Week beginning 5th January 2015

Federation of Lyon Park Schools
Newsletter for the week beginning 5th January 2015
The value of the month for January is ‘Learning’
Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope everybody had a good holiday and the
children are well rested and eager to get back to work...
Thank you, on behalf of all the staff, for your good wishes and kind gifts at the end
of last term, they were very much appreciated.
As usual the term will be very busy. An initial list of dates is on the reverse of this
letter - please look out for additional dates in subsequent letters.
Douglas Avenue Annex
Parents may be aware that there is a huge shortage of primary school places in the
local area. Many local schools have already expanded and/or opened an annex.
Lyon Park governors have agreed to be responsible for a three class annex in
Douglas Avenue. The annex will be for Year 5 and 6 pupils (to accommodate pupils
who currently have no school place).
Miss Mohan who is currently part of the EAL team at the school has been seconded
to the school as teacher in charge and the school has appointed a small team of
staff to teach in the annex.
Lyon Park Pupil Wins MP Christmas Card Competition
Huge congratulations to Darsh Kothari in Year 6, whose beautiful nativity scene was
chosen by Barry Gardiner, MP for Brent North, as the winning design in his annual
Christmas card competition. Darsh and his family have been invited to meet Barry
Gardiner for tea, at the Palace of Westminster in the near future.
Final Reminder for Nursery and Year 2 Parents
A final reminder to parents of pupils in Nursery and Year 2 that transfer to
Reception and Year 3 in September 2015 is not automatic. Parents must apply for a
place online at www.eadmissions.org the deadline for applications is 15th
January 2015.
If you need any help with an application please ask at the main reception.
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day
Thank you to everybody who participated in the Christmas Jumper Day on Friday
12th December. The schools raised the fantastic sum of £843.43 which has been
donated to the Save the Children Christmas Appeal.
Federation of Lyon Park Schools
Spring Term Calendar 2015
Tuesday 13th January
Tuesday 13th January
Wednesday 14th January
Wednesday 14th January
Wednesday 14th January
Thursday 15th January
Thursday 15th January
Friday 16th January
Monday 19th January
Monday 19th January
Tuesday 20th January
Friday 23rd January
Monday 26th January
Week beginning 26th Jan
Friday 30th January
Monday 2nd February
Monday 2nd February
Friday 6th February
Monday 9th February
Wednesday 11th February
Thursday 12th February
Friday 13th February
Week beginning 16th Feb
Monday 23rd February
Friday 27th February
Monday 2nd March
Week beginning 2nd March
Tuesday 3rd March
Friday 6th March
Monday 9th March
Tuesday 10th March
Tuesday 10th March
Wednesday 11th March
Thursday 12th March
Friday 13th March
Friday 13th March
Monday 16th March
Wednesday 18th March
Friday 20th March
Monday 23rd March
Friday 27th March
9:00 am
Year 3 Parents Meeting
2:40 pm
Year 2 Parents Meeting
9:00 am
Year 4 Parents Meeting
2:40 pm
Year 1 Parents Meeting
Year 2 History Workshops all day
9:00 am
Year 6 Parents Meeting
2:40 pm
Reception Parents Meeting
9:00 am
Year 5 Parents meeting
9:00 am
5LC assembly
9:30 am &
Nursery am and pm Parents meetings
1:30 pm
Nursery History workshops all day
9:30 am
2HK assembly
5RH assembly
Year 5 Shakespeare Week
9:30 am
2LH assembly
9:00 am
5DM assembly
Year 2 Great Fire of London workshops
9:30 am
2NB assembly
9:00 am
5NI assembly
Reception History workshops
Year 1 History Workshops
9:30 am
2LC assembly
School closed – INSET day
9:30 am
RTB assembly
9:00 am
6SB assembly
Year 5 Spanish Trip
2 x Year 6 classes to National Gallery
9:30 am
RAO assembly
9:00 am
6JF assembly
2 x Year 6 classes to National Gallery
Year 1 History Workshops
5LC & 5NI trip to Hampton Court
Year 1 History Workshops
9:30 am
RJK assembly
Year 1 History Workshops
9:00 am
6ML assembly
5DM & 5RH to Hampton Court Palace
9:30 am
RRH assembly
9:00 am
6MS assembly
Term End 2:00pm – Nursery closed all day
Congratulations on 100% Attendance
Well done to the following pupils who achieved 100% attendance over the
Autumn Term.
Nursery: Ayaan, Arrvinnth, Vishva, Harsh, Sarani, Arushan Sarwangi, Kinza,
Hedhar, Dev, Disha, Shreya, Khushi, Shrijal, Sarvangi
Reception: Diptiya, Christopher, Vritee, Shraddha, Wajiha, Prisha, Sireen, Swati,
Tiarni, Aniket, Hamza, Jesse, Harsh, Nisha, Palbar, Shaishvi, Mital, Shan Lovjan,
Shubham, Dhruv, Jordan, Hetali, Arya, Siya, Keshani, Hanna.
Year 1: Ria, Kushal, Rahul, Hanishika, Krupa, Disha, Hetisha, Divya, Prince, Bhumi,
Zoe, Prince, Ridhi, Hasti, Kinjal, Tomasz, Sadhana
Year 2: Subhan, Raina, Monika, Aniksha, Ronak, Khushali, Viha, Tithusana, Jinal,
Shane, Tavelle, Rexsan, Vinus, Ruby, Hrishi, Nathan, Honey, Vivek, Jamshiga,
Ankul, Ayush.
Year 3: Zahra, Rima, Jenisha, Jeet, Robbie, Neel, Saranijan, Hemal, Yashdeepsinh,
Shainthavy, Archana, Devam, Pratik, Nathishaa, Yasmin, Jiya, Kartik, Harsh,
Gwhara, Mehul, Abeeshanan, Grishma, Rushi, Varni, Shantos, Kripali, Jenilkumar,
Tomasz, Praventhan, Ashvin, Kailem, Zoha, Hanaan.
Year 4: Aniss, Nil, Bhawesh, Jenisha, krisha, Jainisha, Kapil, karma, Archsiga,
Sirosan, Dhaval, Sarah, Yamit, Adchaya, Vishali, Dhruvi, Zainab, jashvini, Heatvi,
Het, yashvi, harshiv, Amelia, Sufyaan, Ajanthan,Ashvini, Grace, Sarin.
Year 5: Aditya, Niki, Zeeshan, Jay, Jash, Parita, Talha, Riya, Ankita, Keisha,
Roshanth, Mitesh, Tinkal, Dominika, Dev, Riyaben, Sahil, Tiana, Deepti, Muna,
Mamta, Krisha, Indranil, Divyangi, Ravisha, Aravind, Prashan, Milane, Tharmiga,
Aditya, Shatuya.
Year 6: Mina, Abyan, Melissa, Andriya, Yes, Corey, Pratik, Partiksha, Dakshit,
Dylan, Aisha, Devgiri, Diyana, Taeja, Joshua, Karankumar, Aman, Sahdev, Umika,
Kukan, Sohan, Sulaksman, Abhay, Ronisha, Dhruv, Vishva, Cecile, Vruti, Kirishan,
Thiviya, Dhruvika.