Functional imaging of osteoarthritis pain and the influence of anxiety

School of Life Sciences
PhD Research Studentship
Title: Functional imaging of osteoarthritis pain and the influence of anxiety
The aim of this project is to advance understanding of the impact of negative affect
(anxiety, depression and catastrophizing tendencies) on pain associated with
osteoarthritis. This project will use behavioural measures, neurophysiological
measures and fMRI to investigate the influence of heightened innate anxiety on
regional brain activation and functional connectivity between brain regions activated
following painful stimulation in established models of OA pain. The contribution of
altered endogenous opioidergic control of nociception to high anxiety OA pain will also
be studied.
This project will suit a graduate interested in the application of advanced imaging
approaches to in vivo neuroscience research, with an aptitude for data analysis and is
interested in pursuing research at the interface of laboratory and clinical science. The
studentship will be embedded within the Arthritis Research UK Pain Centre
( and will provide comprehensive skills and
training to students embarking on a career in integrative neurophysiological research.
This project also provides the opportunity to develop an interest in advanced
preclinical neuroimaging with unique access to The University of Nottingham’s MR
facilities and imaging training programme.
This project will be jointly supervised by Prof Vicky Chapman, Prof Dorothee Auer (Sir
Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre) and Dr Gareth Hathway (for more details see:
Applicants should have, or will expect to attain at least a 2i degree classification in
Neuroscience, Physiology, Pharmacology, or a related discipline. This studentship is
available for a period of at least 3 years starting on 1st October 2015 and provides a
stipend of at least £13,863per annum. Please note that certain eligibility conditions
apply, and therefore, this studentship is only available to UK/EU citizens ordinarily
resident in the UK.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Vicky Chapman. Email:
Applications, with a detailed CV and the names and addresses of 2 referees, should be
sent as soon as possible to Prof Vicky Chapman, School of Life Sciences, University of
Nottingham, Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH quoting ref: MRC
Studentship. Studentship available until filled.