Dec. SIT Minutes Dec. 4, 2013 Members Present: D. Hernandez, R


Dec. SIT Minutes

Dec. 4, 2013

Members Present: D. Hernandez, R. Rodriguez, G. Lopez, Dunn, Gomez, Gonzales, Pidone, Alarcon,

Pineda, Saucedo, R. Chavez, Nava, Flores, Wilburn, D. Hernandez, Ochoa, Barragan




Grades due on December 18 1:00 PM. Please enter grades on regular weekly basis.

Parental portal is open.

Safety a.

Curbside services still having issues. Will send out new newsletter. Parents must display fast pass on windshield to pick up child from PK – 2 nd grades only. Upper grades 3-5 must park and pick up. Officer Baquera will help out and be on duty Mon, Wed, and Fri to make sure this rule is followed. b.

Teacher parking – Will have parking passes made up so that only teachers park in the teacher parking area.


E-PAC a.

Parent concerns: i.

Fire drill times will be presented to make sure scholars are out of the building in a timely basis. ii.

Bus supervision – teachers must make sure scholars board correct bus. iii.

Nurses should leave detailed instructions if they are out and there is a substitute. b.

Tyler Munis – parents may use computers in library to check grades. Concern: what password are parents going to use? Will they implement a guest password again? Ms.

Ochoa will take concern to EPAC. c.

Summer professional development ideas: hands on science, writing, the daily 5, CWC co-teaching models, backward design. The district may consider training on feeder pattern level. d.

Safety – Texas School Safety Center may be used as a resource. e.

There should be 6 fire drills per year. There should be two drills obstructed, one per semester. i.

New exit maps for fire drill with alternate routes will be printed. ii.

Fire drill concerns- new fence was put up since school began. Flores and

Coach Gomez will review new line-up inside of gate.


New safety officer Mr. Baquera.


Flex Days – teachers will be notified if they need to make up days on the 19 th and 20 th . PD being offered throughout district. GT training taken in October cannot be used.


Teacher of the year – Grade levels were asked to come up with criteria by Monday Dec. 9 th .

They should turn criteria in to Mrs. Chavez.


Custodial staff/Monitor gift cards – grade level representative should collect $10.00 from



teachers and turn in to Ivonne. These monies will be used to purchase gift cards for monitors and custodians.

Secret Santa begins on Monday Dec. 9. Please keep to limits.

Christmas Store – Grade levels were advised to please turn in assigned gifts by no later than

Friday. Teachers were also asked to provide names of families that would be helped with this endeavor.


Perfect attendance – there will be a bike raffled to scholar with perfect attendance.


Polar Express Stops at Butler – the movie Polar Express will be broadcast on Wednesday

Dec. 18 at 8:30 and again at 10:00. Scholars, faculty, and staff may wear their pajamas on that day. PK will participate with movies and pajamas on Tues. Dec. 17. However, PK must provide an incentive to have scholars attend on Wednesday.


Goody week begins next week. Please follow schedule sent by E-mail by Mrs. Madrid.

Goodies will be set out in the counselor’s suite.


Breakfast with Santa will be held on Thurs. Dec. 12 for 2-5 th grade and Friday for PK – 1 st from 8 AM – 9 AM. Scholars should have tickets so that teacher will release to attend. This will avoid hold up in the office. If scholar does not have ticket, parent will be asked to go to office to have staff call down. There is a list of scholars attending being drafted. a.

Teachers were asked to help with decorations for tables and walls. Please turn these in to Mrs. Nava.
