Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview for Terms 1 and 2 2012/13

Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview for Term 3 and 4 2016
Narrative: Adventure stories
Can I identify common themes in adventure
What do I need to do in order to be able to
write my own story in this style?
Can I use descriptive language to make my
story interesting to the reader?
Can I develop my characters?
Can I use apostrophes to mark singular and
plural possession?
Can I use commas after adverbial phrases at the
start of a sentence?
Can I begin to use commas for simple
embedded clauses?
Can I use speech marks to punctuate direct
Can I classify materials as solids, liquids or gases?
Can I observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and
begin to understand the process of evaporation and condensation?
Can I understand the water cycle and why it is so important to life on earth?
Can I identify patterns in results and use these to draw conclusions?
Can I use scientific reasoning and language to make and justify decisions?
MFL: French
Can I describe colours using pronouns ‘et’ and ‘est’?
Can I recognise, say and write words for body parts?
Can I use the adjectives ‘grosse’ and ‘petit’?
Can I ask questions and write simple sentences about
members of the family and pets?
Can I use religious vocabulary to
understand the meaning of religious
Can I add and subtract two digit numbers using a
written method?
How will I round two, three or four digit numbers
to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000?
Can I partition, round and order four digit whole
Can I partition, round and order decimal
Do I know when to round remainders up or
Can I multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers
by a one-digit number using formal written
Can I recognise and count in tenths?
Can I recognise equivalent fractions?
Can I add and subtract fractions with the same
Do I know the number of seconds in a minute and
the number of days in each month, year and leap
Can I tell and write the time from an analogue
clock, including using Roman numerals from I to
XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks?
Can I use co-ordinates and translations to
describe position?
Can I interpret and present data using bar charts,
pictograms and tables?
Can I recognize describe and sort 3d shapes?
Can I compare and convert measures of volume
and capacity?
Going for Goals/Keeping Healthy/ Democracy/Say no
to bullies
Can I set a goal and make my own success criteria to
know whether I have reached my goal?
Can I predict the consequences of my actions?
Can I talk about the meaning of democracy?
Can I identify ways to keep healthy?
Can I identify bullying behavior and do I know what
to do if I see it?
Symbols and religious expression
Can I identify the difference between
religious festivals and other types of
Can I connect stories and beliefs with
what happens at a religious festival?
Gymnastics/tag rugby
Can I throw and catch a ball with control?
Can I follow basic rules of a game?
Can I learn and demonstrate balances
(small/large body parts)?
Can I explore different body shapes (e.g.
Can I use five basic jumps on and off
Can I travel under/over/across/.through small
Can I produce sequences linking actions
Creative Curriculum (Art/DT/History/Geography/ICT/Music):
Art – Exploring and producing Aboriginal art
Can I improve mastery of techniques including painting and drawing?
Can I investigate symbols in Aboriginal art and create my own symbols to represent a
Can I research the work of Paul Klee and compare it with work by other Aboriginal artists?
Geography – compare and contrast countries
Can I research what deserts are and where in the world they are located?
Can I investigate the weather and climate of desert regions?
Can I compare and contrast a cold and hot desert?
Can I understand who lives in a desert and how deserts are used by humans?
Can I compare a country with deserts (Australia) with the UK?
Can I produce a map of a desert island including a key and using co-ordinates and compass
DT – Cooking bush tucker dishes
Can I understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet?
Can I prepare and cook a variety of savoury ‘bush tucker’ dishes?
Can I understand that hunter gatherers/nomads selected foods based on their seasonality
and availability?