Applicant Approval Declination Template


LAB15 – Applicant Approval and Declination


Dear applicant of the Falling Walls Lab XXX ,

It is our pleasure to inform you that our selection committee has accepted your application for the Falling Walls

Lab XXX . Congratulations!

 We would appreciate, if you could confirm your participation as soon as possible, at the latest until XXX .

 Please include the final title of your presentation in the confirmation email: 

THE WALL OF {complete your title in 2-3 words} 
 As the title of your presentation will be linked to the production process of organisational material we would request it to be finalised. Attached you will find the

PowerPoint Template for your presentation. We kindly ask you to send us your finalised PowerPoint presentation latest by XXX . The Falling Walls Lab takes place on XXX at the XXX . The event starts at XXX , registration opens at XXX .

If for any reason you may not be able to attend, please inform us immediately, in order to allow another applicant to participate.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in XXX .

Kind regards,



Dear applicant of the Falling Walls Lab XXX ,

Thank you for expressing your interest in the Falling Walls Lab and for your application. Our selection committee has thoroughly evaluated all the applications and unfortunately, we have to inform you that we could not consider your application.

Of course, this only applies to this year’s Falling Walls Lab. In case you are interested in other Falling Walls events or next year’s Falling Walls Lab, please find the latest updates on

and follow us on and .

For more information about the supporters of the Falling Walls Lab, A.T. Kearney and Festo please visit



Kind regards,

