1. Homework, weeks 1

Homework assignments
Homework under each day is DUE next class meeting
Tuesday, January 8. Alphabet 1
0. Print out the syllabus and all the documents marked with “Alphabet-1” or “Alphabet-2” from the
course website.
1. Read and listen: Голоса, pp. 2-9 (Note: Most of the words in the audio exercises are either place
names or recognizable international words. If you don’t recognize them, just try to imitate the reader)
2. Use this link. Read the list. Choose any ten words you liked the most, write them in your notebook and
Thursday, January 10.
0. Send me an e-mail with the subject line Russ1 Spring 2013 YOUR NAME
1. Читать (read) и слушать (listen): Голоса, pp. 2-14 (Note: When you get to Vowel Reduction
Rules on p. 12, follow the simplified version on the handout “Alphabet and Reading Rules”.);
Голоса, p.23 диалог 1.
2. Читать (read): pp.28-30 1-3 (formal vs. informal, names, gender). You can also read about names
3. Письменно (in writing): Workbook, p.4 ex. A-10 or copy and translate 20 more words from here
Workbook, p. 1 ex. A-01, A-02 (numerals) We are not going to learn numbers in
class, you are going to do this on your own. The numbers will be included in the
test. Alternatively, use these links: http://www.learnrussiannumbers.com/ and
4. Эрик’s story online (or follow the link on the back cover of Голоса). First, read along with the
reader, then try to read the Russian words by yourself.
5. Print out all the documents marked “Chapter 1/1” from the course website.
6. EXTRA CREDIT “The Musical Reading Exercise” (available on the course website)
Tuesday, January 15. (Chapter 1/1)
0. If you haven’t done so, send me an e-mail with the subject line Russ1 Spring 2012 YOUR NAME
1. Читать (read) и слушать (listen): p. 23 диалог 1
2. Читать (read): Голоса pp.28-29, 32 1-4 (formal vs. informal; names; gender; “my”)
3. Письменно (in writing): Голоса p. 31 ex. 1-22 (names)
Workbook, p. 23 ex. 01-11 (my)
4. Устно (orally): Workbook, p. 15- O(ral) D(rill) 1(greetings), 2 (greetings), 5 (gender), 6 (my)
5. Follow the instructions on the handout Русская семья ‘Russian family’ (available on the course
website). Use this site for reference.
6. Go over Vocabulary pp. 40-42
7. Print out all the documents marked “Chapter 1/2” from the course website.
!!! Next time Alphabet Quiz I (reading)
Thursday, January 16. ALPHABET QUIZ I (reading) (Chapter 1/2)
1. Читать (read) и слушать (listen): Голоса, p. 23 диалоги 1, 2
2. Читать (read): Голоса, pp.32-33 4, 5, 6 (gender, case)
3. Memorize Диалог 1(will be checked in class; know the spelling)
4. Письменно (in writing): Workbook p. 19 01-01, 01-02 – numbers; Голоса p. 31 ex. 1-21, 1-22
5. Устно (orally): Workbook, p. 16-17 OD 3, 4
6. Follow the instructions on the handout Русская семья ‘Russian Family’ (available on the course
website). Use this site for reference or chart from the print-out “Russian Names”. Note: The last
name of the family you are going to build is Popov.
7. EXTRA CREDIT: Video Assignment 1 (available online) – “Иван Васильевич меняет
8. Print out all hand-out marked with Chapter 1/3 and 1/4.