Feudalism Assessment Questions: Divine Right to Rule: the belief

Feudalism Assessment Questions:
1. Divine Right to Rule: the belief that God gives monarchs the right to vote
2. Nobles: a person of high rank by birth or title
3. Monarch: a ruler, such as a king or queen
4. Manor: a large estate, including farmland and villages, held by a lord
5. Fief: land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
6. Hierarchy: a system of organizing people into ranks, with those of higher rank
having more power and privileges
7. Chivalry (Code of Chivalry): the medieval knight’s code of ideal behavior, including
bravery, loyalty, and respect for women
8. Feudalism: economic and political system that developed in Europe during the
Middle Ages
9. Social Pyramid: a social structure in the shape of a pyramid, with layers
representing social classes of different rank or status
10. Homage: formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance
11. Interdependence: two or more groups depending on each other
12. Vassal: holder of land on conditions of homage and loyalty
13. Charlemagne: Charles the Great, encouraged education, court is center of culture,
unified Christian lands, crowned Holy Roman Emperor, helped feudalism by
rewarding knights with land and privileges
14. William the Conqueror: King of Normandy, won Battle of Hasting to become King of
England, decreased power of nobles, taxes, and census
15. Battle of Hastings: Battle found for English thrown—William the Conqueror won—
brought Feudalism over
16. Knights: an armed warrior @ age 21
17. Page: First step to knighthood, age 7, waited on hosts, learned manners, chess,
fighting strategies
18. Squire: age 14, second step, servant to knight
19. Peasants/Serfs: bottom group of Feudalism pyramid, worked the lands.
20. Motte & Bailey: types of castles
21. Siege Tower: movable building used for castle attacks
22. Trebuchet: giant slingshot
23. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Duke of Aquitaine, Queen of England & France
24. Groups within Feudal Pyramid:
a. King, Nobles, Knights, Peasants
b. Kings: lands belong to monarchs
i. Kept land for self, gave out fiefs
c. Nobles: got fiefs from King (became vassals)
i. Get knights to fight for king
d. Knights: Hired by nobles to fight—now nobles’ vassals
e. Peasants: worked for lords, serfs are tied to the land
25. Relationships between King, Noble, Knight, and Peasants (see #24)
26. Charlemagne’s accomplishments
a. Center for culture
b. Education
c. Holy Roman Emperor, influence with Church
d. Fought off barbarians
e. Helped feudal society= rewarding knights
27. Significance of Battle of Hastings
a. William= king of England
b. Taxes
c. Census
d. Decreased power of nobles
e. Feudalism—order in England
28. Purpose and structure for Medieval Castles
29. Evaluate effectiveness of medieval feudal structure