
Ecology OL Class Test
1: Give the definitions for the following terms: 10 Marks
Habitat, Ecology, Biosphere, Niche, Population
2. The following food chain is from a hedgerow. 10 Marks
Answer the following questions using the organisms in the food chain above.
What is the primary consumer in this food chain?
If the number of ladybirds increases, the number of spiders may ______________________
In this food chain what does the blackberry represent?
Name a carnivore from this food chain
The number of trophic (feeding) levels in this food chain is limited by the small transfer of
__________ from one level to the next.
3. Write out a food chain containing four organisms that you found in the habitat that you studied.
10 Marks
Using this food chain answer the following questions:
a) Name the primary producer in the web.
b) Name two secondary consumers in the web.
c) Name two herbivores in the web.
d) Name one omnivore in the web.
e) Name one carnivore in the web.
4. Use your knowledge of ecology to answer four parts of the following. 10 Marks
An organism which makes its own food is called a ……………………………………
An organism that eats another organism is called a …………………………………....
The primary source of energy in an ecosystem is the …………………………………….
The diagram shows the carbon cycle.
Name the processes A, B, C, and D.
Name the substances labelled X.
5: 10 Marks
Give the term used to describe the events outlined in the diagram
Name an important group of biomolecules that plants make from nitrates.
Y indicates the return of nitrogen to the environment. State one way in which this happens.
X indicates the change of nitrogen gas to nitrate and other useful compounds. What name is
given to this process?
e) Name a group of organisms that can carry out X.
6: 25 Marks
a) Explain what is meant by pollution.
b) Give an example of pollution and describe how this form of pollution can be
c) Human populations are producing waste materials in ever-increasing amounts. Many
of these wastes are serious threats to the environment.
1. Describe some of the problems associated with waste disposal.
2. Give an outline account of one example of waste management.
d) Explain what is meant by conservation.
e) Give a brief account of a conservation practice with which you are familiar
25 marks
a) What is a pyramid of numbers?
b) Using organisms from the ecosystem that you have investigated draw a pyramid of numbers
to show at least three trophic (feeding) levels.
c) Study the graph, which shows how the number of thrushes in a wood changes in the course
of a year, and then answer the following questions.
(i) What does the graph tell you about the number of thrushes?
(ii) Suggest one reason for the change in the number of thrushes at A.
(iii) Suggest two reasons for the change in the number of thrushes at B.
(iv) Would you expect similar changes in numbers for other small birds in the wood?
Explain your answer.