Use of pupil premium funding 2015-16

Use of 2015-2016 Pupil Premium
Proposed spending on delivery of ‘Closing the Gap Activities’
for the period September 2015 to August 2016
(Allocation for the financial year April 2015 to March 2016 was £176,440. Proposed spending will be
finalised and this document updated post April 2016 when the pupil premium allocation for the financial
year April 2016 to March 2017 is known.)
Six main areas have been prioritized for narrowing the gap activities in 2015-2016:
1. Addressing the increasing levels of pupils requiring mental health support by using the services of
Place2Be, the leading UK provider of school based mental health support for children and their parents.
2. Continuing our drive to improving the communication and language skills of our children and in
particular the youngest pupils who frequently enter school with levels of language and communication
skills that are well below national expectations. This focus should enable our pupils to develop their writing
skills as they move up the school.
3. Improving the basic skills, including those relating to the phonics and reading skills, of our pupils and
enabling them to develop a culture of reading for enjoyment.
4. Continuing to develop our parental support, particularly by again providing additional in- house courses
as requested by parents in previous surveys.
5. Providing tailored additional support for individual pupils or small groups of pupils where we feel that
they would benefit in a different way.
What this Delivered
A range of in-school
counselling services
which support children
with emotional and
behavioural difficulties,
helping them become
successful learners
A trained teaching
assistant delivering
group and individual
programmes to
improve speech and
language skills
Targeted Pupils
Estimated Cost
Knowsley Parent
In-house courses for
parents focusing on
development parent al
skills in supporting their
children e.g. phonics
N-Y6 parents
SENISS support
Assessments made by
specialist LA staff to
inform customised
intervention strategies
for relevant pupils to
assist in Closing the Gap
in English and Maths
Communication &
Language Skills
Lexia Reading
Educational visits
Extra EPS sessions
Ad-hoc support for
PP families
1:1 support
LCC Cont Partnership
Training for staff
Reading books
To improve
fundamental reading
In-house theatrical and
other performances
which pupils would not
otherwise have access
Taxis/day care
provision/discounts for
educational visits etc.
Trained support staff
delivering 1:1 and
group targeted
intervention support in
English and Maths
1:1 support for children
with specific needs
Appropriate training for
staff delivering pupil
premium interventions
as required
All pupils
Pupil premium
children requiring
1:1 support
Staff working with
pupil premium