Minutes_dated_20.11.2013 - the Lisson Grove Health Centre

Minutes of 14th PPG (Patient Participation Group) meeting held on
Wednesday 20th November 2013
Caroline Gunn (Secretary)
Don Mackenzie
Chris Davies
Raymond Lyons
Sue Chambers
Ros Barker
Roma Aktar
Rabia Jabarkhail
Mohammed Alam
Apologies - None received
1. Minutes of the last meeting approved – query over who was getting notice Board – DM will
purchase and CG will have this put up.
2. Matters Arising
3. 2 articles from Dr Tonkin and Dr Levy. The sub group has had no time to meet. CD has written an
article on the PPG and the PRG. Just going to be a small newsletter this time. All PPG members
have had their own personal issues to deal with over the past few months.
We are trying to get the practice community involved to try and help the practice overcome failures
and weaknesses.
CG informed the PPG that the staff would also welcome some positive comments.
4. Community Health Champion Roma Aktar has joined the PPG. She and her team and been helping
the local community with signposting to various departments, courses for 20 local residents. It is
funded by Westminster Council and the NHS and is based in Church Street.
Feeling by some of the local community that the Drs and Nurses need to be more supportive of the
local population and understand their needs more. Quite a few have had problems with the surgery
and the staff within it from all areas. Occasional they feel a lack of respect by the Drs, and a fobbing
off of their problems. Not by all Drs but by some.
Roma is going to meet with her community with DM in January to run through some of the issues
both positive and negative.
5. The PRG needs more advertising in order to encourage more participation. Hopefully the new notice
board will help with this.
6. Website – the PPG section is not very user friendly – Mario to look into this with Mysurgery website
7. Support group for admin staff. Roz has suggested that a group be set up with a therapist for the
receptionists to help them through stressful situations. CG to ask partners if OK to do this. RosB has
offered to help.
8. NAPP membership needs renewing
9. CG informed the PPG that the funding for the PPG will be rolled into next year – so there will not be
such stringent requirements of the PPG. However the PPG do need to devise a questionnaire for the
patients which needs to be completed by 31 March 2014.
10. Date of next meeting
Wednesday 22nd January 2014 at 6pm