Case Studies Exam #6 – Myocardial Infarction The right atrium

Case Studies Exam #6 – Myocardial Infarction
1. The right atrium received blood from the:
a. Aorta
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Pulmonary trunk
d. Pulmonary vein
e. Superior and inferior vena cava
2. What is the name of the main artery carrying
blood away from the heart?
a. Aorta
b. Atrium
c. Pulmonary artery
d. Superior vena cava
e. Ventricle
3. When blood leaves the right ventricle, it enters
a. Aorta
b. Bicuspid valve
c. Coronary circulation
d. Pulmonary trunk
e. Superior and inferior vena cava
4. Blood enters the left atrium from the :
a. Aorta
b. Pulmonary trunk
c. Pulmonary veins
d. Superior and inferior vena cava
e. Tricuspid valve
5. Oxygenated blood enters the coronary blood
supply after branching off from the:
a. Aorta
b. Coronary sinus
c. Inferior vena cava
d. Pulmonary veins
e. Superior vena cava
6. What is the coronary blood supply?
a. Blood leaving the heart through the
b. Blood returning to the heart from the
vena cava
c. Blood that is flowing through the four
chambers of the heart
d. Unoxygenated blood leaving the heart
to enter the pulmonary circuit
e. Vessels that supply the heart with
oxygen and remove waste
7. Where is the pacemaker of the heart located?
a. Aorta
b. AV node
c. Bundle branches
d. Purkinje fibers
e. SA (sinoatrial node)
8. Where is the final stop of an electrical
conduction through the heart?
a. AV node
b. Bundle branches
c. Purkinje fibers
d. Right and left bundle branches
e. SA node
9. Partial obstruction of blood flow in the coronary
arteries may result in a condition called:
a. Angina
b. Bundle branch block
c. Congestive heart failure
d. Cor Pulmonale
e. Myocardial infarction
10. Complete obstruction of blood flow in a
coronary artery may result in a condition called:
a. Angina
b. Cardiomyoplasty
c. Congestive heart failure
d. Cor Pumonale
e. Myocardial infarction
11. What procedure involves a mechanical pump
that helps a weakened ventricle pump blood
throughout the body?
a. Cardiomyoplasty
b. Heart transplant
c. Intra-aortic balloon pump
d. Skeletal muscle assist device
e. Ventricular assist device
16. Which one of these events or conditions
actually cause the symptoms associated with an
acute heart attack?
a. High blood cholesterol
b. Hypertension
c. An occluded coronary artery
d. A patient under stress
e. A reduced heart rate
12. What procedure involves replacing a severely
damaged heart with a donor heart?
a. Cardiomyoplasty
b. Heart transplant
c. Intra-aortic balloon pump
d. Skeletal muscle assist device
e. Ventricular assist device
17. In an emergency response to a heart attack
victim, which of the following are critical, lifesaving parameters prior to transport to a
hospital emergency room?
a. Administer medications for pain
(nitroglycerin or codeine)
b. Prepare an intravenous line for
administration of medications
c. Prepare electrocardiogram leads for
monitoring heart activity
d. Stabilize vital signs
e. All of these are critical, on the scene
13. Which definition best describes atherosclerosis?
a. High blood levels of phospholipids and
b. Scarring of the chambers of the heart
c. Persistent high arterial blood pressure
d. Plaque deposition on the arterial walls
resulting in blood flow restriction
e. Persistent pain when one exerts
themselves through exercise
14. Which term indicates a condition of reduced
blood flow to the myocardium?
a. Atherosclerosis
b. Cardiomyopathy
c. Hypertension
d. Infarction
e. Ischemia
15. Hypertension is best defined as:
a. Atherosclerosis
b. High blood pressure
c. Ischemia
d. Infarction
e. Plaque formation
18. Choose which of the following are not
consistent with a symptom of a heart attack:
a. Arm pain
b. Chest pain
c. Indigestion
d. Ketoacidosis
e. Shortness of breath
19. Which of the following is a critical laboratory
value for determining heart muscle damage?
a. Blood glucose
b. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
c. Platelet count
d. Sodium (Na) levels
e. Troponin
20. Which statement best defines an
a. Electrical impulses of the heart
b. Method used to visualize the interior of
an artery
c. Serum enzyme cardiac markers
d. Sound wave picture of the heart
e. X-ray picture of the heart
21. An electrocardiogram cannot detect:
a. Abnormal heart rhythms
b. Damaged areas of the heart
c. Fibrillation
d. Recent myocardial infarction
e. Size and shape of the heart
22. Of the following, which substance has been
found to reduce the formation of blood clots
that are a dangerous complication to coronary
heart disease?
a. Aspirin
b. Caffeine
c. Codeine
d. Nitroglycerine
e. Vitamin E
23. Define the benefits of beta blockers in a patient
with heart disease.
a. Dilate arteries and veins increasing
blood flow
b. Dissolve clots
c. Increase heart rate
d. Reduce risk for blood clot formation
e. Slow heart rate and decrease rate of
24. Which statement best defines treatment of an
occluded artery using angioplasty?
a. Balloon is used to open the lumen of an
b. Bypass of coronary artery
c. Dissolves blood clots
d. Increases heart rate
e. Slows heart rate and decrease rate of
25. Which lifestyle factors may lead to heart
a. Lack of exercise
b. Being overweight
c. Stress
d. Family history
e. All of the above