File - Scorton Medical Centre

Minutes of Scorton Medical Centre
Patient Participation Group Meeting
Monday 22nd June 2015
Staff – Dr J Dootson, C Harker
Patients – F Bacon, Y Boothroyd, V Cook, D Gorman, R Hunter, D Jones,
A Moore, J Nicholson, M Nicholson, M Pettit, I Robinson, M Steckles,
R Stowe, A Van Niekerk, S Wardell
JD welcomed everyone to the first PPG meeting and went over
the ground rules
Everyone introduced themselves to the group advising which
village/area they were from
Apologies had been received from J Taylor and D Hill
JD gave a brief explanation of a PPG – Initially it had been offered
to GP surgeries as an ‘Enhanced Service’ where practices would
engage with a PPG and payment would be made if certain targets
were met – the partners at Scorton felt uncomfortable with this
and therefore did not sign up to this service – however it now no
longer an ‘Enhanced Service’ but part of the GMS contract and
also a requirement for CQC (Care Quality Commission) who
inspect all medical services. JD explained that initially we
selected patients for the group from a cross section of the
practice population age/gender/ physical /mental
health/Carers/disabilities as required by the contract but also
explained that this is now ‘your group’ to progress as you decide.
Both JD & CH are here to support but the group is in your hands,
JD suggested 3 areas that could be focussed on initially:
 Communication – improve the transfer of information
between Practice/patients – currently practice leaflet,
Group to decide if PPG
to be taken forward on
a formal or informal
notice boards and website
 Health Education – help patients to be responsible for
their own health as per National Agenda
 Practice Services – contribute to continuous
improvements to services – obtain feedback
JD emphasised that this group is not a forum for individual
concerns or complaints
Group could be as many or few as you decide – this is not to be
an onerous task – could be a ‘virtual group’ if required,
dates/frequency of meetings is for the group decision but
thought not to be more than 2 or 3 per year after initial setting
up of the group. Referred to NAPP which is available on-line
(National Association for Patient Participation)
JD opened the floor for any ideas – every group needs a leader –
minutes of meetings will be posted on the surgery website and
open up PPG for anyone to join
PPG is for all Scorton Medical Centre patients – our area covers
not just Scorton but towards Richmond/Barton/Kirby Fleetham
and surrounding areas – we have approx. 3500 patients which
has stayed reasonably stable although has increased slightly –
A VK asked if we were near capacity – we don’t have a figure at
which we will stop taking patients at the moment but don’t feel
we can anticipate any increase in practice size
IR & MS are part of SCB – currently covers Scorton, M Tyas,
Richmond and surrounding areas – limited volunteers – VC asked
if this was just for elderly – IR & MS confirmed it was for any
residents but currently could only offer a chat/cup of tea/play a
game/little bit of company – may be a forum to take forward to
help both SCB and Scorton PPG
IR asked if a constitution and terms of business were required – it
was agreed that we were too early in the setting up of the group
but may be something the group could take forward
MS & MP suggested getting in touch with other PPG’s in our area
– Leyburn/Bedale were a possibility
JD briefly explained the Government 5 year plan – V C asked if
Scorton had any particular plans for change – JD & CH explained
that we do not have any specific at the moment - possibility that
Consultants may come out to the surgery – surgery is not owned
by the Partners so no major work expected – we have capacity to
work with any changes required but no funds are available
It was suggested that PPG could possibly work with
vulnerable/frail patients – possibility of arranging prescription
collection/transport to surgery
IR also part of the Parish Council – they have a system in place
Various members to
contact other
PPG’s/forums for ideas
on how to take Scorton
PPG forward
which covers collecting prescriptions – possibility both Parish
Council and PPG could work together
J & M N both part of Moulton Village association – could possibly
link up with PPG regarding communication
A VK suggested a seat for outside the surgery – this was thought
to be a good idea – fund raising committee would need to be set
up to raise funds – also asked if appointments can be booked
online – these can but JD explained these were limited as we
were not able to discriminate against patients who don’t have
access to the internet –
A VK agreed Health Promotions would be a good idea
JD – we are very fortunate in this area but in other areas PPG
members have set up ‘weight watching facilities’ and ran basic
drop in sessions – surgery would be willing to support
IR advised there were several other groups in the Scorton Area –
cycling/trying to set up a youth group
MS asked how minutes would be circulated – CH will email to
those who have confirmed their email for this meeting and if
required the next but it would be up to the group to arrange in
the future
Monday 28th September at Scorton Medical Centre @ 7.00 pm