Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Semiconductor Quantum

SemiconNano2015, Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 6-September 11 2015
Submission Format for SemiconNano2015
(Title in 18-point Times font)
Jen-Inn Chyi
National Nano Device Laboratories, Narlabs, Taiwan
Email address: xxx@xxx.xxx
Wen-Kuan Yeh, Jia-Min Shieh, and Guo-Wei Huang
National Nano Device Laboratories, Narlabs, Taiwan
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P  
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V   R m
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SemiconNano2015, Hsinchu, Taiwan, September 6-September 11 2015
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Figure 1
Double alignment MEIS 2D data (100 keV H+ incident along [2-1-11]) for MnSb(0001)(2×2)-GaAs(111)B, showing <4-2-21> and <2-1-11> blocking dips with strong Sb and
Mn edges, plus weak Ga edge.
P.A. Bone, J.M. Ripalda, G.R. Bell and T.S. Jones, Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) 973.
A. Wendt and R. Duvall, Political Theory 36 (2008) 607.
P. Halevi, Phys. Rev. B 77 (2010) 167772.