
Plan for the concept, topic, or skill – Not for the class period
Subject Area:
Physical Science
Paulinyce/K. Strickland
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Unit: 3 Waves Dates:
Learning Goals for this Lesson:
Students Will Know: the theory of electromagnetism
by comparing and contrasting the different parts of the
electromagnetic spectrum in terms of wavelength,
frequency, and energy, and relate them to phenomena and
Students Will Be Able To:
Describe the electromagnetic spectrum (i.e., radio waves,
microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays and
gamma rays) in terms of frequency, wavelength and
energy. Solve problems involving wavelength, frequency,
and energy.
Lesson Essential Question: How does the Theory of Electromagnetism explain the parts of the
electromagnetism spectrum?
Activating Strategy:
Students will complete a preview worksheet using a website that will introduce the electromagnetic spectrum
and give the examples.
Key Vocabulary to Preview and Vocabulary Strategy:
 Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Electromagnetic Waves
Lesson Instruction:
Learning Activity 1:
Graphic Organizer:
Cornell Notes, foldable with INB
Students will read and take notes from the textbook on the
characteristics of a solid.
Assessment Prompt for LA 1:
Students will complete the online assessment/quiz with an 80% or
(Gifted Students) Students will be given a choice of a written summary
to complete or a mini-presentation.
Learning Activity 2:
PowerPoint Presentation with Cornell Notes. Each part of the wave will
also include a video to help understand that frequency increases as it
Students will be assigned a
partner, and they will do a PPT
moves down the spectrum.
Assessment Prompt for LA 2:
In collaborative pairs students will list at least two examples for each
part of the wave with a brief description on how each wave works.
presentation in which they
identify the parts of the EM
spectrum and how the theory of
electromagnetism is involved.
Students will use graphic
organizer to take notes from each
(Rubric will be provided)
Differentiation: (Gifted Students) Students will be given a choice of a
written summary to complete or a mini-presentation.
Summarizing Strategy:
Create a mnemonic to help remember the parts of the EM spectrum in order. This will be presented
in class for other students to write down and make revisions to.
1. Seat student near teacher.
2. Stand near student when giving
3. Provide visual aids/graphic organizers.
4. Ensure oral directions are understood.
5. Allow extra time to complete tasks.
6. Simplify complex written directions.
7. Give test items orally.
8. Provide peer assistance/study groups.