing, Maths
and PP pupils make good
progress at the end of the
Phonic screening check
results are in line or
above the national
Use of additional TA
support at lunchtime
to ensure pupils are
active and that they
develop social and
cooperation skills
September 2015
3hrs/week x 10TAs@£10/hr Across the school
x 38weeks
Social and emotional
support through use of
physical activities and
develop health and wellbeing.
Free Milk
September 2015
Encourage healthy
Subsidy of extended
September 2015
Increased range of
opportunities available
with specialist coaches.
Family activity supporting
increased confidence and
interaction with
Encourage pupil
participation in physical
activity at the start of the
day to promote learning.
Increased pupil
engagement in lessons.
Improved attendance and
attendance at least
club in the school
with curriculum.
Provide a ‘Free’
breakfast club for PP
pupils and participation
in physical activity at the
start of the day to
promote learning.
CPD for teachers and
teaching assistants
September 2015
2015 – 2016
During this year, we plan to ensure that Reading, Writing and Maths are taught well and that interventions are monitored, allowing us to
analyse impact over time and make informed decisions about future provision. The school will focus additional support on accelerating
progress to ensure that children meet or exceed age related expectations. For those on track, a range of extended opportunities will be offered.
We have recruited Teaching Assistants and will use the Pupil Premium to fund part of their salaries. We believe the Reading and Writing
interventions delivered by Teaching Assistants will have a positive impact on pupil outcomes.
The Pupil Premium will also enable additional clubs to take place with the inclusion of pupils who are identified as vulnerable and who may
benefit from small group activities. We will raise staff awareness to ensure learning is personalised and provision is monitored though work
scrutiny, data analysis and lesson observations. Teachers will report any pupil that is underachieving at pupil progress meetings and with
support from the Inclusion Manager any intervention needs will be addressed. During the year strategies and interventions will be
identified for individual pupils and monitoring will check if Free School Meals and Looked after Children are taking the opportunities offered
for enrichment activities and attending clubs
We will raise staff awareness to ensure learning is personalised and provision is monitored though work scrutiny, data analysis and lesson
observations. Teachers will report any pupil that is underachieving at year group meetings and with support from the Inclusion Manager any
intervention needs will be addressed.
During the year strategies and interventions will be identified for individual pupils and monitoring will check if Free School Meals and Looked
after Children are taking the opportunities offered for enrichment activities and attending clubs.