Study Guide for energy test: A cell has a membrane bound nucleus

Study Guide for energy test:
1. A ________________ cell has a membrane bound nucleus and organelles.
2. This system of folded membranes is attached to the outside of the nucleus and is where
proteins and lipids are made. This organelle sends protein to the Golgi Bodies using vesicles.
3. The outside of the nucleus is covered by a ______ ________ that separates the contents of the
nucleus from organelles and cytoplasm.
4. What kind of energy does a cell use? ____________________
5. Chemicals found inside of these cell organelles help them to digest large molecules of food or
break down dead cell parts that need to be disposed of.
6. This is what is inside the nucleus of a cell. Also known as DNA.
7. Name, in order, the 4 stages of mitosis.
8. This type of organism contains a single cell and does not have a true nucleus, it also sometimes
has flagella and pilli to aid in movement.
9. What is produced during cellular respiration? (3 things) What is used?
10. These are used to store water and sometimes chemicals or food. They can shrink when water is
pulled out of them to be used by the organism.
11. How many stages of mitosis are there?
12. Found in plant cells, and not animal cells, the ______ ________ helps add structure and support
to the outside of the cell.
13. This cell structure is where cellular respiration takes place and where ATP is produced. It is
shaped like a kidney bean.
14. What are examples of Prokaryotes (2 things)? (PRO…NO…prokaryotes have no nucleus)
15. What are examples of Eukaryotes? (EU…TRUE…eukaryotes truly have a nucleus)
16. The generic name for any part of a cell that has a specific role or function to play in the cell.
17. The second stop for protein in the cell, this is where it gets packaged and processed so it is ready
for the cell to use. Or this organelle ships the protein out of the cell to be used elsewhere.
18. The smallest of the cell organelles __________ are used to make proteins.
19. What are the 3 parts of the cell theory.
20. This is the name of the process used to replicate cells and create 2 new identical cells.
21. Sugar is addictive in the same way that __________ is addictive.
22. This organelle contains DNA and is the control center for the cell.
23. A gel like substance inside the cell that holds organelles in place is known as __________.
24. What are chloroplast and chlorophyll and what type of cells are they in?
25. ? What is mitosis? Why is mitosis important?
26. How many chromosomes are in a human cell? How many are in a diploid cell? A haploid cell?