Quiz 5a

1. What is not part of the basic structure of an amino acid?
a. Acid Group
b. Amino Group
c. Alcohol Group
d. Side Group (R)
2. How many different amino acids are there?
a. 15
b. 12
c. 20
d. 23
3. What bond chemically links two amino acids?
a. Hydrogen bond
b. Polar bond
c. Non-polar bond
d. Peptide bond
4. Which is the correct order for biosynthesis?
a. mRNA-> tRNA with aa-> DNA-> protein
b. tRNA with aa-> mRNA->DNAļƒ  protein
c. DNA-> tRNA with aa-> mRNA-> protein
d. DNA-> mRNA -> tRNA with aa -> protein
5. Where are amino acids stored?
a. Liver
b. Gall Bladder
c. They are not stored
d. Muscle
6. Which of these isn’t a possible product of amino acids after deamination?
a. Used as Energy
b. Converted to Glucose
c. Converted to Fat
d. All are possible products
7. What layer of the protein is considered the “shape” of the protein
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Quaternary
8. How many Kilocalories come from 1g of a protein?
a. 9 kcal
b. 7 kcal
c. 4 kcal
d. 6 kcal
9. Increased protein intake leads to..?
a. A Lower nitrogen balance
b. A higher nitrogen balance
c. Higher urea output of Nitrogen
d. Lower urea output of Nitrogen
10. If a women is pregnant she probably has?
a. Positive Nitrogen Balance
b. Negative nitrogen balance
c. Equal Nitrogen Balance