Mark Schwarm Boot Camp

Mark Schwarm
Horse & Rider Boot Camp
Cattle Working, Trail Riding and Horsemanship Exercises.
Dates: June 25-28, 2015
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
each day or until you beg us to quit!
**Cost for Participants: $600
**Cost includes the boot camp & cattle fees
Farm Location:
Rt. 1, Box 92, Bingham, IL
Fayette County close to Vandalia
For more information, contact: Lea Sommers/Sommers Gate Farms
Email us at
Call: (618) 593-0999 or (618) 644-5859
Visit our website at
Or visit Mark Schwarm’s website at
This clinic offers lots of riding and plenty of exposure for horse & rider.
Be prepared to wear out the seat of your jeans and add some new scuff marks on your boots!
Accommodations available for participants on a first-come, first-serve basis. Campground with electric
hookups for participants who have trailers with LQs. Fully equipped farmhouse for participants
who want to stay on site with their horses.
Stalls, paddocks with shelters and pasture with shelter available on site for participants’ horses.