Newsletter 27.11.15 - Gainsborough Primary and Nursery School

Gainsborough Primary & Nursery School
27th November 2015
Issue 11
Bobble Hat Heroes
On 4th December 2015, for a small
donation, we would love the children
to come to school wearing their
favourite, quirkiest or funniest
bobble or festive hat and raise
money for NSPCC ChildLine. All
children should come to school in
their Gainsborough school uniform
as normal, but may wear their hat at
break time and lunch time.
Sports Hall Athletics
‘Well Done’ to all the children who
took part in the Sports Hall Athletics
competition at South Cheshire
College on Tuesday. The teams
performed brilliantly with the Year 5
and 6 team finishing 1st and the Year
3 and 4 team finishing 2nd.
School Uniform
The children are looking very smart
in their school uniforms and school
shoes. Mrs Nurse will be awarding
certificates to the ‘Best Dressed
Class’ in our assembly next week.
As the weather turns colder, please
ensure that your child wears a warm
coat and sensible school shoes, not
trainers, to school. If you are unsure
of what the children can wear,
please have a look at the school
website. We have warm woolly
Gainsborough knitted hats for sale
in the office at a cost of only £2.00.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Despite the rain and cold weather, both the children and staff had a
great time during the Year 4 residential visit taking part in activities
such as climbing, archery and the zip wire.
The Athletics Team performed brilliantly at the Sports Hall athletics
completion this week with Y5 & Y6 now going through to the next
round during the Spring Term. Come on Gainsborough!!
Also this week we were very lucky to have a visit from a well know
reading expert, Professor Jane Oakhill who has written a number of
books about the teaching of reading. As part of her research, she
observed some of our reading sessions and interventions and spoke
to a number of staff about the teaching of reading in school.
Many thanks for your continued support. Have a good weekend.
Miss N Hough
Acting Head Teacher
The Big Switch On!
On Monday, the Mayor of
Crewe along with Lucy and
Poppy from Year 4
switched on the Christmas
lights on Nantwich Road.
The new lights look
stunning and will really
complement the lights in
the Town Centre when
they are switched on on
Friday 27th November.
Our website address is: If you have any suggestions
about the website or newsletter or any comments, please let us know.
Cup Winners
The Cup Winners for this week are:
Class 1: Lena
Class 2: Olivia D
Class 3: Paige and Sam
Class 4: Logan and Maisie
Class 5: Saranya, Annabel and Jai
Class 6: Kurtis
Class 7: Eva
Class 8: Lilly
Class 9: Amber
Class 10: Aaron
Class 11: Vlado
Class 12: Gabriel
Class 13: Theo, Sophie and Ben
Class 14: Owen
Commando Joe’s Star of the Week: Ethan
Office News
School photograph orders should be returned to the
School Office, with full payment, in the envelope
provided by 3rd December 2015 to ensure delivery
for Christmas.
You can now order your My Child’s Art online using
Username: GainsboroughPNS
Password: GAINSBOROUGH2015
It WILL be delivered to your home address.
School starts at 8.45am – please make sure that
your child is on time every day so that they do not
miss valuable lesson time when key skills are
being practised. Pupils can often be embarrassed
and take longer to settle if they arrive after
lessons have started.
National attendance expectations set by the
Government are that all schools should have an
overall attendance of 95.5% or above. Below are
our attendance statistics for last week.
It is expected that parents will call school to
provide an explanation if their child is going to be
absent. If no message is received, school will
telephone and/or text home on the initial day. In
line with safeguarding procedures, if absence
continues with no explanation, we will undertake
a home visit.
School school
should be updated of any on-going
absences on a daily basis.
attendance target
Overall school
attendance last week:
Class 1
Mrs Hampshire
From Tuesday 1st December 2015 the School Office
will be selling Christmas badges for £1 each with all
proceeds going to the School Fund.
Dates For Your Diary
Monday – Class 5 swimming at 12.30pm – please
ensure that your child has their swimming kit.
Governor Pupil Premium Monitoring.
Tuesday –Nursery visit for January new starters
Wednesday – PCSO Vicky – Internet safety talks
Thursday – Violins lessons for all Year 3
Young Voices choir practice 3.00pm – 4.00pm
Friday – Bobble Hat Heroes day – fundraiser for
NSPCC Childline
Class 2
Mrs Taylor
Class 3
Miss Witter
Class 4
Miss Eccleston
Class 5
Miss Woolley
Class 6
Mrs Butler
Class 7
Mr Williamson
Class 8
Miss Hodgson
Class 9
Mrs Taylor
Class 10
Miss Garside
Class 11
Mrs Banister
Class 12
Mrs Kelsall
Class 13
Miss Platt
Class 14
Mr Adlington
Please contact either Mrs Proctor or Mrs Harding if
you have any queries about attendance or absence,
who will be happy to help or advise.
Contact us on: Tel 01270 685328
E Mail: