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Ms. Sorrell
Course Description:
Calculus is designed for college-bound students who have demonstrated a solid mathematical ability and interest in continuing
mathematics at a higher level. The course begins with a unit focusing on functions, their graphs, and properties. A study of limits
leads to the concept of the derivative, and applications of the derivative are developed. Both definite and indefinite integrals are
presented. Methods of solving differential equations are covered. A discussion of various modeling that can be done with
differential equations is included. Applications of integration, including finding areas and volumes follow. Graphing calculators and
the DESMOS iPad app are used extensively to discover, apply, and reinforce numerous concepts taught throughout the course.
How you will be graded:
 Homework and class work (including writing assignments and journal entries on Google)
 Class participation (not just how often you raise your hand, but preparedness too!)
 Tests and quizzes (tests are announced, quizzes may be unannounced)
 Group work
 Class work
Homework Policy: Homework reinforces important concepts taught in class. For you to succeed in this class, YOU MUST DO
HOMEWORK EACH AND EVERY NIGHT!! All work, (including work done on calculators and in your heads!) should be shown at all
times. You must always attempt every homework problem assigned. Those who consistently leave the last 2-3 “hard”
questions blank will lose points on homework grades. Homework can be found on the board each day at the end of class and
also on Google.
Homework is assigned daily and checked frequently. I may also check homework other times during the marking period, not
necessarily on the days that the assignments are being graded. This is a college preparation course, so you are expected to do
your homework each night. Total homework points amount to a quiz grade, so it is possible to significantly hurt your marking
period average by missing homework assignments.
What to do if/when you’re absent: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get homework and notes from the days you missed class.
When you are absent and have missed an assignment, test, or quiz, a zero will go into my grade book. Make-up homework and
class work should be handed in at the beginning of class the day you return. You should also expect to make up quizzes and
tests the day you return to school. Quizzes and tests not made up within ONE DAY of your return to school will result in a zero
grade. I will not hunt you down or remind you for your make-up work. Please make sure you check Google for any materials
you can download, print, and review on your own. Find a responsible classmate so that you can contact them about make-up
Phone, email, IM:
If you miss class because you left early, came to school late, or went on a field trip, you are responsible for missed work! If you
arrive to school late and there is a quiz or test in the block you missed, you must come see me THAT DAY to make it up during
lunch, study, or after school; if not, you will receive a zero. If we do not meet the day following your absence, please contact me
to find out what you missed!
Lateness Policy:
“If you can’t be on time, be EARLY!” ~ Anonymous
If you enter the classroom after the bell rings, you are considered late to class. Lateness to class is unacceptable. If you are late
to class for any reason and arrive without a pass, you will receive a detention that can only be served during your lunch period.
If you arrive late to first block with a pink pass, the following consequences will occur: 2 nd lateness – call home and teacher
detention, 4th late – referral for office detention. Excessive lateness to class will also affect your class participation grade.
Regarding CELL PHONES and other electronic devices (iPods, MP3 players, etc): Cell phones and other electronic devices are
NOT permitted during class time. I strictly enforce a “clean desk policy”: textbooks, binders/notebooks, calculators, pencils, and
materials specific to the day’s lesson are the only items permitted on your desk. All purses, backpacks, and other personal
belongings used to “mask” the art of texting are to remain beneath your desks at all times. Keep in mind the following phrase:
“If I see it, I take it.” Keep your cell phones off or on silent in your bags or else in your locker. More than 1 warning for violating
this policy will result in detention. Don’t risk it!
Required Materials:
Textbooks (when brought to class, they must be covered at all times)
Organized notebook with sections for warm-up problems, class notes, homework, and handouts
Pencils (homework, quizzes, and tests will not be accepted if done in pen – no exceptions!)
Calculators: TI-84, TI-84 Plus, TI-83 (NOT the TI-89)
Classroom Expectations:
 ALWAYS come to class prepared & on time with a covered textbook, notebook, pencil/pen, and completed homework.
 ALWAYS, by the start of the bell, be seated, have your homework out, and begin working on the “Warm Up” problem
and/or activity sheet.
 ALWAYS be respectful:
o One person speaks at a time
o There are no such things as dumb questions!
o DON’T use foul language.
 ALWAYS show your work on class work, homework, quizzes, and tests – FULL CREDIT will only be given if you show
your work!
 ALWAYS do your homework – it will be checked and frequently collected!
 ALWAYS keep working until the end of class – the bell does not dismiss you, I do!
Use of Google & Power School: Use of Google and Power School in this course is required. You are expected to check your
school e-mail and class blog on a regular basis. HW assignments are posted daily on the calendar, and worksheets will
frequently be posted in the class blog. I will also be posting extra help availability notifications on Google as necessary. Power
School is a great tool for you and your parents to use for assessing your progress in this course. Please rely on Power School,
rather than me, to find out your updated class average.
Course Grading: The grading system I use is total points.
 Tests and quizzes will be given multiple times throughout each marking period. Tests will always be
announced; however, quizzes will not.
 Pop quizzes may and will be given at any time during the year. I will drop your 2-3 lowest POP QUIZ scores
when calculating marking period grades. If you are absent on the day of a pop quiz, that quiz score counts as
a dropped score. Pop quizzes cannot be made up so be mindful of your attendance!
 Mathematics is cumulative. You need to master and retain certain skills for upcoming topics so tests and
quizzes will be cumulative. Once a chapter test has been given, expect to see that information again at any
 Marking period cumulative tests will be given to help with course recommendations for next year.
Cheating and Plagiarism: There is a zero tolerance policy in this class with regard to cheating. This includes copying assignments
from another student or copying information directly from another source and claiming it as your original work. Any and all
students involved in these activities will face the consequences of a call home, appropriate disciplinary action, and a grade of
“0” on this assignment which you cannot make up.