Friday 7th September 2012 Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of

Ballaugh Primary School
Dr G Cushnie
Station Road,
Tel: (01624) 897311
Friday 7th September 2012
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Ballaugh School,
Welcome back for what we expect will be another exciting and enjoyable school year. It has been a
pleasure to see all the children returning after their summer break, hearing of their adventures and meeting
the many new faces. I am also pleased to be able to introduce and welcome an addition to our staff team,
Miss Greensmith. She will be working primarily with our Reception and Key Stage 1 pupils.
You may have noticed that a new fence has been erected between the small gate and the kerb. This is to
prevent children from running directly into the road and to encourage them not to cross the road at this
point. I am expecting a member of the road safety team to visit the children next week and remind them
of safe crossing practice. The crossing points at either end of the traffic calming zone should be used.
If you are new to the school community I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Heather Melvin,
your parent governor, and the "Friends of Ballaugh School". Both work tirelessly for your children and
your participation in the 100 Club will be much appreciated. Unfortunately Heather comes to the end of
her "term in office" in the very near future and information about electing a replacement parent governor
will be shared accordingly.
FOBS will be meeting in the school at 7pm next Wednesday, 12th. Everyone is welcome to attend and
any help with organising upcoming fundraising events is always appreciated.
Together with this newsletter your child should have brought home a Pupil Record Form. On this the
Religion, First Language and Ethnicity fields must be filled in as they are required by the DEC. Please
make sure that all the details are up to date and return it as soon as possible. If your child has asthma for
which they require an inhaler to be administered at school please request a medical form from the office.
School Meals - A school meal now costs £1.95. £74.10 is due for this half term.
Developing Independence - To do this we are asking that children in classes 3 and 4 hand any notes or
letters from home, e.g. requests for time out of school, medical appointments or absence explanations to
their class teacher. From there the information will be sent to the office. Dinner money should be taken
to Mrs Boyde in the office before the morning bell.
Drinking water - Children are encouraged to bring spill safe bottles to school to use in class. They can
be refilled at the chiller/filter fountain in school.
Rainbows', Brownies', Guides', Beavers' Cubs' and Scouts' annual registration evening - Parish Hall
on Monday 10th September from 6.30 pm until 8pm. All old and new members very welcome. The
Scout and Guide Shop will be there for uniform orders etc.
Sunday School is back again this coming Sunday at the Parish Church at the new time of 9.45am.
Everyone is very welcome.
Swimming resumes for Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) and Class 3 on Wednesday 12th September. Class 4
will swim after the October half-term break. The pool insists that boys must not wear baggy shorts and
that girls should wear a one-piece swim suit. Please ensure that children are able to remove their own
earrings while those with long hair (past their eyebrows) are to use swimming hats. In all physical
activities, including playtimes, children must have their hair tied back.
MSR Coach Support - I am very pleased that Mr Tom Howard will be leading KS2 PE sessions on
Friday mornings and running a before school sports club for children in KS 1.
Clubs Table tennis - 0810 - 0840, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Mr Stevenson will coach on
Monday and Wednesday mornings. Unfortunately numbers are limited to those that attended last year and
those that asked to come before the end of the summer term.
Tuesday Manx Music with Miss Bennett, Key Stage 2 children
- 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Wednesday - Drama club with Mrs Bale, Key Stage 2 children
- 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Thursday - Netball with Mrs Hewings, Key Stage 2 children
- 3.30 pm - 4.45 pm
Friday Before School Fun sports for Key Stage 1
- 8.10 am - 8.50 am
Friday Tag Rugby with Mr Cushnie, Key Stage 2 children
- 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Both the netball and tag rugby clubs will be outdoors when appropriate and require a warm PE kit.
Violin and Guitar lessons - Violin with Mr Field resumes on Friday 14th September at 2.45 pm for those
that have indicated to the music service that they wish to continue. Mr Whear will be teaching guitar at a
time that has yet to be arranged. We will let you know as soon as we have the information.
Important dates.
FOBS meeting
Wednesday 12th September 7.00 pm @ school
Horticultural Show
Saturday 15th September
Reception class photograph - IOM Newspapers
Monday 24th September
School photographs
Monday 1st October 8.45 am onwards
Yours sincerely
Dr Graeme Cushnie