SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 1

SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, October 20th, 2015
1. Meeting called to order at 17:37
2. Quorum established at 17:44. Dr. Karl Jandrey present.
3. Call for Last minute additions to agenda was made.
4. Approved prior meeting’s minutes (September 15 , 2015)
5. Unfinished business
A- Our Oath in Action Event
Thank you to everyone who participated, especially everyone who baked dog treats or tabled.
SCAVMA made a good amount! Crystal will count and have the exact total later.
8% will be donated back to AVMF to thank them for baking supplies and help make this event possible
next year
Final numbers:
$8,000 funded by AVMF
37 booths (including 12 animal shelters and rescues, and 7 vet school clubs)
9 demonstrations by 5 organizations
9 DVM volunteers, 30+ veterinary student volunteers
15 animals adopted on site, including dogs, cats, reptiles, and rabbits. Specialty rescues (i.e. horses,
parrots, specific dog breeds) received dozens of applications to begin their adoption process.
77 pets, including dogs, cats, chickens, rabbits, reptiles, and guinea pigs, were examined and provided
with free preventative veterinary care.
Nearly 1500 lbs of dog, cat and rabbit food donated from our community to the local Yolo shelter.
Still counting monetary donations to the AVMF.
Very helpful feedback from SURVEY
The AVMF will be showcasing our event on the AVMA website to share our story, and using our
templates to train new project directors around the U.S.
Katie Krebs and Monica Chen are the 2016 project directors
B- Toilet paper
Missed our first “deadline."
Meeting to discuss after board meeting. potential subcommittee meeting next week
Mandatory for SCAVMA reps, SAVMA delegates
C - SVM Club Grant funding
11 clubs requested funding
$12,000 awarded!
6. New business
A- Board bonding event!! November 10 at 5pm. Theme: Big Lebowski
B - Pancake breakfast in December!! Jennifer Giron (and potentially Jordan) to spearhead the event.
7. Officer Reports
 Mackenzie Ruehl (President-Elect)
o toilet paper
 Hoping to publish first edition by 10/27
 First issue will focus on Asclepian Ball
 Need more future feature stories! Please let me know if there are any suggestions.
 Class reps meet after 5-10 mins for a brief brain storm
o SCAVMA bonding
 Other planners: Evelyn, Jordan, Kaori, Amanda, Monica
 Date: November 10th ~9pm
 Activity: bowling!
 Location: TBD, have lanes reserved but looking to upgrade
 Please RSVP on the new poll to confirm your attendance
Tereza Chylkova (Vice President)/ Monica Chen (Vice President-Elect)
o Brainstorming new initiatives to encourage/challenge clubs to come up with bigger and better events
(and clarify questions about funding)
Crystal Lauw (Treasurer)/Kaori Hora (Treasurer-elect)
o Checking Account: $150,922.57
o Savings Account: $35,022.82
Briana Konigsberg (UDA Treasurer)/Amanda Wong (UDA Treasurer-elect)
o UDA: $18,701.03
o Educational sponsors: $ 7,785.38
o Club funding meeting 10/19/15: 2 applications received, 2 approved.
Ceyda Bilgir (Secretary): Elections coming up - please advertise your positions to the new people.
Holly Abney (Webmaster) - website to be updated with 2019 members
Rebeca Gomez/Elizabeth Malcolm (SAVMA Sr./Jr. Delegates)
o SAVMA Symposium
 Registration is now closed. See you at the Symposium!
 Registration at the symposium will take place:
 Wednesday, March 18, 5pm- 8pm
 Thursday, March 19, 8am- 5pm
 Friday, March 20, 8am- 3pm
Rachel Ferris (Sr. Development Officer)/Jordan Cole (Jr. Development Officer)
o Alumni Day went great, thanks to all who helped!
o Ideas to get students more involved next year (student oriented event)
Amber Fischbach (IVSA representative) - nothing new to report.
Roxana Bordbar (CVMA Representative)
o Attended CVMA Conference - happy to relay our comments. Some issues included were mental health
issues of the profession. We would like to advertise our Asclepian Ball to them.
Janine Fassler (Career Night Event Coordinator) - not present.
Abigail Fosdick (Mentor Program Chair) - not present.
o Surveys have been sent to faculty, class of 2017 and 2018 to get feedback on program. email to class of
2019 to be sent later this week to gauge interest in program.
o Faculty - 81 faculty members have been involved with program
o 31 people responded
o 8 will not be taking on anymore mentees
o Can take 41-47 students from class of 2019 and 24-30 students from class of 2018
o 44 students from 2018 did not get mentors last year
o Meeting scheduled for October 27th with Dean Larimore and Dr. Owens to discuss how to get more
faculty involved in program
Chanel Baron (Legislative Liaison) - no news to report.
Elizabeth Rosalia/Steven Brookenthal/Chanel Baron (Waggie Editors)
Gigi Sharp/Sarah Herschler (Josh Project Coordinators) - nothing new to report.
Evelyn Bulkeley (Graduate professional student representative) - nothing new to report.
SCAVMA Class Representatives
o Kelly Pipkin/Natalie Kremen (Class of 2016) - not present.
o Karima Phillips/Caroline Hogan (Class of 2017) - nothing to report
o Ryan Adams/Monica Chen (Class of 2018) - nothing to report
o Kyle Peacott-Ricardos/Jennifer Giron (Class of 2019)- nothing to report
Class Presidents
o Krista Prato-Matthews/Corey Harms/Ryen Morey (Class of 2016) - not present
o Alison Gerken/Lori Hammond/Joe Raleigh (Class of 2017) - nothing to report
o Tanya Angell/Cara Murray/Arash Sarlati (Class of 2018) - nothing to report
o Lyndsay Khan/Daniel Sintov/ Danielle Pepping (Class of 2019) - nothing to report
8. Faculty Advisor and Administration Representative Reports
 Dr. Karl Jandrey (Senior Faculty Advisor)
o Alumni weekend feedback - students and the hospital staff did not really know that there was this event
going on! The Development Office is leading this event - may need to advertise better. A great idea
suggested: In the future organizing the Asclepian Ball on the same weekend as the Alumni Weekend and invite alumni over! Maybe more veterinary specific. Or possible integration of a TG a with alumni
event so they can attend and potentially even sponsor it.
 Dr. Sean Owens (Junior Faculty Advisor) - not present.
9. Committee Reports
 Surgery Pack Committee (Boyd Ervin, Briana Konigsberg, Michael Maynard, Lizzie Rosalia, Molly Stock)
nothing to report.
 Asclepian Ball Committee (Caroline Kiert, Mackenzie Ruehl, Crystal Lauw, Kaori Hora, 2017 VPs- Holly
Abney, Justin Cupka, Heather DeLeon, Rachel Ferris, Arielle Peterson 2017 SCAVMA reps Karima Phillips,
Caroline Hogan)
o -ticket sales open, display set up in VMTH
o -mentor PR push
o -class announcements
 SAVMA Symposium Committee (Rebeca Gomez, Elizabeth Malcolm, Caroline Kiert, Mackenzie Ruehl) nothing to report.
 Career Night Committee (Janine Fassler) - it’s over! Janine not present.
10. Summary of action items
 Doodle for December meeting will be sent out in November.
 Working out Pancake Breakfast event leaders.
 Come to bowling!!! and look for RSVP poll this week
11. Next scheduled meeting Thursday November 12, 2015 at 5pm
12. Meeting adjourned at 18:16