WCES Parent Involvement Policy

Worth County Elementary School
At Worth County Elementary, we believe that excellence in education requires the shared efforts
and active participation of the student, the family, and the school system. We are committed to
provide an atmosphere of mutual involvement and dedication to learning that ensures all children
develop to their fullest potential. In order to provide the best possible education for our students,
we seek to involve parents in an effective home/school partnership.
Regular Communication With Parents: In order to build frequent, timely, and
effective communication, the following resources will be used:
Teacher Welcome Letters
Open House
Monthly School Newsletter
Parent/School Compact
Student Agenda
Special Event /Reminder Notices
School Assemblies (Parents Invited)
Parent Conferences
Welcome Packets
Home and School Connections (Tips for Parents)
Opportunities for Parents to Volunteer: We have many opportunities for parents to
volunteer at our school. However, arrangements need to be made with the classroom teacher in
advance before volunteering or visiting a classroom. At the beginning of school, we send out a
parent volunteer sheet that gives parents the opportunity to sign up for one or more of the
Reading Buddy
Classroom Volunteers
Room Parents
Tutor a Student
Bulletin Board Preparation
Work in Media Center
Assist Teacher in Classroom
PTO (Help with fundraisers)
If you are volunteering at our school. you will be required to sign-in at the school office and
receive a visitor’s pass. Also before leaving our campus, please check out through the office.
Workshops/Training for Parents/Students: At the beginning of school, we send out a
Parent Survey, which includes many topics for Parents-Education Workshops. Parents respond
back by selecting the ones with their greatest needs or interest. Some of these are:
Building My Child’s Self-Esteem
Improving My Child’s Behavior
Improving My Child’s Reading Skills
Improving My Child’s Math Skills
Communicating Better With My Child
Helping With Homework
Community Resources
Importance of Hand-washing
We have some workshops throughout the year that allow parents to can come and participate:
Career Day
Field Day
Child Obesity
Home/School Communication: It is very important that parents be well-informed
regarding their child’s educational progress. Communication between the school and home is
used to promote parent involvement. The following are some ways to communicate:
Parent Handbook/Agenda
Informal Teacher/Parent Communication
Report Cards/Progress Reports
Student Assessment Results
Reading Connection (Tips for Reading Success)
Student Learning/Homework: Homework is assigned each school night and serves a
number of purposes: to practice and extend classroom learning, to develop responsibility and
work habits, and to provide parents an opportunity to interact with their children and their
education. Parents can support the school and their child’s success by helping with homework in
the following ways:
Help your child to be well organized. Remind him/her to bring home
the necessary materials: binder, pencil, paper, etc.
Agree upon a regular study time and stick to it.
See that your child has a regular, suitable study place with good
light, plenty of room, and no distraction (TV, phone, family noise,
Ask to see your child’s homework each night and make sure it is
returned to the teacher daily. Show interest in what he or she does at
Contact the teacher if your child has difficulty understanding an
assignment. Our goal is to help your child reach grade level
standards and beyond.
Ask your child about his/her agenda daily to address notes that may
be sent by the teacher.
The faculty and staff of Worth County Elementary will provide a learning environment, which will
enable all students to reach their educational goals. We will promote a positive, risk-free,
challenging, and discovery-oriented environment.