Chapter 13 Section 1.4 Central Africa “Rainforests and Resources

Chapter 13 Section 1.4 Central Africa “Rainforests and Resources”
Open Notes
I. Rainforest in the Congo Basin
A. The Congo Basin is the main geographic feature of Central Africa and is located on the
_____________ and surrounded by higher __________________________.
B. Within the basin is a rain forest with ___________________, plentiful rain, and
thick ___________________________.
C. The vegetation is so thick that sunlight and movement are difficult. So most people live on the
________________________. of the rain forest.
D. The _________________________is a major waterway that flows through the region to the
______________________ Ocean.
II. Resources of Central Africa
A. The______________________________________ has a wealth of natural resources including
_________________, forests, ______________________and ______________________ or
electricity produced by the rushing water of the rivers.
Chapter 13 Section 1.5 Southern Africa “Plateaus and Basins” (Deserts too) Open Notes
I. Resources of Southern Africa
A. Southern Africa has fertile farmland, ________________________, and abundant wildlife.
B. The income from ______________________natural resources gives Southern Africa the highest
_____________________________ in Sub-Saharan Africa.
II. Basins and Plateaus
A. Six of Southern Africa’s countries are ______________________or have no direct access to a
B. The plateau of Southern Africa is defined by the __________________________ or the steep
slope from the plateau to the coastal _________________________.
C. The________________________ River is a great of water, travel and
III. Mining and Farming
A. A zone of ___________________________ runs through Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
B. ___________________, gold and _________________________ are mined in this zone.
C. South Africa is one of the world’s largest _______________ producers.
D. The region’s temperate climate supports a variety of ___________________.
E. Wine,_____________, and coffee are cultivated here as well as fruits such as bananas,
______________________and apples are grown.
F. South Africa, _________________ and Namibia have the highest ______________________
but other countries are working to overcome factors like _______________ war and disease.