Unit 7 SEX ED Study Guide Document


Sex, STI & Reproduction Study Guide

REVIEW ONLINE POWERPOINT – STUDY REVIEW - ALSO Chapters 6, 18, 19 & 22 (Read Pages:152-159; 458-511; 572-599)

Prostate Health Concerns

 Function of Major Endocrine Glands and Endocrine System in general (RELEASE HORMONES DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOODSTREAM) o Pituitary o Thyroid o Adrenal o Hypothalamus

Male & Female Anatomy and basic functions of

Toxic Shock Syndrome

 Stages of Birth from Fertilization to Birth o

After birth, Placenta o Amniotic sac

 Postpartum Period

Premature Birth (BEFORE 37 WEEKS)

 Functions of o Hormones o Chromosomes o Gene o Pituitary Gland



 Abstinence

 Testosterone


 Menopause


Contraceptive facts

 Sperm & Semen

 Miscarriage (before 20 weeks) VS. Stillbirth

Menstrual Cycle (28 Days)

 Ovulation Process


1. Sperm: the reproductive cell in males.

2. Semen: the mixture of sperm and fluids produced by the glands of the male reproductive system.

3. Testes: the male reproductive glands.

4. Hormone: a chemical substance produced by en endocrine gland.

5. Testosterone: the sex hormone that affects the production of sperm and signals certain physical changes at puberty.

6. Pituitary Gland: an endocrine gland in the brain that controls many functions, including growth, reproduction, and metabolism.

7. Scrotum: a sac of skin that contains the testes.

8. Puberty: the period of sexual development during which a person becomes sexually mature and physically able to reproduce.

9. Penis: the external male sexual organ through which sperm leave the body.

10. Circumcision: in some males a surgical process removes the foreskin.

11. Prostate Gland: add a fluid that protects the sperm..

13. Epididymis: when sperm grows and matures it is stored here.

14. Seminal Vesicle: adds a fluid that provides a source of energy for the active sperm.

15. Vas Deferens: sperm travels through here to get to the seminal vesicle.

1. Uterus: the hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ in which a fertilized egg develops and grows.

2. Ovaries: the female reproductive glands.

3. Estrogen: the female sex hormone that signals certain physical changes at puberty and controls the maturation of eggs.

4. Vagina: the hollow, muscular passage leading from the uterus to the outside of the female body.

5. Pap Smear: a medical procedure in which a sample of cell is taken from the cervix and examined under a microscope.

6. Ovulation: the process during which one of the ovaries releases a ripened egg.

7. Menstrual Cycle: the process during which an ovary releases a mature egg that travels to the uterus; if the egg is not fertilized the uterus lining is shed and a new cycle begins (28 Days – on average)

8. Ovaries: the reproductive cells in females

9. Menopause: the times of life during which the ovaries slow down their hormone production and no longer release mature eggs.

11. Fallopian Tubes: the passageways that carry eggs away from the ovaries.

13. Toxic Shock Syndrome: Medical condition associated with the use of tampons by bacterial infection..

15. Cervix: expands to allow the baby to pass through.

Chapter 22: STI’s

1. Antibiotic: a drug that inhibits or kills bacteria.

2. AIDS: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, an often-fatal disease of the immune system caused by HIV infection.

3. Chlamydia: a very common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria.

4. HIV: the human immunodeficiency virus, an incurable sexually transmitted infection that can lead to AIDS.

5. Human Papilloma Virus: a very common viral sexually transmitted infection.

6. Gonorrhea: a bacterial sexually transmitted infection that infests the urinary tract of males and females and the reproductive organs of females.

7. Infertility: the condition of being unable to reproduce.

9. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: a serous infection of the female reproductive organs that can lead to infertility or an ectopic pregnancy.

10. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI): an infection caused by any pathogen that spreads from one person to another during sexual contact.

11. Syphilis: a serious bacterial sexually transmitted infection that progresses through 3 distinct stages.

12. Trichomoniasis: a sexually transmitted infection caused by a protozoan that infects the urinary tract or vagina.
