March 2015 - Wairarapa Volunteer Centre

Newsletter March/April 2015
W elcome to the W airarapa Volunteer Centre . Record number of volunteers
registered this month! W e also have some n ew organisations on board, Sport
W ellington, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Lifeline.
What’s been happening at the Wairarapa Volunteer Centre recently?
“Strength to Strength” Workshop:
Clair Teal presented our first workshop to managers of volunteers; on how to work
creatively with volunteers to grow your organisation .
“Introduction to Volunteering” Training:
Preparing for a new role, what an organisation looks for, being clear of your
commitment, your personal development and how to keep it fun. These topics
were covered recently in two workshops offered to volunteers registered with
These workshops were made possible due to funding from
Infinity Foundation Ltd
Stephen Tindall from The Tindall Foundation who is one of the W airarapa
Volunteer Centre funders, has achieved New Zealander of the Year 2015. He is
a great advocate and supporter of volunteering here in New Zealand.
Congratulations Stephen from us here at the W airarapa Volunteer Centre.
Five Masterton volunteers were honoured with civic awards at a ceremony in the
Masterton town hall recently. Judy Brown (Sports and Leisure), Beverley Fowler
(Social and Community), Henry Stechman (Social and Community) and Rod and
Ruth Sutherland (Hea lth and W elfare).W hat great inspiration!!! All received
framed certificates from Mayor Lyn Patterson.
Volunteers Network Forum :
Tuesday 19 t h May f rom 12pm-1pm
Anyone who manages/supports volunteers is welcome to join us . Autism NZ is
hosting the forum and it will be held in the Community Centre Conference Room,
41 Perry Street, Masterton. Please bring your lunch.
Library Promotion:
W e held a W airarapa Volunteer Centre promotion from the 8 t h – 10 t h April. This
gave us a great opportunity to “get the word out” in the community as to what the
W airarapa Volunteer Centre offers. We received lots of positive feedback. Thanks
to Sandy and her team at the library for all their support.
W e recently hit a record: 11 new volunteers registered in a week, 2185 page
views on our website and 173 Facebook ‘likes’
Volunteering as a Pathway to E mployment
Can volunteering be the difference -maker in your next interview?
New research provides evidence of a relationship between volunteering and finding
employment. The economic downturn has increased the need for pathways to
employment for those struggling to find work.
Government leaders, non -profits and news media have long provided anecdotal
evidence that volunteering can increase employment prospects by helping job
seekers learn new skills, expand their networks and take on leadership roles.
Despite this, there has be en little quantitative research to date that has established
an association between volunteering and finding a job.
New research provides the most compelling empirical research to date establishing
an association between volunteering and employment.
Please see below, some examples of roles
available on our website:
Helpline Volunteer: REFERENCE: #0062
Do you want to make a difference in your community? Do you have empathy,
computer skills and time to spare eac h month as a helpline volunteer?
This is a 24hr service, so evenings and weekend shifts are available.
Training: Yes
Personality Requirements : empathy, great communication and listening skills.
Mentor – REFERENCE #0061
A mentoring role alongside children 6 -18 years. Providing a child with a fun
experience, while developing a friendship that is professionally supported.
Training: Yes
Hours: 1-4 hours per week. These can be any days that suit.
Personality Requirements : empathy for children.
Upcoming Events
 National Volunteer W eek 21 s t – 27 t h June. W atch this space for events in our
 National Volunteer Centre Hui 4 t h and 5 t h May in Auckland.
 Volunteer Network Forum for Managers of Volunteers 19 t h May 12-1, 16 t h
June 12-1 and 21 s t July 12-1. Any further information please contact Bev or
Jo @ W airarapa Volunteer Centre or phone 06 377 1022.
 Good in the Hood Competition – Z
Vote for us to give our organisation a chance to receive a share of $4,000 from Z.
W e’re one of the four groups that they’re supporting through ‘Good in the Hood.’
How much of the $4,000 we get depen ds on how many votes we receive.
So please head down to Z Energy Ltd. – 80 Chapel St, Masterton during May and
vote for us! W airarapa Community Centre Trust.
 W hanau Day – 17 t h May
 Youth W eek 23 r d -31 s t May
Median age group changed from 40 -49 years to 20-29 years.
1/3 males and 2/3 females registered and an i ncrease in males was observed.
Below are some photos of previous workshops we have held.
Funding from Infinity Foundation Ltd has made this workshop possible.
As a not-for-profit organisation, we solely operate on donations
and grants. If you would like to make a donation to the
Wairarapa Volunteer Centre
please contact us at:
W airarapa V olunteer C entre
@ 41 Perry St Masterton
a d m i n @ wa i vc . o r g . n z
0 6 3 7 7 1 0 2 2 extn 2
w w w . wa i vc . o r g . n z