2015-2016 Application Form

About Rivera House:
The LGBTQA+ Living-Learning Community at SUNY New Paltz is named after Puerto Rican and VenezuelanAmerican transgender activist Sylvia Rae Rivera (b 1951- d 2002). Rivera, NYC born and raised, was a devoted
social justice activist and fierce advocate for LGBTQ youth of color. Rivera’s activism in relation to homelessness
and poverty, racism, transphobia and heterosexist discrimination was extensive. She was involved in a variety of
grassroots organizations and movements including the Puerto Rican Young Lords and the Black Panthers. She was
also a founding member of the Gay Liberation Front, the Gay Activists Alliance, and co-founder of STAR (the Street
Transvestite Action Revolutionaries). Rivera was committed to changing conditions and the quality of life for
those who, like her, were on the margins of not only mainstream society but also the mainstream LGBT rights
movement. Taking our cue from Rivera—an inspirational revolutionary figure from right here in New York—
residents of the Rivera House are committed to an intersectional social justice approach to learning and living.
The cornerstones of Rivera House are:
 Developing a safe and supportive environment for all people at SUNY New Paltz.
 Improving the campus climate around LGBTQA+ concerns and for the LGBTQA+ community.
 Addressing issues of equity and social justice from an intersectional perspective.
What is a Living-Learning Community?
Living-learning communities offer incoming freshmen and sophomores with similar interests, majors, or
lifestyles, the opportunity to live together in the same residence hall.
What are the benefits of our Living-Learning Community?
1. Be a part of an active network of change agents working on anti-racist, feminist, and queer projects on campus
and in the community.
2. Have access to community events, a speaker series, and entertainment programs geared toward LGBTQA+
individuals and their allies.
3. Participate in an LGBTQA+ peer mentorship program and develop strategies to improve lifelong social and
physical health.
4. Be part of a support network of students, faculty, staff, and community members.
Who is Eligible?
 Freshman and sophomores
 Identify as LGBTQA+ or Ally
Where Will You Live?
Students participating in the program will be housed in Lenape Hall. All Lenape hall rooms are designed triples.
They consist of a large L-shaped room with a bathroom shared by the three students living in the room.
How to Apply: Complete the application below.
Questions? Call Professor Jessica Pabón at (845) 257-2979
Application Form
Name _________________________________________ New Paltz E-Mail ____________________________________________
New Paltz Banner ID number __________________________ Phone Number____________________________________
On Campus Address (Provide home
address if you are an incoming student.) _______________________________________________________
Major/Minor/Interest Areas ___________________________________________________________________________________
Academic standing (circle one):
First Year
If sophomore, are you willing to be a peer mentor to first year student? ___________________________________
Do you have friend(s) who is/are also applying to the program with whom you want to share a room? If
so, list his/her/their name(s) and Housing Key(s):
Roommate 1 - Name____________________________________________
Housing Key________________________
Roommate 2 - Name____________________________________________
Housing Key________________________
What is your gender identity? (i.e. Female, FTM, MTF, Male, Transgender, Transsexual, Genderqueer,
Gender Nonconforming, Androgynous, Intersex, Not sure, Other [please specify]):
Students with different gender identities can share a room. Do you prefer to live with those who share
the same gender identity or do you have no preference? (mark one)
______ Same gender
________ No preference
Before submitting this application, you must pay the $100 Advance Room Deposit, complete a Residence
Hall License and get a Housing Key Code. To do so, follow the instructions in the Fall Room Selection
Instruction Manual. What is your Housing Key Code? _______________________
Personal Statement explaining your interest in this living learning community.
Memorandum of Understanding
Rivera House, SUNY New Paltz’s LGBTQA+ Living Learning Community, is designed for students who
share an interest in being active members in a network of LGBTQA+ identified change agents working on
anti-racist, feminist, and queer projects on campus and in the community. By applying to be a part of this
community, should you be accepted, you are agreeing to participate regularly in events organized for and by
the community and to comply with all residence hall and campus regulations.
I understand the goals of the program and I agree to the above conditions.
This completed application should be submitted as an attachment to Professor Jessica Pabón at the
following address: pabonj@newpaltz.edu
Questions? Call Professor Jessica Pabón at (845) 257-2979