
Chapter 8.1 – 8.2 - Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
Guided Reading
Name: _________________________________________
1) What is the most severe new threat to citrus plants in the United States?” What is the mechanism of
this threat?
2) What is biological diversity?
3) What’s the difference between population and species?
4) People value biodiversity for a multitude of reasons. Provide two reasons that you think are the most
5) What is the difference between genetic diversity, habitat diversity, and species diversity?
6) Why is “merely counting the number of species not enough to describe biological diversity?”
7) What is the difference between species richness and species evenness?
8) Why wouldn’t humans matter that much, if one argues that biological diversity should focus on the
total number of species?
9) List the top 4 most abundant life-forms/animals on Earth (according to Table 8.1).
Chapter 8.3 Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
Guided Reading
Name: _________________________________________
1) What is biological evolution?
2) According to the theory of biological evolution, what causes new species to arise?
3) What are the four processes drive evolution to occur?
4) What are mutations?
5) What is a gene?
6) What is a genotype?
7) What are genetic mutations?
8) What is natural selection? What are the four factors?
9) What does it mean if an organism is more “fit?”
10) How does a new species result from natural selection?
11) What does malaria mean in Latin? How is malaria actually contracted?
12) How did mosquitoes develop a resistance to DDT?
13) What is genetic drift?
14) How is migration related to geographic isolation?
15) Explain the founder effect.
Chapter 8.4-8.8 Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
Guided Reading
Name: _________________________________________
1) Describe the squirrel example of the competitive exclusion principle.
2) What is an ecological niche?
3) What is a symbiotic relationship that humans have in our intestinal tract?
4) What is the difference between predation and parasitism?
5) How can predation affect diversity? Give an example.
6) List 4 geological factors that affect biodiversity.
7) How did the co-discoverer of natural selection, Alfred Russel Wallace, divide the globe into
biogeographic regions?
8) List 7 factors that tend to increase diversity.
9) List 6 factors that tend to decrease diversity.
10) How do the Joshua tree, the giant Euphorbia, and the saguaro cactus represent convergent
11) Describe how three, large flightless birds represent an example of divergent evolution.
12) Why do introduced species often become pests?