Physical Science Sequencing and Learning Targets

Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: __Physical Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: _____________The Study of Matter___
Unit: Classification of Matter (Chapters 2 and 3 no gas laws)
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain the difference between and properties of
pure substances (i.e. elements and compounds)
and mixtures (i.e. heterogeneous, homogeneous,
suspensions, and solutions)
2. Describe the atomic differences and physical
properties of solids, liquids, & gases
3. Describe the differences in kinetic energy between
solids, liquids, and gases
4. Compare and contrast phase changes between
states of matter (i.e. sublimation, deposition,
condensation, vaporization, freezing, and melting)
5. Describe matter based upon its physical (i.e.
malleability, elasticity, hardness, density, viscosity,
melting/boiling point, etc.) and chemical (reactivity
and flammability) properties
6. List the three signs of a chemical change
7. Describe the relationship between density, mass,
and volume and calculate their values for different
states of matter.
Pure substance, element, atoms, compound, heterogeneous
mixture, homogenous mixture, solution, suspension, colloid,
physical property, chemical property, viscosity, conductivity,
malleability, melting point, boiling point, filtration, distillation,
physical change, flammability, reactivity, chemical change,
precipitate, kinetic energy, phase change, endothermic, heat of
fusion, exothermic, vaporization, heat of vaporization,
evaporation, vapor pressure, condensation, sublimation,
Updated 4/30/2014
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: ______The Study of Matter_______________
Unit: _____Atoms and the Periodic Table (Chapter 4 & 5)
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe the anatomy of an atom and explain the
role and properties of each sub-atomic particle
2. Produce a scaled Bohr model of an atom
3. Describe the historical development of the Atomic
4. Explain how the strong nuclear force holds atoms
5. Explain the difference between atomic number and
6. Describe how to identify an isotope based upon
atomic mass
7. Determine the correct number of electron shells and
valence electrons for any element using a periodic
8. Describe how the gain/loss of valence electrons can
produce cations and anions
9. Identify and describe the physical/chemical
properties of the representative groups of elements
on the periodic table (i.e. metals, non-metals,
transition metals, alkali metals, alkaline Earth
metals, halogens, and noble gases)
Proton, electron, neutron, atomic number, mass number,
isotopes, valence electron, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,
halogens, noble gases, energy level, electron cloud, orbital,
electron configuration, ground state, periodic table, period,
group, periodic law, atomic mass unit, metals, transition
metals, nonmetals, metalloids, valence electrons, alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases
Periodic Table Activity
Updated 4/30/2014
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _____Physical Science 10th Grade______
Major Idea: _____The Study of Matter________________
Unit: ___________Bonding & Compounds(Chapters 5 & 6)
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe how ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds are
2. Describe the physical/chemical properties of ionic,
covalent, and metallic bonds (i.e. ionization,
conductivity, bond strength, electron configurations,
solubility, etc.)
3. Identify the bond type of various chemical formulas
4. Write and properly name ionic and covalent
chemical formula
Electron dot diagram, ion, anion, cation, chemical bond, ionic
bond, chemical formula, crystals, covalent bond, molecule,
polar covalent bond, polyatomic ion, metallic bond, alloy,
periodic table, period, group, periodic law, atomic mass unit,
metals, transition metals, nonmetals, metalloids, valence
electrons, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _____Physics Science 10th Grade__
Major Idea: _____The Study of Matter____________
Unit: ____________Reactions of Matter(Chapter 7)_
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Identify the components of a chemical equation
2. Describe the role of catalysts, activation energy, and
the exchange of valence electrons in a chemical
3. Identify chemical reactions as either endothermic or
4. Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to properly
balance chemical equations
5. Explain how an imbalance between the strong nuclear
force and the repulsive electrical force of protons can
produce radioisotopes
6. Describe how nuclear decay produces radiation (i.e.
alpha, beta, gamma) and energy resulting in a new
nucleus (daughter product)
7. Produce/analyze nuclear decay curves to calculate
nuclear half-life
8. List and describe practical uses for nuclear
radiation/energy (e.g. nuclear power, radiation therapy,
radiometric dating)
9. Compare/contrast the process, energy production, and
end products of nuclear fission and fusion
10. Describe how stellar fusion has produced all of the
natural elements (i.e. stellar nucleosynthesis)
Reactants, products, chemical equation, coefficients, mole,
molar mass, synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement,
double-replacement, combustion, oxidation-reduction,
chemical energy, exothermic reaction, endothermic reaction,
equilibrium, reversible reaction
Updated 4/30/2014
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _____Physics Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: ______Energy & Waves_______________
Unit: ________Conservation of Energy_(Chapter 15)__
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain the first law of thermodynamics (the law of
conservation of energy)
2. Explain the effects of height, mass, and velocity on
potential and kinetic energy
3. Perform experiments to record and calculate the
transfer/transformation of kinetic (Ek) and gravitational
potential energy (Eg) in a moving system (e.g., swinging
pendulum, object moving down a slope, etc.)
Energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, gravitational potential
energy, elastic potential energy, mechanical energy, thermal
energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, electromagnetic
energy, nuclear energy, energy conversion, nonrenewable
energy resources, fossil fuels, renewable energy resources,
hydroelectric energy, solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass energy, hydrogen fuel cell, energy conservation
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _______Physical Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: _________Energy & Waves______________
Unit: __Transfer & Transformation of Energy_(Chapter 15)_
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain the significance of Einstein's theory of relativity
(E = mc2)
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the various forms of energy
(i.e., nuclear, chemical, mechanical, thermal,
electromagnetic, etc.)
3. Describe the energy transformations that take place in
a given system
Energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, gravitational potential
energy, elastic potential energy, mechanical energy, thermal
energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, electromagnetic
energy, nuclear energy, energy conversion, nonrenewable
energy resources, fossil fuels, renewable energy resources,
hydroelectric energy, solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass energy, hydrogen fuel cell, energy conservation
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: _______Energy & Waves________________
Unit: ____________Waves__(Chapter 17 + some light)_
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain the structural differences between and motion
of electromagnetic and mechanical waves
2. Describe how the properties of electromagnetic and
mechanical waves are affected by the medium through
which they travel
3. Demonstrate how reflection, refraction, diffraction, and
constructive/destructive interference influence
electromagnetic and mechanical waves
4. Describe the relationship between the energy of a wave
and its amplitude, frequency, and wavelength
5. Organize and the divisions of the electromagnetic
spectrum based upon wavelength and frequency
6. Organize the divisions of the visible spectrum based
upon wavelength and frequency
7. Explain how the Doppler Effect affects
electromagnetic and mechanical waves
Periodic motion, period, frequency, hertz, wavelength,
amplitude, reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference,
constructive interference, destructive interference, standing
waves, node, antinode, sound waves, intensity, decibel,
loudness, pitch, sonar, Doppler effect, resonance
Updated 4/30/2014
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _____Physical Science 10th Grade______
Major Idea: ________Energy & Waves________________
Unit: _____________Thermal Energy___(Chapter 16)___
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain the difference between radiation, conduction,
and convection
2. Explain how thermal energy transfer influences the
pressure, volume, and density of an object
3. Determine the physical factors that influence the rate of
thermal conductivity (i.e., temperature, color, texture,
amount of exposed surface area)
4. Describe the relationship between thermal energy
absorption and emission to changes in temperature
Heat, temperature, absolute zero, thermal expansion, specific
heat, calorimeter, conduction, thermal conductor, thermal
insulator, convection, convection current, radiation,
thermodynamics, heat engine
Heat Inquiry Project
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade____
Major Idea: __________Energy & Waves____________
Unit: _______________Electricity___(Chapter 20)_____
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe how the flow of electrons produces and
electrical current
2. Compare/contrast insulators and conductors based
upon the rate of electron flow
3. Describe how batteries produce an electrical current
4. Produce tangible or digital circuits to measure electric
potential and voltage
5. Measure the voltage, amperage, and resistance of an
electrical current through various materials
Electric charge, electric force, electric field, static electricity,
law of conservation of charge, induction, electric current, direct
current, alternating current, electrical conductor, electrical
insulator, resistance, superconductor, potential difference,
voltage, batter, Ohm’s Law, electric circuit, series circuit,
parallel circuit, electric power, fuse, circuit breaker, grounding
Electricity Inquiry Unit
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade___
Major Idea: _________Forces & Motion_____________
Unit: ______________Motion____(Chapter 11)_______
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain how all motion is relative to the point of view of
the observer
2. Describe the difference between scalar and vector
quantities (i.e., speed vs. velocity and distance vs.
3. Use the appropriate formula to calculate speed,
velocity, and acceleration
4. Quantify, graph, and describe the one dimensional
motion of an object based upon its distance, position,
displacement, speed, velocity, acceleration and time
Frame of reference, relative motion, distance, vector, resultant
vector, speed, average speed, instantaneous speed, velocity,
acceleration, free fall, constant acceleration, linear graph,
nonlinear graph
Graphing Motion Activity, Vernier Probes-graphing motion
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade______
Major Idea: _________Forces & Motion________________
Unit: _______________Forces____(Chapter 12)________
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Graphically represent and calculate normal, tensional,
and frictional forces on a force diagram
2. Explain how gravitational, magnetic, and electrical force
fields are affected by mass and/or distance
3. Demonstrate that all objects have a free fall
acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s
4. Explain how weight is influenced by both changes in
gravitational acceleration and mass
5. Explain the differences between static, rolling, sliding,
and fluid friction
Force, newton, net force, friction, static friction, sliding friction,
rolling friction, fluid friction, air resistance, gravity, terminal
velocity, projectile motion, inertia, mass, weight, momentum,
law of conservation of momentum, electromagnetic force,
strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force,
centripetal force
Newton’s Law Project
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: _______Physical Science 10th Grade___
Major Idea: __________Forces & Motion_____________
Unit: ________________Dynamics____(Chapter 12)___
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe and give examples of each of Newton's Laws
of Motion
2. Utilize Newton’s Laws of Motion to predict changes in
the motion of an object
Force, newton, net force, friction, static friction, sliding friction,
rolling friction, fluid friction, air resistance, gravity, terminal
velocity, projectile motion, inertia, mass, weight, momentum,
law of conservation of momentum, electromagnetic force,
strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force,
centripetal force
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ____Physical Science 10th Grade____________
Major Idea: _______The Universe_________________________
Unit: ____________History of the Universe___(Chapters 25-26)
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe the current scientific evidence used to support
the theory of the explosive expansion and origin of the
universe, the Big Bang, over 13 billion years ago (e.g.,
Hubble’s Law, red and blue Doppler shifts, cosmic
background radiation)
2. Research the technology used by scientists to study the
origins of the universe (e.g., particle accelerators,
space probes, radio, visual, and x-ray telescopes)
3. Describe the sequence of events from the Big Bang to
the first hydrogen nebulae
Geocentric, heliocentric, ecliptic plane, moon, astronomical
unit, space probe, maria, crater, meteoroids, phases, eclipse,
umbra, penumbra, tides, spring tide, neap tide, terrestrial
planets, asteroids, asteroid belt, gas giants, ring, Kuiper belt,
Oort cloud, solar nebula, protoplanetary disk, planetesimals,
accretion, core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere,
chromosphere, corona, solar wind, sunspots, prominences,
solar flare, star, light-year, parallax, apparent brightness,
absolute brightness, absorption lines, H-R diagram, main
sequence, supergiants, giants, white dwarf, nebula, protostar,
planetary nebula, pulsar, black hole, constellation, star system,
binary star, globular cluster, galaxy, spiral galaxies, barredspiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, irregular galaxy, quasars, red
shift, Hubble’s Law, big bang theory, dark matter
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ______Physical Science 10th Grade______
Major Idea: _________The Universe__________________
Unit: _Galaxy Formation___(Chapter 25-26)___________
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Explain how gravity contracts hydrogen nebulae into
2. Use the Doppler effect to explain the motion of galaxies
3. Describe the formation of black holes and their role in
the anatomy of a galaxy
4. Explain the differences in scale between planets, stars,
solar systems, and galaxies
Geocentric, heliocentric, ecliptic plane, moon, astronomical
unit, space probe, maria, crater, meteoroids, phases, eclipse,
umbra, penumbra, tides, spring tide, neap tide, terrestrial
planets, asteroids, asteroid belt, gas giants, ring, Kuiper belt,
Oort cloud, solar nebula, protoplanetary disk, planetesimals,
accretion, core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere,
chromosphere, corona, solar wind, sunspots, prominences,
solar flare, star, light-year, parallax, apparent brightness,
absolute brightness, absorption lines, H-R diagram, main
sequence, supergiants, giants, white dwarf, nebula, protostar,
planetary nebula, pulsar, black hole, constellation, star system,
binary star, globular cluster, galaxy, spiral galaxies, barredspiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, irregular galaxy, quasars, red
shift, Hubble’s Law, big bang theory, dark matter
Updated 4/30/2014
Updated 4/30/2014
Unit Sequencing: Arcanum-Butler School District
Grade/Content: ________Physical Science 10th Grade______
Major Idea: ___________The Universe___________________
Unit: _________________Stars______(Chapter 26)_______
Essential Questions/
Goal Statements:
Key Terms and Concepts:
Assessment Strategies
(Formative and Summative):
Related Activities and
1. Describe how nebulae, under the compressional force
of gravity, form into stars
2. Describe how stars, under the compressional force of
gravity, initiate nuclear fusion to produce heavier
3. Explain how astronomers use spectral emissions to
identify the contents of stars
4. Use an HR diagram to describe the life cycle of a star
5. Describe the chemical and physical changes that
stars undergo prior to their collapse
Geocentric, heliocentric, ecliptic plane, moon, astronomical
unit, space probe, maria, crater, meteoroids, phases, eclipse,
umbra, penumbra, tides, spring tide, neap tide, terrestrial
planets, asteroids, asteroid belt, gas giants, ring, Kuiper belt,
Oort cloud, solar nebula, protoplanetary disk, planetesimals,
accretion, core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere,
chromosphere, corona, solar wind, sunspots, prominences,
solar flare, star, light-year, parallax, apparent brightness,
absolute brightness, absorption lines, H-R diagram, main
sequence, supergiants, giants, white dwarf, nebula, protostar,
planetary nebula, pulsar, black hole, constellation, star system,
binary star, globular cluster, galaxy, spiral galaxies, barredspiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy, irregular galaxy, quasars, red
shift, Hubble’s Law, big bang theory, dark matter
Updated 4/30/2014